
This website is based on the book „Physics of the space“. [1] It makes the discoveries contained in the book available to the public. „Physics of the space“ answers fundamental questions about the nature of our world. What our world (Universe) is made of and what rules govern it.

The smallest and largest bodies in the Universe have the same functional parts and are subject to the rules applicable to fractal pressure systems. „Physics of the space“ describes rules that govern the entire Universe and all bodies in it.

To understand a simple principle is sometimes much more difficult than understand a complex principle. To find out why something is wrong, we must first learn how it is right. The „Physics of the space“ can be a way from historically created bad „scientific“ illusions that have become „scientifically verified truth“ through constant repetition. It's not an easy or short journey.

I wish the reader a lot of patience while studying the following text. It can be said that only at the end of the book does the reader begin to properly understand what the beginning of the book is about. The reader has to learn a lot of new things and forget a lot of the old one. Rely on your own reason, stop believing and start thinking! 


A small glossary for some of the terms in this book 

Non-precise names of objects and phenomena are a source of misunderstandings and mistakes. The meaning of some words in the following text differs from some commonly used English words. The following terms will be gradually clarified in the text of the book.  

The Universe = Cosmos = the name of entire World (everything). Universe is a fractal system of physical densities and physical pressures (temperatures). The word space do not mean Universe in this book!

The space = physical space. The name of the substance, that makes up everything in the Universe (raw material from which everything is „made”). The physical density of space is the only parameter that can be used to characterize space. The physical density of space is always positive. The maximum density of physical space is finite (density floor = „zero” Kelvin degrees). Do not confuse the physical density of space with the (mechanical) density of a mechanical body, calculated from the volume of a mass body and its weight (false illusion of mechanical weight).

The matter = concrete physical form of physical space. Matter continuously and completely fills the entire Universe. Mater occurs in two forms. Matter = plasma + mass (mass = only bodies composed of atoms).  

Body = body only in the physical sense of the word. Body always has a material essence. Each body must be bounded by a surface area (the shell). The shell delimits (separates) the body (spatial anomaly) from space (environment) and also from other bodies.

Particle = basic physical body. Particles are physical fractal pressure systems. Particles can be high-pressure particle or low-pressure particle. The Universe is completely and without rest filled with particles and their (fractal) clusters. There is no empty region (so-called vacuum) in the Universe.  

Plasma consists of a continuous unity of high-pressure particles and low-pressure particles. Plasma continuously and completely fills the entire Universe. Plasma is not mass! Plasma never has mechanical weight!

Continuous means that there is always physical space between physical bodies. There is never an „empty space“, (so-called vacuum) between physical bodies. One physical body cannot affect other physical body at a distance. This means that it would „skip” the influence of physical bodies it is adjacent to.

Pressure = only physical pressure (temperature) in this book. Pressure in some space area can be confused with temperature in that area. The higher the density of space, the lower the pressure (temperature) within it. The lower the density of space, the higher the pressure (temperature) within it. Do not confuse physical pressure in this book with mechanical pressure derived from mechanical force! Mechanical pressure is not discussed in this book.  

low pressure (without a dash) = low pressure in some (unbounded by shell) area

high pressure (without a dash) = high pressure in some (unbounded by shell) area 

low-pressure (with a dash) = a pressure anomaly in space, bounded by a shell, where the pressure drops (in spirals) towards the center. Can also be confused with the name „low-pressure particle“. 

high-pressure (with a dash) = a pressure anomaly in space, bounded by a shell, where the pressure drops (in spirals) from center towards the outer shell. Can also be confused with the name „high-pressure particle“.

Mass is a name only for atoms and bodies composed of atoms. Mass bodies can be viewed as physical bodies (physical mass) or mechanical bodies (mechanical mass). Mechanical mass can have a (false illusion) of weight (only on a planet below the stratopause). Physical mass have no weight. This book deals only with physical mass.

Weight (false illusion of weight) = constantly changing (non-constant) property of mechanical mass bodies. Weight = how heavy a mechanical mass body appears to an observer in a specific frame of reference (only on planet below the stratopause). Weight is only mechanical unit. Weight is not a physical unit in this book!   There is no mechanical weight in Universe (outside the planet).


Physics of space - brief content of chapters

(Chapter 1). A Universe is non-homogeneous, spherical, non-symmetrical, dynamic. The Universe is a system of physical densities and physical pressures. The Universe is not a mechanical system. What is a physical system, and what conditions (criteria) must it meet? Introduction of basic physical rules and definitions. What is an body? What is plasma and what is mass? What makes up the surface of an body? What is the relationship between pressure, surface, and motion? What is an environment? What is the fundamental physical process in Universe? The relation between SOMETHING and NOTHING.

(Chapter 2). What is the difference between the fractal geometry of dynamic spiral surfaces of (real) space and the Euclidean geometry of (virtual) flat static space? Can (virtual) Euclidean geometry be used in real space? What is a spiral toroid?  

(Chapter 3). The existence of particles is a logical and inevitable consequence of the non-homogeneity of space. What are the two basic types of particles, what is their construction” (design) and how do they work”? What is a simple, open body (particle), and what (five) basic parts does it consist of? What is centripetal and centrifugal pressure? What are the relationships between basic environment types and basic particle types?

(Chapter 4). According to what rules do particles (simple bodies) combine into complex bodies? How does the type of environment affect the shape (geometry) of a particle and, consequently, its motion? What does it mean for a particle to have a „tip“? Why can we consider a composite body of particles as a (simple) particle in a superior reference frame? What is the „mechanism” of sedimentation? What is a (fractal) fibrous structure of space?

(Chapter 5). What is the relationship between the simple particles and composite bodies from particles during their interaction? What is the surface pressure of a body?

(Chapter 6). What is physical pressure? What is oriented physical pressure and pressure field? How does physical pressure spread? What is light, radioactive radiation, electricity, magnetism and other forms of physical pressure? Why can we consider a moving particle as a (physical) wave?

(Chapter 7). What are atoms? What does an atom look like, and what makes up its nucleus? What influence does the shape of an atom's nucleus have on the shape of its surface and, consequently, on its physical and chemical properties? According to what rules do atoms combine into molecules? What influence does the temperature of the space (environment) where an atom „is born“ have on its properties? What are „cold“ atoms? How and where does the illusion of mechanical weight originate?

(Chapter 8). What is electricity and magnetism? What causes magnetism? Can magnets „attract“ each other? Why celestial bodies can't be a (permanent) source of „magnetic field”?

(Chapter 9). What is Cosmos weather? What are (really) planets, stars, galaxies, and superdense spheres (so called black holes)? What are their basic parts, and by what rules are they organized? How does mater transform himself constantly in the Universe?  

(Chapter 10). What impact does Cosmic weather have on events in the atmospheres (and other dense layers) of planets? What is an atmosphere and what comprises it? What is a gas and what does it consist of? What is an atmospheric superhurricane? What is the internal heat and surface heat of a planet, and where are their sources? Is the Earth a greenhouse? What do we (really) breathe?

[1] The original Czech text of the book is not entirely simple. Its translation was done with the help of Google translator, ChatGTP translator and Lindat translator. The translation may contain inaccuracies. The reader should be aware of this. Some new meanings of words are introduced for clarity.