6. Pressure


6.1.       The difference in densities in the (inhomogeneous) space creates difference in pressures in an inverse proportion. Differences in pressures create a surface area in space. The surface area of the body is a pressure organ. Movement is created by applying pressure to the surface. Movement increases the pressure impulse by which the surface of one body (particle) can act on the surface of another body. Pressure, surface and motion are the result of the non-homogeneity of space and cannot be separated from each other (basic rule). Pressure (temperature) is a basic physical quantity.


6.2. The pressure impulse of a simple particle


6.2.       A particle is an open pressure system. Events in the internal pressure field of a particle are always a consequence of events in the external pressure field (environment). The particle is subject to the external pressure field and at the same time co-creates it.



Fig. 6.1.


6.3.       Low-pressure particle (TN) is located in environments with a low-pressure character (Fig. 6.1. a). The oriented pressure (OT) acting on the northern hemisphere of the particle (TN) is higher than the pressure acting on the southern hemisphere. As a consequence, the pressure inside the northern hemisphere is higher than the pressure inside the southern hemisphere of the particle. Centripetal pressure (V1d) in the northern hemisphere (TN) is higher than centrifugal pressure (V1o). It is similar in the southern hemisphere, but with less intensity. An oriented pressure field between the north and south poles arises on the surface of the particle (Fig. 6.1. c).

6.4.       The particle (TN) rotates and „vibrates“ in the direction of the prevailing pressure. The northern surface of the particle is larger than the southern one. Pressure changes in the northern hemisphere, caused by the oriented pressure field (OT), are more intense than in the southern hemisphere. This results in faster motion (RP) towards the south and slower motion towards the north. Faster movement means a larger pressure impulse exerted by the southern surface of the particle (TN). The southern hemisphere, inside which is lower pressure, has a smaller volume and forms the peak of the particle. Particle (TN) exerts a larger pressure impulse in the direction of the peak.

6.5.       The equatorial countercurrent (RP) can be thought of as a moving pressure „membrane“ between the pressure fields in the northern and southern hemispheres. The equatorial countercurrent in (TN) is deflected towards the hemisphere that forms the peak of the particle. (RP) moves towards the peak faster than in the opposite direction (Fig. 6.1. b). Similarly, it is possible to derive relations for a high-pressure particle (TV). High-pressure particle (TV) is located in environment with a low-pressure character (Fig. 6.1. d). The movement of the equatorial countercurrent in the high-pressure particle (TV) is stronger in the south-north direction.  


6.6.       Example 6.1. For a better idea, the particle can be compared (incorrectly) to a mechanical hydraulic system (Fig. 6.1. b). The action of oriented pressure field (OT) on the northern hemisphere of a particle with a larger surface results in changes in the southern hemisphere of the particle. Surface of south hemisphere exerts greater pressure pulses, but on a smaller area. Or otherwise by movement of smaller area, but faster. Unlike the natural open pressure system, the mechanical system is (must be) closed. Open natural pressure systems (TV, TN) cannot be compressed mechanically. They can only be heated or cooled.


6.7. Pressure field


6.7.       A particle cannot exist „alone“. The space is continuously filled by the unity of high-pressure particles and low-pressure particles. Particles co-create the pressure field and are subject to it at the same time. The pressure action of a single particle and the synchronized pressure action of a cluster of particles that form a pressure field cannot be separated from each other. Particles touching with their surfaces create a pulsating (fractal, spherical) pressure field that exerts an oriented pressure pulses.



Fig. 6.2.


6.8.       The pressures between particles with the character of high-pressure (red) and low-pressure (blue) are equalized in equatorial (RP) and polar (PPS and PPJ) flow (Fig. 6.2. a). The rotation of the particles, their movement and thus the direction of their pressure impulse are synchronized. The synchronized movement of particle surfaces creates a continuous, oriented pressure field (OT) in space. The oriented pressure field (OT) is always spherical, non-linear and non-symmetric. (OT) is still „trying“: a) to push the bodies into their density spheres (sedimentation), b) to harmonize the movement of the bodies with the movement of the environment.

6.9.       A particle that has a similar density of space as the environment and has a harmonized movement with the environment becomes part of the environment. When the space density of the particle is significantly different from the space density of the environment, the particle moves relative to the environment. The driver of movement is always the environment. This means pressure pulses of the surfaces of the particles of the environment on the surface of the given particle or a composite body of particles. A particle that moves in relation to the environment has the character of a (physical 3D) wave. A wave is actually a highly asymmetric moving particle.


6.10.    Example 6.2. The particle (A) received a strong pressure impulse on its south side (Fig. 6.2. b). This is the cause of the „flattening“ of its southern side (VT) and the formation of a peak on the north side (NT). Between the south side of particle and the north side of particle, an oriented pressure field (in blue) is created on the surface of the particle, which is directed against (OT). The particle moves in the direction of its peak against the oriented pressure field of the environment. Environmental pressure (OT) acts against the pressure field on the surface of the particle. (OT) „brakes“ the particle. The peak of the particle „flattens“. The particle moves against (OT) until it loses its peak in the region (X). The pressure (OT) on the north side of the particle is higher than on the south side. A peak begins to form on particle (A) on its southern side, and (A) gradually transforms into particle (A1).  The particle (A1) harmonizes its movement and its density with (OT) and becomes part of the environment. During its movement through the (dynamic) environment, the particle (A) transforms at every moment into a „new“ particle with changed properties.


6.11.    Example 6.3. The movement of particles in space can be compared to the movement of water molecules in a river. The river flows and there are currents and eddies in it. The individual water molecules have a synchronized movement with the flow of the river, but they do not move dramatically in relation to each other. When we throw a piece of wood against the current of the river, the wood moves against the current for a while, but then the current prevails and the wood and the stream synchronize their movement (Fig. 6.2. b). Going with the flow is the most efficient way to move (basic rule). The body moves in the direction from which the least pressure is exerted on its surface (basic rule).


6.12.    Example 6.4. The function of the pressure field (OT) can be imagined as a vibrating conveyor. The conveyor stands still and the bodies on it (at the space in it) receive a greater forward pressure impulse than the impulse when the conveyor returns to its starting position. The „space conveyor“ (OT) moves with the bodies and at the same time „sorts“ them according to their spatial density. [1] (OT) pushes (in a spiral) bodies (particles) whose density differs from the density of the environment into their density spheres. Denser bodies „fall“ towards the center, and sparser bodies are pushed away from the center (in a low-pressure environment) by the pressure impulses of the conveyor. The opposite is true in the high pressure environment.


6.13.    The pressure field can be amplified and directed by external (artificial) means. Batteries and capacitors are artificial „reservoirs“ of high pressure. When we connect the poles of the battery to two metal plates (good pressure conductors), an („artificial“) oriented pressure field is created between them (Fig. 6.2. c).

6.14.    When the battery is not connected spatial particles between the plates have pressure pulses synchronously with (OT). By connecting the battery, the asymmetry of the particles between the plates in one direction (north - south) will increase substantially. The speed of movement of the surfaces of the particles and thus also the oriented pressure impulses with which the particle acts by its surface increases substantially in this direction. The particle (A) that gets between two metal plates during its movement through space is deflected from its original path by the pressure of an artificial pressure field (Fig. 6.2. bottom). This is done by the action of artificially amplified pressure impulses, which act on the surface of the particle (A) in the space between the plates (in the north-south direction).


6.15.    What is called electricity is a form of pressure. What is called magnetism is a form of pressure. What is called an electric field is a pressure field. What is called a magnetic field is a pressure field. What is called an electromagnetic field is a pressure field.


6.16. Propagation of pressure, waves


6.16.    Pressure always spreads (in a spiral) from an area with higher pressure to an area with lower pressure (basic rule). Bodies composed of particles exchange pressure through the particles. A particle that moves relative to its environment can be viewed as a wave. Waves, like all pressure formations, have a fractal character. Pressure propagates in (fractal) waves (basic rule).

6.17.    A physical wave (Fig. 6.3. a) [2] is always non-symmetric and has a back (tail) longer than the head. In the center of the head is an eye. The head of the wave is denser than its tail. The head of the wave forms a pressure partition in space. The tail pushes the head. The wave always moves forehead forward. The action of pressure (OT) on a larger area of the back causes the wave to move in the direction of its forehead. A wave can be characterized by its amplitude and wavelength. These data are different for each wave, but groups of waves with similar properties can be found.

6.18.    It is not easy to imagine pressure processes in a („pure“) plasma environment. Observing pressure systems in a mass environment closer to us (plasma mixed with atoms) can give some idea of pressure propagation. Even in the mass environment (plasma mixed with atoms), the driver of pressure processes is always plasma. Atoms are „passive bodies“ that have no influence on their movement and only „make visible“ the processes taking place in the plasma. All movement in mass liquids and gases is a consequence of the pressure of the surfaces of plasma particles on the surface of the atoms. Mass liquids and gases that are in their density sphere are in a state of weightlessness and no mechanical inertial (Coriolis) „forces“ act inside of on them.​


6.19. Waves in a low-pressure environment


6.19.    At low-pressures (TN), the centripetal pressure is higher than the centrifugal pressure. The pressure decreases towards the center in waves. Foreheads of waves point towards the center (Fig. 6.3. c). The oriented pressure on the back of the wave (N1) acts so long until it hits the tail of the following (denser) wave (N2). The high pressure in the tail (N2) is the cause of the formation of a forehead of wave (N1) in the space. The forehead of wave (N1) turns into a spiral and creates a head of wave.  Head of wave (N1) forms a pressure partition in the space. Another (denser) wave (N2) will begin to form behind the partition (N1) according to the same scenario. The sum of the waves (N1, N2, ... Nn) forms a spiral of low pressure (N). Longitudinal waves (A) and transverse waves (B) can be distinguished between the high-pressure spirals (V1, V2).


Fig. 6.3.


6.20.    Example 6.5. Waves have a fractal character (Fig. 6.3. b). Flat waves on the open sea can serve as an illustrative example (Fig. 6.4. a). We are in marine environment in a low-pressure area. Spirals of high pressure (V1, V2) push waves (N1, N2, N3, ... Nn) , that form low pressure spiral (N) above sea level (into the atmosphere). The wave foreheads are directed towards the center of low-pressure. Wave (N1) is the sum of subordinate „small waves“ (N11, N12, ... N1n). Similary the other waves.

6.21.    Pressure (OT) on the back of the „small wave“ (N11) results in the movement of the forehead of the „small wave“ (N11) towards the center (N1). The movement increases the pressure with which the small wave (N11) acts on the next small wave (N12). The small wave (N11) pushes the small wave (N12) towards the center (N1) and up into the atmosphere. The small wave (N12) accelerates its movement towards the center (N1) and is pushed out of the water a little higher than the wave (N11). The following (fractal) small waves are similarly pushed towards the center (N1), higher and higher above the water surface into the atmosphere.

6.22.    The centripetal pressure (OT) from the stratopause on the surface area of the individual water molecules creates the so-called „gravitational force“. This is the cause why the wave (N1) acquires mechanical weight in the reference frame of the atmosphere. Mechanical weight acts against the growth of the wave amplitude (N1). [3] The gravitational force acting on the wave (N1) increases until it outweighs the pressure (V1, V2) from (OT). The wave (N1) collapses and creates a pressure partition in the space. The following (fractal) wave (N2) is pushed by a similar process higher than (N1) was. The sea level gradually rises in individual waves (N1, ... Nn) towards the center of the low-pressure (hurricane N). [4]



Fig. 6.4.


6.23. Waves in a high-pressure environment


6.23.    High-pressures have the centrifugal pressure higher than the centripetal pressure. The pressure spreads in waves from the center to the edges. This means that the foreheads of waves point away from the center. On the open sea, (flat) waves propagate from the center to the edges of the high-pressure (Fig. 6.4. b).

6.24.    Tidal waves have the character of high-pressure waves. The spatial density of the mass environment of the sea is sparser than the spatial density of the mass environment of the land. Pressure is inversely proportional to density. The pressure in the basic environment (plasma) of the sea is higher than the pressure in the land environment. [5] In the direction from the open sea to the land, the pressure decreases (in waves). This means that waves that are farther from shore push waves that are closer to shore (Fig. 6.4. b). At the same time, the water is gradually pushed upwards with each wave into the air environment, where gravity acts on it, similar to the waves in the previous example. A wave pushed above the water surface gains mass weight.

6.25.    The pressure from the stratopause (OT) on the back of the wave in the air environment is higher than the pressure in the water environment. Aerodynamic resistance in the atmosphere is lower than hydrodynamic resistance in water. In addition, the braking factor given by the profile of the bottom comes into play here. The water molecules forming the top of the wave in air receive a higher pressure impulse than the water molecules in water. A higher pressure impulse means a higher speed of the water molecules forming the top of the waves than the molecules below them. The wave overflows in the direction of movement towards the land (Fig. 6.4. c, Fig. 6.5. c). The head of the wave (N1) forms a pressure partition behind which other wave is formed.

6.26.    The principle that forces pressure systems to create pressure (density) „partitions“ in space is universal and occurs in all natural pressure systems, including biological systems.


6.27. Propagation of a single pressure impulse in mass liquids


6.27.    An idea of the propagation of the pressure pulse in space can be obtained by observing mass liquids. [6] One pressure impulse (e.g. an explosion) has the character of a high pressure. The pressure from a single pressure pulse propagates in closed surfaces and decreases from the center of the pressure pulse towards the edges. Each closed surface (wave) with high pressure alternates with a closed surface (wave) with low pressure. A high pressure wave (wave bottom) precedes a low pressure wave (wave top).

6.28.    The pressure from the „permanent pressure source“ propagates in open spiral surfaces and decreases in waves away from the center. If we replace the fall of one drop of water (Fig. 6.5.) with a permanent stream, e.g. from a water faucet („permanent source of pressure“), the pressure waves will flow in spirals away from the center of impact. An opposite example („continuous pressure consumer“) can be seen by draining water from a sink (Fig. 6.3. c). Pressure flows into the „continuous pressure consumer“ in spirals and decreases in waves toward the center.


6.29.    Example 6.6. (Fig. 6.5.) shows the impact of a single drop of water on the water surface. Impact creates single pressure pulse. The pressure will increase at the point of impact and water create „wave bottom“ there. The outer (centripetal) side of the circular area of high pressure (red) pushes a (circular) wave of low pressure (blue) away from the center of the pulse (Fig. 6.5. a, b). The inner side of the circular area of high pressure pushes a tall peak of water above the surface, which can be considered a (spatial) wave with high amplitude and a small wavelength (somewhat similar to a cumulus).

6.30.    The water molecules forming the forehead of the cumulus have a higher (centrifugal) pressure impulse. This results in the separation of the drop which has a higher speed from the forehead of the cumulus (Fig. 6.5. c). The cumulus continues with a centrifugal movement (regarding the Earth) and then a second smaller drop separates from it (Fig. 6.5. d). The high pressure (plasma) in the atmosphere acts on the surfaces of drops of water from all directions. This is the cause of their spherical surfaces.



Fig. 6.5.


6.31.    At the same time, centripetal pressure from the stratopause (OT) acts on the surfaces of the centrifugally moving water molecules. As soon as the (physical) pressure (OT) prevails over the (mechanical) pressure impulse created by the falling water drop (Fig. 6.2. b), the cumulus falls down and causes another (secondary) wave. The pressure decreases away from the center, the height of low pressure waves on the surface (amplitude) decreases, and the length of the waves increases. The pressure pulse also spreads below the surface in the water environment, but with different dynamics. See also (Fig. 6.4. c).


6.32.    Example 6.7. An idea of the spread of a single pressure pulse in space can be given by the explosion of a detonator underwater. At the point of explosion, the pressure will rise sharply (Fig. 6.5. f) and a high pressure area (sparse bubble) is formed here. The pressure in the (dense) water acting on the surface of the bubble from all directions is the cause of its spherical surface. The low pressure in the (cool) water counteracts the high pressure in the bubble (where gradually decrease temperature) so long until the bubble collapses (Fig. 6.5. g). The pressure in the center of the bubble increases again, pushes back the surrounding water and creates a new bubble (Fig. 6.5. h). The bubble (spatial wave) pulsates and is pushed by the water environment (centrifugally) towards the water surface. Hot bubbles in cold water cool and their volume (amplitude) gradually decreases. [7] The temperature of the bubble gradually equalizes with the temperature of the water environment.


6.33. Radiation


6.33.    When the pressure (heat) in the body is higher than in the environment that surrounds it, particles flow from the body to the environment (Fig. 4.6.). The exchange of pressure (heat) between bodies through the environment between them occurs by flow. The emission of particles from a warmer body into a colder environment is called radiation. This means that the (hot) body radiates into the (colder) environment particles and they flow towards another (cooler) body. Particles that move through environment are highly asymmetric and have the character of waves. The driving force of particle movement is always space (environment).

6.34.    The greater the difference in temperature between the body and the environment, the more intense the exchange of pressure between them (faster movement). The pressure impulse of the surface of the particle on the surface of the body is determined by the type of particle, its density, the speed of propagation through the environment and the speed of rotation around the path of movement. The pressure pulse of each particle always affects the body in some way. [8]  

6.35.    Radiation intensity is the sum of the effects of pressure pulses of the surface areas of individual particles on the surface area of the body. A body can be acted upon by a large number of („cold“, dense) particles with a small surface area and a small pressure impulse, or a smaller number of („hot“, sparse) particles with a large surface area acting with a large pressure impulse, and all combinations in between. We must always consider the total sum of pressure pulses of all particles of the spectrum. We get radiant flux per unit area.

6.36.    The particles are asymmetrical, rotating and moving along a (fractal) spiral. The trajectory of the particles is also affected by the pressure pulses they receive during „collisions“ with other particles. (Fig. 6.6. b, top) shows the trajectory of an asymmetric particle moving through space along a spiral.  

6.37.    The direction of the particle's pressure pulse acting on body consists of a component given by „forward“ motion and a component given by (fractal) rotational motion. This is different for each particle. By arranging the particles according to the speed (frequency) of rotation and pressure effects, we get the spectrum (Fig. 6.6. b, bottom). The spectrum is a rough distribution of groups of particles, according to their pressure effects on the body (measuring device).

6.38.    There are two extremes at the edges of the spectrum. Gamma radiation (G) is a stream of (super)dense particles with a small volume and maximum density. Their temperature is approaching the temperature bottom. These particles are found in the nuclei of atoms and in superdense spheres (so-called „black holes“). The opposite extreme is represented by (super)hot particles that are found in the stratopauses of stars and in (mega)particles of intergalactic space (Fig. 9.1., MB). Temperatures here range in the order of millions of degrees K. In the middle of the spectrum is a narrow region of visible light and heat (S, T) as we humans understand it thanks to the light and heat receptors that nature has equipped us with. There are no colors in the Universe. We only have colors „in our heads“.

Fig. 6.6.


6.39.    Example 6.8. What is light? Let's use an analogy. On (Fig. 6.6. a, bottom left) there is a container with water and a heater in it. The heater exerts pressure pulses on the plasma in the liquid. In other words, the heater increases the temperature (pressure) of the plasma between the water molecules. The heated plasma increases its volume and creates a steam bubbles in the (cold) water (Fig. 6.6. a bottom right). The hot plasma particles (steam bubbles) are sparser than the cold plasma particles of the water environment. Hot bubbles of steam are pushed by the cold water environment toward surface of the water. [9]

6.40.    The incandescent filament of the light bulb resembles an immersion heater and performs the same function (Fig. 6.6. a, top left). The plasma particles in the bulb receive pressure impulses from the hot filament, increase their volume and create glowing particles of light (S) and heat (T). Particles (S), (T) are pushed (for them by a cold environment) away from the center (from the bulb filament).

6.41.    As the particles of light and heat (S, T) leave the light bulb, they enter a (dense, colder) plasma mixture with air molecules. The cold plasma between the air molecules pushes the particles (S, T) away from the bulb. The particles (S, T) exert pressure pulses on the plasma around the light bulb. As a result the temperature around the bulb will increase. During their movement (S, T) they hit the surfaces of the molecules of the atmosphere with their surfaces. This affects their trajectory. The temperature of particles (S) decreases with distance, the intensity of light decreases.  

6.42.    Just as an immersion heater in water does not emit any bubbles of steam (they do not come out of body of heater), so the filament of a light bulb does not emit any particles of light. Only the (cold) plasma particles present in the light bulb is transformed (because we supply it with pressure pulses from the filament) into (hot) particles of light (S) and heat (T). Particles of light are not some „projectiles“ fired from the filament of a light bulb. They are only „sparse“ (hot) particles pushed by „dense“ (cold) space away from the filament of the light bulb. Each particle is different and transforms into a „new“ particle at every moment. There are no „standard“ particles of light (photons). This is plasma, so these particles never have any mechanical weight.

6.43.    The pressure field in the ocean creates ocean currents. A steam bubble generated at the bottom of the ocean is pushed away from the center (towards the surface) and at the same time is also drift by the ocean current. Its movement consists of these two components. Similarly, the motion of a particle of light (S) consists of the centrifugal motion from the source and the sum of the pressure pulses of the surfaces of the particles forming the pressure field of space (OT) on the surface (S). The speed of movement of the source no longer has any effect on the movement of the particle.

6.44.    The bubble of hot steam rises through the cold water cools down and it gradually becomes again only a water molecule, which co-creates the water environment. Similarly, a hot particle of light (S) is pushed away of its source by the cold environment of the Universe. The particle (S) cools, its internal pressure decreases and transforms into a particle (T). [10] Also the particle (T) gradually cools so much that it transforms into the (cold) environment of the Universe (R). This limits the distance at which the Universe can be observed.


6.45.    Example 6.9. We can get an idea of the events in the plasma environment by observing the foam on the beer. In the small bubbles of beer foam, a large bubble rises to the surface. This means that a dense foam made up of small bubbles (small dense particles) pushes a sparse bubble (large sparse particle) away from the center. The dense foam gradually turns into an even denser liquid and sinks to the bottom (towards the center). We are in the mass core of the low-pressure planet Earth. Density of space increases towards the center, pressure decreases.  

[1] These are not some "hard" blows. Particles are pressure systems and their surfaces (pressure organs) are somewhat "blurred" (Fig. 6.2. c). It is always the pressure pulses of one surface on another surface. In other words. The movement of one surface (pressure organ) acting as a pressure pulse against another surface (pressure organ). There may not be significant movement in the space. The particles only transmit the pressure pulse to each other. E.g. Newton's pendulum or wave Tsunami.

[2] In the following text, illustrations are shown using "flat" sea or atmospheric waves. These waves are greatly deformed, because the pressure (from the Earth stratopause), which is the cause of their formation, acts on them only from one side (from above). The other side of stratopause pressure (from below) is shielded by the body of the Earth. An example of some spatial waves (VT) is in (Fig. 3.9.).

A physical wave is not a sine wave. A sine wave is a geometric representation of a (virtual, symmetric) mathematical function. Sine wave = wavy line = NOTHING.

(Fig. 6.2.) dictionary. vlna = wave, vrch vlny = top of the wave, dùl vlny = the bottom of the wave, (“valley of wave”), záda = back, ohon = tail, oko = eye, èelo vlny = forehead of wave, tíhová síla = gravitational force

[3] This means that only water forming a wave that is above the surface and surrounded by air acquires mechanical weight in the frame of reference of the planet's atmosphere. The water under the wave (in the sea) and also the water itself in the middle of the wave in the reference frame of the sea has no mechanical weight. A water molecule that is in the marine environment is weightless and has no weight. The same water molecule, if it is also in the air environment, has mechanical weight (Fig. 7.9.). Mechanical weight is not a constant.

If the liquid is in its frame of reference, it is weightless and has no mechanical weight. This means that the sea has no weight and does not press on the shores and bottom with its weight, but only by the pressure difference in the environment of the water and the environment of the stone bottom and shore. In same way, the atmosphere has no weight and does not press on the sea level and land with its weight, but only with the pressure difference in the basic environment (plasma) of the atmosphere and the basic environment of the sea.

[4] In a spiral vortex (N), the distance between (V1, V2) narrows much like a bottleneck in a river. Water cannot be compressed, so the amplitude of the waves (N1, N2, ...Nn) increases and their movement towards the eye accelerates. In the centers of hurricanes on Earth, sea level rise of about 5 - 8 meters can be observed. This is a result of decreasing pressure towards the eye. It is not a result of the wind. A similar upwelling of clouds towards the eye of a hurricane can be seen well in images of hurricane centers from Cosmos.

[5] The mass bodies consists of a mixture of atoms and plasma (plasma = basic environment). Atoms influence the pressure in the basic environment by their presence. The plasma in mass liquids has approximately the same spatial density as the atoms in it. The source of movement in mass environment is always plasma (OT).

[6] It can be said that plasma behaves like a mass liquid with variable density. But plasma is not a liquid! Plasma is not mass! Plasma never has mechanical weight!

[7] This is not a gas bubble. The expansion of the bubble is mainly caused by the (hot) plasma. That's why a bubble can change volume so radically. (Fig. 6.5. h) can serve as a representation of a high-pressure particle that has two unequal hemispheres separated from each other by (RP). Such experiments deserve more attention. A distinction must be made between an air bubble in water (a different material medium with a different space density) and a vapor bubble in the water (a plasma between water molecules). Image source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5rGFZWQfzk.

[8] Faster movement of the particle's surface means a larger pressure impulse with which its surface acts. Heat is a relative term here. A body with a temperature of 10 K is warmer than a body with a temperature of 5 K.  

[9] The water environment is made up of water molecules surrounded by plasma particles. The space density of water molecules and the space density of plasma particles between molecules are roughly the same. Water molecules are "passive" bodies that are in their own density sphere, and are weightless. The centrifugal movement of the steam bubbles causes a temperature difference between the plasma in the steam bubble and the plasma in the water environment (Fig. 4.1. c).

The bubble of steam is a water molecule surrounded by hot plasma (Fig. 6.6. and right). As the bubble moves through a (cold) water environment, the plasma cools, not the water molecule. A water molecule still maintains its temperature. All the heat (pressure) is created by the plasma between the water molecules. During its motion, the hot steam bubble moves between the water molecules, and they exert a hydrodynamic resistance which acts against the movement of the bubble.

[10] This is registered as a red shift in the spectrum. Applying the Doppler principle to cooling particles of light and deducing from this the "expansion of the Universe" is absurd.