4. Composed bodies (sedimentation)

4.1.       Space is a system of physical densities and physical pressures. The space is continuously filled with a pressure field composed of high-pressure particles and low-pressure particles. Both of these types of particles are in unity. One cannot exist without the other. Every particle is different. No two particles are alike.

4.2.       Particles (simple bodies) create composite bodies. Simple bodies and composite bodies follow the same rules that apply to fractal pressure systems. This means that if we observe the pressure system at any size level, it always follows the same rules. A composite body from particles can be considered as a simple particle in a superior pressure system (in a superior frame of reference).

4.3.       Each particle forming a composite body must have its shell. Each body composed of particles also must have its shell. The space density of a particle consists of the density of its shell and density of what is below the shell. The denser the interior of the particle, the higher the pressure must be in its shell. The thinner the interior of the particle, the lower the pressure must be in its shell. In other words, the lower the pressure in the particle, the higher the pressure in its shell must be. The higher the pressure inside the particle, the lower the pressure in its shell must be.

4.4.       The space density of a particle is limited by the physical properties of the space. The lowest limit of the particle space density is given by the bottom temperature (density) of space („zero“ degrees Kelvin). The upper (natural) value does not seem to be so „sharp“ and obvious. It probably moves in temperatures around 5 million degrees Kelvin. [1]


4.5.       Example 4.1. A particle can be compared to a spiral roll of paper. The spiral threads of low pressure (thick paper) are separated from each other by spiral threads of high pressure (thin air) and vice versa. Paper represents a dense space and air a sparse space. In the case of (real) space, this means a dense or sparse form of the same. The threads (spherical surfaces) of the dense space are separated from each other by the threads of the sparse space. And vice versa.

4.6.       As the particle cools, the (sparse) „air“ turns into (dense) „paper“. The particle contains larger volume of paper and less volume of air. The spatial density of particle increases, the volume of the particle decreases. The condition is that the pressure in the environment (T1) must be smaller than the pressure (T2) in the particle (Fig. 4.1. a, above). The final stage of cooling is the density (temperature) bottom. The particle is now a roll of paper only, wrapped in air (maximum pressure). Even in this („super dense“) roll, the paper turns are separated from each other by („super sparse“) air.

4.7.       From the temperature bottom there is only a way to higher temperatures. In order for the particle to „expand“, its internal pressure (T2) must be lower than the pressure (T1) acting on the particle from the environment (Fig. 4.1. a, bottom). [2] Higher pressure from the environment flows into the particle. The internal temperature (pressure) in the particle increases. When heated, (dense) „paper“ turns into (thin) „air“. The particle „unpacks“, its volume increases, the density of its space decreases.



Obr. 4.1.


4.8. Composite high-pressure particles


4.8.       Interphase (shell) of high-pressure particles [3] (TV) is created by sum of surfaces low-pressures particles (TN). Centripetal pressure is lower than centrifugal pressure in (TV). (TV) has an outer (dense) shell, two hemispheres separated by an equatorial countercurrent, and a central channel (V) of low pressure (cumulus).



Obr. 4.2.


4.9.       In the high-pressure particle (TV) pressure is directed (in a spiral) from centrifugal side of the central channel to the centripetal side of shell. The pressure from the environment is directed to the centrifugal side of the particle’s outer shell (Fig. 4.8. a.). The environment pushes the high-pressure particles together. There is low pressure in the shells of (TV). This means that high-pressure particles can easily approach to each other. When the shells approach to each other, a common interphase is formed between them (Fig. 4.2. a, b). High-pressure particles easily combine into clusters and form composite bodies.

4.10.    For a „solitary“ particle, the transition between the shell and the environment is gradual in the individual turns of the spiral toroids. The common interface between the two (TV) consists of the shells of both high-pressures (where there is low pressure). They are separated from each other by a narrow layer of high pressure, which is between them. A narrow layer of high pressure between the shells of the two particles allows them to separate without destroying them.

4.11.    The common interface is flattened due to the high pressure acting from inside both (TV). The pressure gradient in the common interphase is high. In the common interphase, dense matter is pushed out from the center to the edges (Fig. 4.2. b). Two dense rings [4] are formed (one for each TV), in which there is low pressure. The rings are separated from each other by a layer of high pressure (VT).

4.12.    A particle is never „alone“ in space. Space is formed of a continuous unity of particles (TV) and (TN). The centrifugal pressure in (TV) is higher than the centripetal pressure. This causes that each particle to „expand“ so long until the centrifugal pressure from its shell collides with the centrifugal pressure from the shells of neighboring particles (Fig. 4.2. e). Particle shells form a common interphase in space. The entire space is thus completely filled.

4.13.    Where the shells of particles touch each other, low pressure fibers are formed. [5] The greater the number of shells that meet in common junctions, the more dense matter is transported there, the more the density increases there and the pressure decreases (Fig. 4.2. c). [6] The result is a (continuous) fibrous structure of space (Fig. 4.2. d). The fibrous structure of the space is formed by the unity of pressure highs and pressure lows. The fibrous structure of the space has a fractal character.

4.14.    The existence of the fibrous structure of space is an inevitable, phenomenon that is a consequence of the basic properties of space. All objects in the Universe are a continuous part of space, they are nested in space and always have the same (fractal) fibrous structure. Where there is space, there is the Universe, there is also the (fractal) fibrous structure of space (Fig. 4.3. a).

4.15.    The fibrous structure of space fills the entire Universe. Space is omnipresent.  Every area of space has its own density and its own pressure (temperature). This means that pressure (temperature) is also omnipresent. Pressure (temperature) acts on all bodies in space at any moment.

4.16.    The unity of high-pressure particles and low-pressure particles (plasma) forms a continuous, dynamic (pulsating) environment, where it is impossible to distinguish exactly where one pressure system ends and the other begins. Plasma (the basic environment) forms a continuous pressure field, which enables the continuous course of all processes in space. As the ratio between the volume of the particles, the volume of their shells and the volume of their interiors changes, plasma can acquire a huge range of spatial densities (Fig. 4.2. f).


4.17.    Example 4.2. For an approximate idea fibrous structure of space and changes in its density, we can use the analogy of a room full of inflatable balloons (cluster of balloons). The balloons touch by their outer rubber surfaces (shells) and fill the entire room. When we „tap“ on one balloon on one side of the room, a pressure impulse is transmitted to the other side of the room through the flexible rubber surfaces.

4.18.    When we heat a cluster of balloons, the balloons expand, increasing their volume (the density of space decreases). The consequence is that even the entire room (space) will increase its volume and reduce its density of the space. When we cool the cluster, the balloons will start to shrink. [7] Air volume = (VT) will decrease and rubber volume = (NT) will increase. The result will be a smaller room (smaller volume of space) filled with e.g. tennis balls (more rubber, less air). The volume of the space will decrease, the density of the space will increase. The physical properties of such a space will vary. If we further cool this cluster, we get only a small volume of golf balls surrounded by a small amount air (density, temperature layer).

4.19.    We are in a low-pressure. The density of space increases (in a spiral) towards the center (decrease in pressure). Golf balls (G) form a density and pressure (temperature) bottom in the center (TN). The sedimentation process pushes the (more sparse) tennis balls (R) above the super-dense particles (G). Above the density layer of tennis balls (R) is the density layer of soccer balls (T). Above the density layer of soccer balls (T) is the density layer of inflatable balloons (S). [8] (Fig. 4.2. f).



Obr. 4.3.


4.20.    Example 4.3. On (Fig. 4.3.) there are several forms of the fractal fiber structure of space. (Fig. 4.3. a) shows fibrous structure of the Universe confirmed by observation. Low pressure fibers are formed by the low-pressures particles of galaxies, and low-pressures particles of star and planetary systems. Between them are areas of high pressure, formed by very high temperature plasma. See also (Fig. 9.1. g, h).

4.21.    On (Fig. 4.3. b) is a picture of the pressure field on the surface of the mass core of the star (the Sun). [9] In the image we see bright areas formed by hot (thin) plasma (VT), surrounded by (dark) areas of cooler (dense) plasma (NT). Compare with (Fig. 4.2. d, bottom), where the „cut“ is a similar fibrous structure.

4.22.    On (Fig. 4.7. c) is the fibrous structure that forms a substantial part of living organisms (fungi, bacteria, root systems, bones, nerve fibers...). Nutrients are pushed into dense fibers (NT) from the surrounding space (VT). In the case of living organisms, it is necessary to perceive not only the (dense) fibers, but also the (sparse) environment that surrounds them and that is the driver of physical processes in fibers.


4.23. Composite low-pressures particles


4.23.    Low-pressure particles have shell formed by high-pressure particles (Fig. 4.4. a). The centripetal pressure (d) from the shell is higher than the centrifugal pressure (o). Between two low-pressures particles, a high pressure region always arises, that pushes the low-pressure particles apart. Therefore, low-pressure particles combine only with great difficulty. The only „force“ that is able to hold the low-pressure particles together is again the (superior) low-pressure particle by its centripetal pressure.



Obr. 4.4.


4.24.    The pressure between the arms (V1, V2) low-pressure particle (N) decreases (in a spiral) towards the center (Fig. 4.4. a). The higher pressure from the arm (V1) flows in the spirals (V11a) and (V11b) to the arm (V2), which is closer to the center. A low-pressure (N11) is created between the arms (V11a) and (V11b). Subsequently a new (denser) wave (N12) forms behind the head of (N11). Similarly low-pressures (N13... N1n). The sum (N11, N12...N1n) forms the arm (N1) of low-pressure (N). Towards the central channel, the pressure decreases and the density of space increases.

4.25.    (Fig. 4.4. b) shows the factuality of pressure systems. The subordinate low-pressure (N11) has a shell of high pressure, represented by the arms (V11a, V11b). Between the arms (V11a, V11b) are formed subordinate (fractal) low-pressures (N111, N112, ... N11n) the sum of which forms the arm (N11). [10] We would also find a superior pressure system to (N). Both superior low-pressures and subordinate lows-pressures are subject to the same rules. See also (Fig. 10.1.).


4.26. Relationship between simple particle and environment (sedimentation)


4.26.    Sedimentation is a fundamental physical process in space. Sedimentation is the main cause of particles movement in space. Space (the environment) exerts pressure impulses on the surface area of the particle until the space density of the environment and the space density of the particle equalize. The effects of environmental pressure on the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere of the particle roughly equalize. Then the movement of the particle „stops“. [11] The particle does not have enough pressure impulse to overcome the interphase and cannot „escape“ from its density sphere to the neighboring density sphere. The particle becomes part of the environment.  


4.27.    Example 4.4. Let's use a simplified model of the particle as a spiral roll of paper. A particle is always asymmetric. The shape of the internal pressure field of the particle depends on the shape of the particle.  The shape of the particle depends on the external pressure field. In (Fig. 4.1. c, top right) the particle is in a low pressure environment. Oriented pressure (OT) in environment decreases toward the center. A higher environmental pressure (VT) acts on the northern hemisphere of the particle. A lower environmental pressure (NT) acts on the southern hemisphere of the particle. As a result, the northern hemisphere is more voluminous than the southern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere forms the tip of the particle. See also (Fig. 4.8. a).

4.28.    A higher environmental pressure (VT) acts on the larger northern surface of the particle. The smaller environmental pressure (NT) acts on the smaller southern surface of the particle. A particle moves in the direction from which the least pressure is exerted on its surface. The particle is pushed by the environmental pressure (OT) in the direction from „north to south“ (Fig. 4.1. c, top left). This means towards the center (TN). In (Fig. 4.1. c, bottom left) a low-pressure particle is in an environment with a high pressure character. In accordance with the rules of the spherical geometry of space, the particle is pushed by the environmental pressure towards „north“. That means away from the center.


4.29.    It is almost impossible to describe the interactions between particles and the environment due to their diversity and constant changes in (dynamic) space. Nevertheless, some characteristics of the basic relationships between high-pressure particles and low-pressure particles and the pressure field of the environment can be indicated.

4.30.    The direction of movement of a particle in space determines the ratio of the pressure in the particle and the pressure in the environment. We distinguish two basic states of particles with respect to the environment. Low-pressure particles and high-pressure particles. Also, the environment (a body made up of particles) can have the character of low pressure (density of space increases toward the center, pressure decreases) or high pressure (density of space decreases toward the center, pressure increases). This gives a basic relationship between the particle and the environment (space).

4.31.    For a particle in a high pressure, the rule applies. When the space density of a particle is higher than the space density of the environment, the particle is pushed (on spiral) towards from the center. When the space density of a particle is lower than the space density of the environment, the particle is pushed (on spiral) towards the center (Fig. 4.5. a).

4.32.    For a particle in a low pressure, the rule applies. When the space density of a particle is higher than the space density of the environment, the particle is pushed (on spiral) towards the center. When the space density of a particle is lower than the space density of the environment, the particle is pushed (on spiral) away from the center (Fig. 4.5. b).

4.33.    Valid in both environments. When the space density of a particle is similar to the space density of the environment, the particle remains in this density sphere and becomes a continuous part of the environment. These rules also apply to bodies composed of particles. [12]  


Obr. 4.5.


4.34. Sedimentation


4.34.    Simple particles join together to form composite bodies of particles. Bodies composed of particles exchange pressure with each other again through the particles. The exchange of pressure takes place by the flow of (simple) particles through the space between the composite particles. [13] We distinguish the equatorial flow (RP) and the polar flow (PP).  

4.35.    Equatorial flow (RP). High-pressures (VT) push dense matter (low pressure) toward the edges of their equatorial countercurrents. Low pressures (TN) take condensed matter from the equatorial countercurrents (TV), push it into the centers of their equatorial countercurrents, and in the process thicken it further (Fig. 4.6. a). Equatorial flow takes place between the equatorial countercurrents (TV) and (TN). (Fig. 4.7.).  

4.36.    Polar flow (PP). (TV) push dense matter (low pressure) into their central canals (cumulus). (TN) push sparse matter (high pressure) into their central canals (eye). The central canals are open and their interiors are part of the environment (Fig. 4.6.). Polar flow takes place between the central channels (TV) and (TN). (Fig. 4.7.).

4.37.    On (Fig. 4.7.) are two layers of high-pressure particles (V11, V12) and (V21, V22) and between them low-pressure particles (N1, N2) in a low pressure environment. We distinguish here the equatorial flow (RP1, RP2) and the polar flow (PPa > PPb >PPc). In the case of a low pressure environment, the pressure in the „northern“ polar flow is stronger than in the „southern“ one. This determines the flow direction in the central channel, which for (TN) is always towards the tip of the particle (Fig. 4.5). The opposite is true for high pressure.



Obr. 4.6.


4.38.    The equatorial flow divides the pressure field into a kind of density „half-layer“ the polar flow divides the pressure field into density layers (density spheres). In fact, there are alternating high and low pressure spherical surfaces in the individual turns of the spiral toroids. The density of space increases towards the center, the pressure decreases (in TN). This somewhat surreal situation is shown in (Fig. 4.6. b). It should be remembered that both equatorial countercurrents and polar flows have two halves („northern“ and „southern“) that rotate in opposite directions to each other.

4.39.    All particles have sidereal rotation. Equatorial and polar currents contribute to the synchronization of particles rotations. The rotations in the central channels synchronize with the prevailing rotation in the pressure field. These are complex processes that change at every moment. The rotation of particles results in the periodic movement of equatorial countercurrents in a north-south direction. [14] Equatorial countercurrents move faster in the direction of a stronger pressure drop in the environment than in the opposite direction. Movement increases the pressure impulse by which the surface of one body can act on the surface of another body. This means that the particles exert a greater pressure impulse with their surfaces in one direction than in the opposite direction. Since the rotation (movement) of the particles is synchronized, an oriented pressure field (OT) is created. The oriented pressure field (OT) acts on the surfaces of the inserted bodies according to the rules shown in (Fig. 4.5.).



Obr. 4.7.


4.40.    Example 4. 4. On (Fig. 4.8. b) there is a view from the pole into the north hemisphere of low-pressure particle (N). The pressure field of northern hemisphere (N) consists of two spiral toroids of high pressure (V1, V2) and two spiral toroids of low pressure (N1, N2) between them (Fig. 4.8. c). The density increases non-linearly towards the center. Low-pressure (N) has three density spheres (H1< H2<H3), to which correspond to pressures (T1>T2>T3). The spheres are separated from each other by interphases (MF 1-2) and (MF 2-3), which are similar to the polar flow (Pa, Pb, Pc) from (Fig. 4.7.).



Obr. 4.8.


4.41.    In the density sphere (H2) there are three particles with different density. The particle (N11) is sparser than the environment in (H2). (N11) is pushed by the environment (in a spiral) into its density sphere (HN11 = H1). In doing so, it must overcome the pressure in the interphase (MF 1-2) = (Pa).

4.42.    The particle (N13) is denser than the environment in (H2) and is pushed by the environment (in a spiral) into the density sphere (HN3 = H3). In doing so, it must overcome the intermediate phase (MF2-3) = (Pc). The particle (N12) has the same density as the surrounding environment (HN12 = H2). It becomes part of the environment and remains in (H2).

4.43.    From the point of view of pressure, sedimentation in a particle (N) can be described as follows. The pressure in the particle (N11) is higher than the pressure in the density sphere (H2). (N11) is pushed by the environment in the direction from the center (N). The pressure in the particle (N13) is lower than pressure in the density sphere (H2). (N13) is pushed in the direction towards the center (N). The pressure in the particle (N2) is the same as the pressure in the environment (H2), the particle remains in density sphere (H2) and becomes part of the environment.

[1] Measured temperature in the stratopauses of stars and in the so-called „empty“ intergalactic spaces. (Fig. 4.1.), hustotní (teplotní) dno = density (temperature) bottom

[2] The particle is not a source of pressure and has no influence on its shape or movement. The relationship between the pressure in the environment (T1) and the internal pressure in the particle (T2) can be imagined as a kind of „switch“ (Fig. 4.1. b).

[3] A high-pressure particle can be (incorrectly) compared to a (soap) bubble. A bubble is a closed mass body that does not have a central channel and an equatorial countercurrent. A bubble consists of a (dense) water shell (NT) and a thin interior (air = VT). The pressure in the bubble is higher than the pressure in the environment that surrounds the bubble. Two interconnected bubbles (Fig. 4.2. a) can serve as an (approximate) representation of the internal pressure field at the high-pressure particle where the northern (TV1) and southern (TV2) hemispheres are separated from each other by the equatorial countercurrent (Fig. 4.2. b).  

A composite body of bubbles (foam) is closest what we know and what can be (incorrectly) compared to the particle structure of space (plasma). The foam consists of (dense) water, which has a shell of (thin) air, and at the same time air, which has a shell of (dense) water (Fig. 4.2. d). In the example we are working with two different dense materials (air, water). In fact plasma consists only of a sparse or dense form the same - matter. Plasma can be characterized by only one parameter - the density of space. The pressure (temperature) in space is inversely proportional to space density.

[4] In the case of plasma particles, these are unclosed flat spiral toroids (Fig. 3.6. d).

[5] The idea of „fibers“ is not entirely accurate. The idea of strings of pearls or beads is more accurate. The pearls represent individual low-pressure particles, the sum of which forms low pressure „fibers (chains)“ in space (Fig. 4.2. d, Fig. 4.4. b). In an environment with high density of space, create „fibers“ high-pressures particles (Fig. 2.1. b). 

[6] In (Fig. 4.2. c) is a „section“ through three bubbles („particles“) and their common interphases. The interphases forms fibers of low pressure. In the middle, where the three interphases meet, the maximum accumulation of dense matter occurs. In (Fig. 4.2. d, top), only the dense fibers of interphases are shown, but not the shells of particles that co-create this structure.

[7] In reality, there is still the same volume of air molecules inside the balloons. The increase or decrease in balloons volume is caused by the change in plasma volume (plasma temperature). Balloons and soap bubbles, are a form of closed mechanical (mass) pressure vessel with flexible surfaces.  

[8] Particles occur in a huge range of densities (temperatures). For clarity (simplification), the particles in this text are (not quite correctly) divided according to the density of space into only four groups. (G = gamma) the densest particle (density and temperature bottom). (R) = X-ray particles. (T) hot particles of heat. (S) glowing particles of light (Fig. 4.2. f). Regardless of the space density, all kinds particles have five basic parts and „work“ according to the same rules.

[9] An image of the Sun's surface taken by the Hawaii Solar Telescope. Source: © NSO/AURA/NSF | CC BY 4.0. The pressure field on the surface of the star's mass core is a consequence of the centripetal pressure from (MH). It is not the result of any internal „forces“ of the star. (MH) = interphase (shell) of low-pressure particle star, where is (VT).

[10] It can be said that low-pressures (N111, N112, ... N11n) form „beads“ on the low pressure fiber (N11). In (Fig. 4.4.) only „flat“ physical waves are shown for clarity. In fact, these are 3D physical waves (Fig. 4.4. c).

[11] The motion of a particle never stops. Movement is a necessary condition for the existence of a particle (relationship - pressure, surface, movement).

[12] The space density of a particle is the sum of the density of its shell and what is below the shell. The space density of a body composed of particles is the sum of the space densities of all the particles forming the body.

[13] No two particles are alike. Particles do not directly exchange pressure with each other. The flow always takes place through the space (environment) between the particles. This means that if there is a higher pressure inside a particle than in the environment, the pressure flows from the particle to the environment and from the environment to a neighboring particle with a lower pressure than the environment. A moving particle has the character of a wave. Pressure spreads in waves. In (Fig. 4.6., Fig. 4.7.) the particle layers are linear. Reality is much more complex and constantly changing in a dynamic space.

[14] In fact, towards the center, or away from the center depending on the type of environment. In an asymmetric space, the pressures (T21, T22) on different sides of the particle surfaces are unequal (Fig. 4.8. a). This means that the particle rotates and its surface „vibrating“ (asymmetrically). Asymmetrical „vibrations“ of particles surfaces are the cause of asymmetrical pressure pulses, by which the particles act in a certain direction (not only strictly centripetal).