7. The Atoms (mass)


7.1.       Space has a strictly material essence. The existence of matter is a consequence of the physical properties of space. Matter cannot be made, matter cannot be destroyed. Matter exists and is constantly transforming from one state to another. Matter exists in two basic forms:

7.2.       1) Plasma is the absolutely predominant form of matter by volume. Plasma completely and continuously fills the entire Universe. Plasma consists of a continuous unity of open particles with the character of low-pressure and high-pressure. The particles are open bodies that rotate and have a central channel. The particles (simple bodies) form together composite bodies of particles according to the rules of the fractal spherical geometry of space. The behavior of simple particles and the behavior of bodies composed of particles are governed by the same rules at all size levels of the Universe. Plasma is not mass (by definition). Plasma never has mechanical weight (kg)! (by definition)

7.3.       2) Atoms are mass (by definition). Atoms make up a very small part of the Universe by volume. Atoms are always found in a mixture with plasma. Atoms are a continuous part of the space. Atoms, by their presence, influence the space density of the area in which they are located. Every atom is different. No two atoms are alike, but groups of atoms with similar properties can be found. Mass = type of matter (atoms). Mechanical weight (kilogram) = (ever changing) property of mass (by definition). Mechanical weight (kg) is not a physical unit!

7.4.       Atoms are closed bodies composed of open (unclosed) particles. Closed atoms are practically incompressible, but they can change their shape due to external pressure on their surface. An atom cannot be considered a particle. Atoms do not have a central channel and do not rotate.

7.5.       An atom „is created“ by the condensation of (warmer) particles of environment around a super dense (super cold) nucleus. The temperature (pressure) of the environment in which the atom „arrise“ has a fundamental influence on the density of the space of the atom and on the melting temperature of bodies composed of atoms. [1] (from the definition) The volume and shape of the nucleus affects the shape of the surface area and thus the physical and chemical properties of the atom.

7.6.       The temperature of the nucleus of an atom always reaches a temperature bottom. Around the nucleus are particles, whose spatial density decreases away from the center. The common interphases of the particle shells form an increasingly dense fibrous structure towards to the nucleus (Fig. 7.1. b).  The atom is „held together“ by the pressure of the environment.

7.7.       The space density of an atom is given by the sum of the space density of the nucleus and the space density of its shell. The space space density of the atomic nucleus is finite, because the highest possible („0” degrees K). The space density of the particles forming the shell of the atomic nucleus decreases away from the nucleus and gradually approaches the space density of the particles forming the environment. Although the (super dense) nucleus makes up a tiny fraction of the atom's volume, it has a significant effect on the space density of the entire atom. [2]

7.8.       The surface area of an atom has two sides. Centripetal pressure from the surface of an atom is an order of magnitude higher than centrifugal pressure. Centrifugal pressure is called the surface pressure of an atom. The surface pressure prevents another atom from penetrating inside.

7.9.       Depending on the perception of the surface area, bodies composed of atoms (mass bodies) can be viewed as physical bodies or mechanical bodies (Fig. 7.8.). The mechanical surface of a body composed of atoms is the sum of the areas of the atoms forming the surface of the mass-body. The physical surface of a body composed of atoms is the sum of the surfaces of all the atoms forming the body (including those inside of body).


7.10. „The Origin and Construction“ of the Atom


7.10.    a) „Cold“ atoms [3] are created in very cold regions of the Universe. Around the superdense (supercold) particle (G) a sedimentation area is formed (Fig. 7.1. a). (G) forms the nucleus of an atom. Warmer particles of the surrounding space „freeze“ on the particle (G). Space density of those particles decreases towatd the nucleus. In the common interphases of the particles a low-pressure fibres are formed around nucleus (Fig. 7.1. b above). This process creates (small) gases atoms that have (melting temperatures) close to the most common temperature of the Uiverse. Those atoms have a similar spatial density to the prevailing spatial density in the Universe and are relatively „evenly“ dispersed in the Universe (helium, hydrogen).

7.11.    b) Atoms can be formed by the sedimentation of space particles around an already existing cluster of superdense particles (G). A cluster of superdense particles (the later compound nucleus of an atom) forms the condensation nucleus for environment particles. This is how atoms of all elements, including molecules, can be formed. Such a process can take place in dust nebulae (see below).

7.12.    c) „Hot“ atoms can be formed by the fusion of nuclei during the collision of already existing atoms into a new larger (more voluminous) composite nucleus with a different (more voluminous) shell (Fig. 7.2. a). This process is called nuclear fusion and takes place at high temperatures (pressures) of the environment in the centers of the material cores of stars and planets.



Fig. 7.1.


7.13.    Around the superdense nucleus of an atom are dense particles with a small volume, and gradually away from the nucleus the density of the particles decreases and their volume increases (Fig. 7.1. d). In a warmer environment, particles of the environment „freeze“ to the surface particles, in a colder environment they leave to the environment. The melting point of the atom determines what environment is „hotter“ or „colder“ for the atom. [4] The particles of the shell of the atom isolate the nucleus from the surrounding environment. The temperature of the supercold core is always lower than the environment temperature.

7.14.    This process resembles the formation of ice hail in a cloud. Water molecules freeze on the condensation core and form ice hail in a cold environment. A condensation core (eg a dust grain) is micrometers in size, but the resulting hail can be centimeters in size. Similarly with the atom. The volume of the nucleus is an order of magnitude smaller than the volume of the entire atom.


7.15.    The nucleus of an atom is formed by a random cluster of superdense particles (G), which have the highest possible density of space and exert the lowest possible pressure (Fig. 7.1. c). The nucleus forms the bottom of the density of the atom and also the bottom of the density of the entire Universe. The temperature of the nucleus of an atom always reaches a temperature bottom. There is always a higher pressure in the environment around the nucleus, which pushes the shell particles of atom towards the superdense nucleus. The nucleus forms a sedimentation „anchor“ for the particles of the shell of the atom. The pressure of the environment on the surface of the shell particles holds the nucleus and thus the entire atom together.

7.16.    There is a strongly asymmetric pressure field around the super dense particles of nucleus (Fig. 7.1. e). Each super dense particle of nucleus (G) has a high-pressure shell, so they cannot be connected into one body. The pressures from the shells (G) push the particles of nucleus (G) apart and try to centrifugally „tear“ the nucleus and thus the entire atom apart. The centripetal pressure of the atomic shell particles is (by an order of magnitude) higher than the centrifugal pressure from the nucleus. The centripetal pressure of the atomic shell holds the nucleus and thus the entire atom together. Both of these (opposing) pressures stabilize the entire atom.

7.17.    The asymmetric pressure field of the nuclear particles (G) affects the shape of the surface of the atom. The superdense particles (G) in the nucleus have high pressure shells that doesn't let them join together. They are pushed together by centripetal pressure from the shell of atom, but they do not touch. The high centrifugal pressure from the shells of the nuclear particles (G) acts on the inner surface of the shell particles of the atom. The centripetal pressure of the environment on the outside surface of the shell particles of atom acts against it. [5] This causes deformations on the surface of the atom. In (Fig. 7.1. e, Fig. 7.2. b) we see the pressure field of the nucleus particles and their effect on the shape of the surface area and thus on the pressure field on the surface of the atom. [6]

7.18.    The nuclei of atoms can be divided into simple and compound. Atoms with simple nuclei do not have distinct „pikes“ on their surface area and are chemically passive (e.g. inert gases). Atoms with compound nuclei can have „peaks“ on their surface area and, as a result, a strong oriented pressure field. Such atoms can be chemically very active. [7]

7.19.    Composite nuclei retain the shape, size, and volume of the original nuclei from which they are composed. This means that it will not turn into one big „ball“ through the fusion process. The shape of new the nucleus affects the later properties of the atom. Each particle of the nucleus is different. There are no „standard“ particles with static (immutable, constant) properties.


 Fig. 7.2.


7.20.    Nuclear fusion is a process in which pre-existing atoms are transformed into a new denser atom with a larger volume. For nuclear fusion to take place, atoms must be free to move and be close to each other. These conditions are mainly fulfilled by the liquid state. This means that atoms of similar spatial density, which are in a liquid state, participate in the fusion. Such conditions occur in the hot dense spheres (layers) of the material cores of stars and planets. The denser atom created by fusion is pushed by the process of sedimentation into a denser layer below the layer in which it was created (Fig. 7.6). The temperature of the environment in which the atom fused affects the melting point and other physical properties of atoms.


7.21.    Example 7.1. In (Fig. 7.2. a), the atom (A) receives a large pressure pulse on its surface area. This has the effect of flattening the surface on the side of the impact and forming a peak on the opposite side. The external pressure pulse is transmitted by the internal pressure field of the atom to the nucleus, which moves towards the tip. [8] The atom (A) hits the surface of its tip on the surface of a neighboring atom (B). The surface of the atom (A) pierces the surface of the atom (B) and the nucleus (A) penetrates inside (B). The „frozen“ nuclei of atoms form a new compound nucleus (A) + (B). The surfaces of the two atoms are not „frozen“, they connect to form the surface of the atom (C). [9] Excess high pressure particles (T) from the surface areas of the atoms (A) and (B) are emitted into the environment and increase the pressure (heat) there.

7.22.    Nucleus volume (C) = nucleus volume (A) + nucleus volume (B). Surface area of atom (C) < surface area of atom (A) + surface area of atom (B). This means that the mechanical weight (C) is lower than the simple sum of the mechanical weights (A + B). The density of space (C) is higher than the density of space (A) or (B).


7.23.    „Radioactivity“. There is a relationship between the volume and shape of the nucleus, the volume and shape of the surface area of the atom, and the temperature of the external environment. The densest atoms („uranium“), with large compound nuclei and (relatively) little surface areas, need a high environment temperature to be stable.

7.24.    Uraniums are the result of nuclear fusion in the centres of stars and planets. Planets and stars are low-pressure particles. In the middle of the low-pressure particle is high pressure (temperature). The process of sedimentation causes dense elements created by nuclear fusion from sparse elements are pushed closer and closer to the center of the star (planet), where the temperature of the environment is high. This is the natural environment for uranium. There they are uraniums formed and there the high pressure (temperature) of the environment acts on their surface. Uranium has a high melting point.

7.25.    When uranium is placed in an environment with „normal” temperature, the pressure on its surface area drops significantly. The high pressure from the shells of the superdense particles of the nucleus (G) acts centrifugally on the inner side of the surface area of the atom (Fig. 7.3. b). The outer side of the surface area of the atom has lost the support of centripetal pressure from the environment and is no longer able to sustain the high pressure of the shells of some „superdense“ nucleus particles. The high pressure of the nucleus particle shells pushes some particles (G) out of the atom. We register the ejected particles as so-called radioactivity. The volume of nucleus gradually shrinks. Particles (T) are released from the shell of the atom and pass into the environment, where the temperature increases. Changes in the volume of the nucleus lead to a gradual change of the entire atom and its transformation into an atom with different properties.  

7.26.    Extruded particles from the nucleus act on the surface area of surrounding atoms with a large pressure pulse on a small area. (G) fly through the surrounding atoms and cause changes in them (Fig. 5.2. e). If the nucleus of the surrounding atom is hit, it may be destroyed (the chain reaction), or its volume and shape may change. This results in changes on the surface of the atom and thus changes in its properties. The stability of such an atom can be disturbed.


7.27.    Note 7.1. It cannot be said that in stars through nuclear fusion progressively denser and denser elements are created from sparser elements, which are deposited closer and closer to the center of the mass core of the star through the process of sedimentation. And then these dense elements (uranium) break down into sparser elements through the opposite process. Both as an „energetically“ positive process. If the dense elements in stars and planets are in their density spheres, where the temperature is high, they have no reason to fall apart.

7.28.    The question is whether the amount of pressure (heat) released during fusion is greater than the amount of external heat (pressure) needed to perform the fusion. It is likely that nuclear fusion is an „energy negative“ process. This means that fusion rather cools the star. The result of the fusion is a denser (cooler) star. All heat in a star originates in the outer centripetal pressure field (MH) of the low-pressure star particle. A star has no internal source of heat (pressure). The mass core of a star is not a nuclear reactor, nor a tokamak, nor a dynamo. The star is a pressure transformer. See below.



7.29. Compound bodies from atoms (mass-bodies)


7.29.    Atoms together form composite bodies through irregular connections, or regular (crystalline) structures. Atoms combine into molecules in places, where they have a tip on their surface. Bodies composed of atoms react to the (external) temperature of the environment by changing their state.

7.30.    When the pressure (temperature) in the environment (TP) is higher than the pressure (T1) inside a composite body made of atoms (mass-body), heat particles (T) flow from the environment to the mass-body (Fig. 7.3.). Part of the heat particles (T) „freeze“ on the shells of atoms, and part of the heat particles remain in the space between the atoms. As a result, the density of the space of the mass-body (H1) decreases, the internal pressure (T1) increases. The volume of the mass-body increases. The reverse process occurs when the pressure inside a mass-body is higher than the pressure in the environment. Particles (T) flow from the mass-body to the environment. The internal pressure in mass-body decreases. The volume of the mass-body decreases.

7.31.    Space density of a mass-body = sum of space densities of individual atoms (HA) forming the body + density of plasma particles between atoms (H1). The space density of atoms (HA) remains relatively constant within a certain range of external temperatures. Plasma causes a change in density and thus also the state of a mass-body. We can only talk about states for groups of atoms. According to the volume and density of plasma in a mass-body, we distinguish three states.  


Fig. 7.3.
skupenství pevné = solid state, skupenství kapalné = liquid state


  7.32.    Solid state. Atoms influence the density of space by their presence. The plasma between the atoms (T1) is continuously connected with the environment (TP), but in a mass-body (thanks to the atoms) it has a significantly greater density. The plasma particles between the atoms have small volume. Atoms are close together, their shells are „wedged“ into each other. Atoms cannot move freely. The movement of an atom always causes the pressure of an external pressure field on its surface area. A mass-body in a solid state has a „solid“ mechanical surface area (Fig. 7.3. left).

7.33.    Liquid state. When we heat a mass-body in a solid state, we increase its internal pressure (T1). The volume of plasma particles between the atoms increases until the moment when the pressure (temperature) inside the mass-body (T1) exceeds its melting temperature, which is determined by the temperature of the environment when the atoms were created. The density of the space of atoms (HA) and the density of the space of plasma particles between them (H1) are roughly the same. The „wedged” shells of atoms will uncouple. The distances between atoms are larger and allow free movement of individual atoms relative to each other (Fig. 7.3. right). Atoms (molecules) in the reference frame of the liquid are weightless.

7.34.    Compared to the solid state, the density of the liquid decreases, the internal pressure (T1) increases, the surface pressure (PT) of the liquid decreases by an order of magnitude. The surface pressure of the atoms themselves does not change. Sedimentation takes place in mass-liquids, which are made up of atoms with different spatial densities. We are in a low pressure area. Dense atoms (HA2) are pushed towards the center and sparse atoms (HA1) away from the centre. Density layers are formed separated from each other by the interphases (Fig. 7.6). The greater the space density differences between two phases, the narrower the interphase between them. The smaller the space density differences between two phases, the wider and less distinct the interphase between them. In the environment of liquids and gases, a „solid“ mechanical surface does not exist.


7.35.    Example 7.2. The following experiment can give an idea of the internal pressure (T1) in liquids. Let's have two identical vessels. One has cold water and the other has hot water. When we squirt out the water from both vessels into the freezing air, the hot water instantly freezes and creates the illusion of steam in the atmosphere. The cold water from the second vessel falls to the ground in a liquid, „unfrozen“ state.

7.36.    In a vessel of hot water, we increased the temperature and thus the plasma pressure (T1) on each water molecule. The internal pressure (T1) in hot water is high, the surface pressure of the liquid (PT) is low. Hot water „holds together“ only because of the vessel. As soon as we squirt out hot water into the freezing air, the high internal plasma pressure (T1) acting in the liquid in all directions and „tears“ the liquid into individual molecules. The (dense) water molecules become condensation nuclei for the surrounding (sparse) cold air molecules. Air molecules „freeze“ on water molecules. Particles (T) pass from the shells of hot water molecules to the cold shells of air molecules.

7.37.    The internal pressure (T1) in the cold water is low and is not enough to „tear“ the liquid. The water falls to the ground in large drops. Water molecules still „holds together“ and cannot freeze as quickly in large drops. The internal pressure (T1) in cold water is low, the surface pressure (PT) of the liquid is high.

7.38.    For water in the solid state, the result is even more striking. An ice cube hits the ground unchanged. The internal pressure (T1) in ice is an order of magnitude lower than that of liquid, and the surface pressure (PT) is an order of magnitude higher.


 Fig. 7.4.

7.39.    Gaseous state. The gas is actually plasma, „contaminated“ by a small amount of atoms. [10] „Cold“ gas atoms form condensation nuclei on which clusters of particles (HK) from a warmer environment freeze (Fig. 7.4.). The gas consists of „cold“ atoms (blue) on which there are „frozen“ plasma clusters (red) and free plasma between these clusters (gray). „Frozen“ plasma (red) increases the effective surface area on which environmental pressure (TP) can act on an atom (wind). [11] The internal pressure in the gases is high, the surface pressure undetectable by conventional means. Sedimentation takes place in gases. In the environment of gases, a „solid“ mechanical surface does not exist.


7.40.    The demise of the atom (decay of the atom). When the pressure (heat) in the environment increases, the plasma particles of the environment increase the pressure pulse by which they act on the (open) particles of the atomic shell. This happens until the pressure (temperature) in the environment overcomes the surface pressure of the atom. Then environmental pressure disturbs the shell of the atom. The atomic shell that held the nucleus together „breaks“. The high pressure surrounding each nucleus particle (G) pushes the individual nucleus particles violently apart. The nucleus particles centrifugally „fly away“ in all directions. Atomic shell particles lose their „sedimentary anchor“ and transform into the environment. If the temperature of the environment increases further, the nucleus particles (G) also „thaw“ and rapidly increase their volume („nuclear explosion“) and step by step transform into particles of the environment.



Fig. 7.5.


7.41.    Atoms combine to form molecules in places where the surface pressure is lowest. This means where a „spike“ on their surface is. The resulting molecules combine again into more complex units in places where they have the lowest surface pressure. An atom (molecule) can have several peaks on its surface (Fig. 7.2. b).


7.42.    Exampel 7.3. (Fig. 7.5. a) shows the situation when two hydrogen atoms (H1) approach each other with their tips. Their shells will connect and a common interphase will be created between them. The nuclei of both atoms move towards a common interphase, around which a region of low pressure (NT) is formed. An oriented pressure field is created on the surface of the molecule (H2). Other atoms are subsequently pushed into the low pressure region (NT). The common interphase can subsequently be separated again by an externally oriented pressure („electric“) field.

7.43.    The oxygen atom is pushed by the oriented pressure field of the environment in the direction of its tip into the region of low pressure (NT) on the surface of the molecule (H2). A molecule (H2O) is formed. The surface area of the molecule (H2O) is smaller than the sum of the surface areas of the atoms that make it up. Surplus particles (T) from the surfaces of the original atoms are radiated into the surrounding environment and increase the pressure (temperature) there (Fig. 7.5. a).


7.44. Interaction of a mass-body with a particle


7.44.    The pressure field (inside) the atom is continuously connected to the pressure field of the environment in which the atom is located. When a mass-body moves in a plasma environment, the plasma particles exert pressure on the surfaces of all the atoms of the mass-body (including those inside the body). The result is that the mass-body gradually harmonizes its movement with the plasma environment. [12] The movement of atoms always causes the pressure of the external pressure field on their surface area.

7.45.    The pressure field inside a composite body made of atoms (mass-body) is continuously connected with the pressure field of the environment in which the mass-body is located. When a mass-body moves in a mass environment consisting of a mixture of plasma and atoms (in a liquid or gaseous state), the plasma particles exert physical pressure of their surfaces on the surface areas of all atoms of the moving body (including those inside the body). Atoms and molecules in the environment act by pressure of their surface areas only on the atoms on the surface area of the moving body by hydrodynamic or aerodynamic pressure. [13]


7.46.    Interaction of particles with a mass-body in the solid state (Fig. 7.4. left).

7.47.    a) A „hot“ particle (S) is too sparse (has a large volume and surface area) to penetrate the mass-body. It can be thought of as the atoms being too close to each other and the particle (S) cannot „fit“ between them. The particle (S) is bounced by the surface pressure (PT) back into the environment.

7.48.    b) A smaller (more dense) particles (T) overcome the surface pressure of the mass-body (PT) and penetrate to the internal pressure field of the mass-body (between atoms), where the pressure (T1) increases. The increasing pressure (T1) in the mass-body gradually pushes the atoms apart and increases the distance between them. Atoms keep their space density. The spatial density of the particles between atoms decreases, their volume increases. The volume of the mass-body increases. The density of space of the composite mass-body decreases. The mass-body heats up from the surface to the center.

7.49.    c) A superdense particle (G) penetrates the internal pressure field of a composite mass-body. Because it has a high density (small volume), it acts with a large pressure pulse on a small surface. The particle (G) passes through high surface pressure into some atoms. Because it has a similar density to the superdense particles that make up the nucleus, it can penetrate the nucleus, cause changes there, or „break“ the nucleus. (G) can also fly through an atom and not collide with the nucleus (a chain reaction is possible).  


7.50.    Interaction between particles and liquid (Fig. 7.4. right).

7.51.    a) The distance between atoms in liquids is greater. That allows some particles (S) to penetrate into the pressure field of the liquid. That means between atoms. Part of the particles (S) is reflected from the surface pressure (PT) of the liquid back into the external environment. Refraction of light occurs in the interphase between liquid and air (Fig. 5.2).

7.52.    b) The particle (T) overcomes the surface pressure of the liquid (PT), penetrates into the liquid and increases the pressure there. As the temperature (T1) increases, the liquid turns into a gas.

7.53.    c) Practically nothing changes for particles (G). The lower surface pressure (PT) of the liquid facilitates their penetration.

7.54.    Interaction of particles with a gas

7.55.    a) The driving force for the movement of particles (S) in gases is an oriented pressure field (plasma). During collisions with atoms, the direction of their movement changes (light scattering) and the light intensity gradually decreases (Fig. 6.6). Refraction of light occurs in the interphases between hot and cold gas (e.g. the flickering of light in the desert).

7.56.    b) Particles (T) increase the volume of the „frozen“ plasma on the „cold“ atoms or molecules forming the gas (Fig. 7.4. HK). The gas becomes thinner as the ambient temperature increases (Fig. 7.4. HP). As the temperature decreases, the gas gradually turns into a liquid.

7.57.    c) Particles (G) pases through gases easily. They can cause changes in some atoms or molecules when they collide.


7.58.    The surface pressure of a mass-body is the pressure with which its surface atoms exerts centrifugally on the environment. It is the pressure by which a mass-body „prevents“ other mass-bodies from penetrating inside. The surface (centrifugal) pressure is always lower than the centripetal pressure that holds the mass-body together.

7.59.    Each atom has a high (centrifugal) surface pressure on its surface. [14] A body composed of atoms has a high surface pressure (PT) on its surface, which is the sum of the surface pressures of the individual atoms forming the body's surface area (Fig. 7.3). The surface pressure of a body composed of atoms is always smaller than the surface pressure of the individual atoms forming the body. The lower the internal pressure in the body (T1), the higher the surface pressure (PT) of the body.

7.60.    Amorphous mass-bodies are poor conductors of pressure (heat or so-called „electricity“) at „normal“ temperatures. Atoms and molecules connect with their shells and form clusters. In the case of amorphous mass-bodies, these clusters are mostly random and disordered, in short, from what is available in the given density sphere. When heated, the clusters form a liquid. When this mixed melt is cooled rapidly, the chaotic structures of atoms „freeze“. [15] This results in the pressure field on the surface of the amorphous substance being disordered and the surface pressure is reduced.

7.61.    Atoms or molecules with similar properties can form regular ordered (crystalline) structures. The ordered atoms synchronize the pressure field on their surfaces. After cooling, such a „frozen“ mass-body has a considerably high surface pressure (mechanical hardness).


 7.62. Propagation of pressure in mass-bodies


7.62.    Atoms are always found in a mixture with plasma. Closed atoms are almost incompressible. The plasma between atoms forms a continuous pressure field composed of open particles. It can be said. The open plasma particles act as „springs“ between the atoms. The denser (colder) the plasma between the atoms is, the smaller its volume, the atoms are closer to each other, and the composite body from atoms better transmits a pressure impulse. At the temperature bottom, this leads to so-called pressure superconductivity. At these temperatures, a composite body of atoms behaves like a single atom and becomes a superconductor.

7.63.    An atom reacts to an external pressure pulse by changing its shape. The hemisphere of the atom on which the greater pressure is exerted „flattens“ and a peak is formed on the opposite hemisphere. The external pressure pulse is transferred from the surface area of the atom to its internal pressure field and the nucleus is deflected towards the tip. The atom (which is not on a „solid“ mass surface) moves in the direction of the tip against the external oriented pressure field until the tip disappears. The nucleus returns to its usual position and the atom harmonizes its movement with the external pressure field. Similar, as particles from (Fig. 6.2. b).


7.64.    Example 7.4. In mass-bodies with an ordered structure of atoms (metals, crystals), pressure pulses propagate better than in amorphous substances. From this point of view, we distinguish between good and bad pressure (heat) conductors.

7.65.    The so-called „Newton's pendulum“ can provide an idea of the transmission of a pressure impulse in bodies composed of atoms with an ordered structure. A pendulum has several balls suspended on the strings (Fig. 7.5. c). We deflect the ball (A) from its equilibrium position and release it. The movement of the ball (A) causes a pressure pulse when it hits the group of balls (B). The group of balls (B) is a „solid mass surface“ for the ball (A). Balls (B) do not react with movement after impact. Nevertheless, the pressure impulse propagates through their internal pressure field towards the ball (C). The ball (C) has no who to transmit the pressure impulse, and it reacts to the transmitted pressure impulse from (B) by moving in the direction of the tips of the atoms forming the ball (C).

7.66.    Amorphous mass-bodies have a chaotic structure and conduct pressure impulses poorly. A „modified“ Newton's pendulum (Fig. 7.5. b) represents the transmission of a pressure impulse in amorphous substances. The disordered structure causes the balls to transmit the pressure impulse very inefficiently. The body is a poor conductor of pressure (heat) at „normal“ temperatures. When such a body is cooled to the region of the temperature bottom, it becomes a superconductor.


7.67.    Example 7.5. A tsunami wave can give an idea of the propagation of a pressure pulse in liquids. Each water molecule in the ocean is a separate body, „floating“ in plasma (basic environment) of the same spatial density as the water molecules. Water molecules behave like the balls of Newton's pendulum from the previous example. At the bottom of the ocean, an earthquake raises the sea bottom and this gives the water molecules a massive pressure impulse (A). Water molecules transmit a pressure impulse to each other without moving themselves, similar to the balls of Newton's pendulum (B). We do not observe any movement in the open sea. On the opposite bank, the water molecules have no other molecules to transfer the pressure impulse to. They react by moving towards the land (C). A wave of high pressure precedes a wave of low pressure. First the sea recedes (bottom of wave = high pressure) and then comes the top of the tsunami wave (top of the wave = low pressure). High pressure is the driver of the process, and low pressure is its „executor“ (Fig. 6.5. a - e).


7.68. Sedimentation in the environment of mass


7.68.    Sedimentation is a fundamental physical process in space. The mass environment consists of plasma mixed with atoms. Atoms are nested bodies whose presence affects the density of the space in the given space area. The driver of the sedimentation process is plasma. Atoms are „passive“ bodies that do not move on their own. The movement of atoms is caused by pressure impulses of the surfaces of particles of the environment, towards the surfaces of outer particles of atoms. The sedimentation of mass-bodies depends only on their spatial density. It does not depend on their possible mass-weight.

7.69.    The process of sedimentation pushes atoms into individual density spheres. This requires the atoms to move. It follows that in order for sedimentation to take place in a given frame of reference, the environment of atoms must be in a liquid or gaseous state. The intensity (speed) of sedimentation depends on the difference in the space density of individual atoms.

7.70.    Atoms are always nested in the oriented pressure field of space. In the case of the mass core of the planet, the permanent source of the oriented centripetal pressure field is the stratopause. By the action of an oriented pressure field from the stratopause (OT) on the surface of the atoms, their shape changes. A change in the shape of an atom is a consequence of a change in the shape of the particles (plasma) that make up the atom. At the atom, a peak is formed on the side from which the least pressure is exerted on its surface area (Fig. 7.7.). The nucleus of the atom moves towards the peak. The atom moves in the direction of its peak so long until (OT) pushes it into density layer of that atom. There the atom loses its peak and remains in its density layer. An atom that is in its density sphere (layer) has no mechanical weight (it is in a weightless state).


7.71.    Example 7.5. On (Fig. 7.6.) there are three density phases (layers) in the low-pressure of the planet's mass core, labeled as (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3). Each phase has a different density (H1, H2, H3) that increases towards the center (centripetal pressure decreases). The phases are separated from each other by interphases (MF 1-2, MF 2-3). The pressure from the interphase surfaces is directed to both sides (indicated by the rotating arrows). The pressure from (MF 1-2, MF 2-3) towards the center is stronger than the pressure from the center. The pressure curve is shown in the attached graph (Fig. 7.6. right).

7.72.    In (Phase 2) there are three atoms (h1, h2, h3) with densities corresponding to the densities of the phases (H1, H2, H3). Centripetal environment pressure acts on the atoms and deforms them. A peak is formed on the sparser atom (h1) on his northern side and (h1) is pushed towards (Interphase 1-2) by its southern flatter side. If (h1) is able to exert sufficient pressure on centripetal side of (Interphase 1-2), it passes through it and is pushed by the centrifugal side (Interphase 1-2) into (Phase 1), which corresponds to its density. There, the spatial density of the environment (H1) and the density of the space of the atom (h1) equalize. The pressures on the south side of the atom's shell and the north side of the atom's shell equalize. The atom loses its tip and remains in (Phase 1). It becomes part of the environment of the density sphere (H1).

7.73.    On the denser atom (h3) a peak forms on its southern side. (h3) is pushed by the environmental pressure (H2) towards the centrifugal side (Interphase 2-3). If it exerts enough pressure on the centripetal side (Interphase 2-3), it passes through and is pushed into the density sphere (H3) by the centripetal side (Interphase 2-3). The density of space in the sphere (H3) and the density of space (h3) equalize and the atom remains there. It becomes part of the environment of the density sphere (H3).



Fig. 7.6.


7.74.    In (Phase 2) there is the atom (h2) with a spacial density corresponding to this layer spatial density. Atom (h2) has no tip and is not able to exert enough pressure on either (Interphase 1-2) or (Interphase 2-3). It is „trapped“ in its sphere and becomes part of the environment.

7.75.    This is a simple model. In fact, the (h1) and (h3) atoms in the (H2) sphere are surrounded by a number of (h2) atoms that are in their density sphere. When moving into their density spheres, atoms (h1) and (h3) have to „fight their way“ betwen atoms (h2) as they move. Surfaces (h2) exert pressure pulses on surfaces of (h1) and (h3). This creates hydrodynamic resistance.

7.76.    Atoms (h2) do not push (h1) or (h3)! Atoms (h2) are in their density sphere (H2) and co-create (influence with their presence) the pressure of the basic environment there. All movement is always „performed“ only by the basic environment (plasma). The plasma particles creates an oriented centripetal pressure field that pushes (h1) and (h3) into their density layers. Atoms (h2) create (hydrodynamic, mechanical) resistance.


7.77.    Example 7.7. We are in the mass core of low-pressure particle of planet (Earth). Plasma particles act on all mass bodies on the planet with centripetal oriented physical pressure (OT). On (Fig. 7.7. a) there is an aquarium with water and two balls. One is made from iron atoms mixed with (dense) plasma (h3). The second is a tennis ball made from (sparse) air surrounded by (denser) rubber both materials mixed by plasma of corresponding spatial density (density sum (h1) is lower than in iron). The water environment (VS2) consists of plasma (h2) mixed with water molecules.

7.78.    We place the balls in the center of the density layer of water (h2). The iron ball has a higher space density (h3) than is space density of the water. The sparse plasma (h2) in the water pushes the dense plasma (h3) in the iron ball (and with it also the iron atoms) under the water molecules, to the bottom of the aquarium (Fig. 4.5. b). The tennis ball has space density (h1) lower than space density in the water layer (h2). The denser plasma in the water pushes the sparser plasma in the center of the tennis ball (and with it also molecules of tennis ball) to the water surface above the water molecules. Above the water is the environment (VS1) made up of plasma and molecules of air. Plasma in air has a lower space density than plasma in water and than the total space density of the tennis ball (rubber cover + air inside). The tennis ball remains on the water surface, in its density sphere, i.e. between the density layer of air and the density layer of water. [16]

7.79.    Now we place the aquarium on the equator and stretch it around the entire Earth's perimeter (Fig. 7.7. b). We get a rotating toroid (thanks to the Earth's rotation), in which the density of space corresponds to the density in the water layer (VS2). The iron balls (h3) are pushed by centripetal physical pressure (OT) towards the center of the Earth. The pressure field in the water exerts physical pressure on the physical surface of the sparse tennis balls (h1) and is the cause of their movement (in a spiral) from the center to the water surface. The water molecules (h2) are in their density layer they are weightless and exert (mechanical) hydrodynamic resistance against the movement of the balls. The speed and direction of movement of the balls determines the ratio of their space density to the space density of the environment. Space (environment) determines the properties of bodies (balls). The iron ball in mercury environment would behave like a tennis ball in water (Fig. 4.5. b).

7.80.    An independent observer in the reference frame of the Universe (VSU) will see the iron balls moving along a (fractal) spiral towards to the center towards the layer that has the space density of iron and approach each other (Fig. 7.7. c). The tennis balls move along a (fractal) spiral away from the center (Fig. 7.7. d) and move away from each other. Once the balls reach their density layer, their movement stops and they remain in this layer. They are weightless. Balls (bodies) do not attract and balls do not repel. The cause of the movement of bodies is the pressure of space (environment) on their (physical) surface area. Bodies are not the source of any „forces”!



Fig. 7.7.
(MP) = shell of the planet, Hmotné jádro = Mass core, Dostøedné tlakové pole = centripetal pressure field of the planet


7.81.    Let's imagine the sea instead of an aquarium. The iron ball is pushed by the basic environment (OT) to the bottom of the sea. There is a solid bottom, just like an aquarium. If we were to imagine a kind of „permeable (liquid) stone bottom“, the iron ball would be pushed towards the center by this „stone“ environment. The pressure (OT) acting on the surface of the iron atoms is lower in the denser „stone layer“ than in water or air layer. The density difference betwen of iron and rock is lower. The movement (on the spiral) of the iron ball towards the center will be slower. The diameters on which the movement along the spiral takes place are smaller and smaller towards the center.


7.82.    Example 7.8. We will combine both bodies. We have an iron ball in which there is low pressure (high density of space) relative to the water environment and tennis ball where there is high pressure (low density of space) relative to the water environment. We place the iron ball inside the tennis ball (Fig. 7.7. e). We get low pressure (dense iron ball) which is surrounded by high pressure (thin air in the tennis ball) and this is again surrounded by low pressure (less dense rubber shell of the tennis ball). A very simplified model of the constant alternation of areas (layers) of low and high pressure in bodies with character of (TN).

7.83.    An iron ball with a tennis ball forms a spatial anomaly in the water environment. We adjust the volume of the balls in such a way that the resulting space density of the thus created composite body (iron ball + tennis ball) is the same as the space density of the (water) environment (VS2). The density of the composite body and the density of the water environment in the aquarium are the same. The composed body is neither pushed up nor down. In the reference frame of the aquarium is in weightless state. The water molecules in the reference frame of the aquarium are also weightless. When we create a swirling motion in the aquarium, the composite body will rotate quite naturally and „effortlessly“ along with the molecules of the liquid. Going with the flow is the most efficient way to move.

7.84.    We will apply this model to atoms. If we change the ratio between the volume of the „nucleus = iron ball“ and the volume of „the shell = tennis ball“ we get „atoms“ with different spatial densities. The more bulky the nucleus (irom sphere) and the less bulky the shell (tennis ball), the denser the „atom”. If we imagine a liquid in an aquarium whose spatial density increases towards the bottom, „atoms“ of different density will be pushed by the process of sedimentation into a density sphere that corresponds to their spatial density. There they will be weightless and become part of the environment (Fig. 7.6).


7.85. The illusion of (mechanical) mass-weight


7.85.    A body is a spatial anomaly. The properties of the body (thus also its mass-weight) determine the place in space in which the body is currently located. The illusion of mechanical mass-weight is a consequence of the centripetal pressure from the stratopause (OT) on the physical surface of bodies composed of atoms (mass-bodies). [17] Physical surface of a mass-body = sum of surfaces of all atoms forming the mass-body. The mechanical surface of a mass-body = the sum of the surfaces of the atoms forming the outer surface of the mass-body. Mass = type of matter (atoms and composed bodies of atoms). Mass-body = body composed of atoms. Mass-weight = mechanical parameter of a mass-body (by definition). Palsma is not mass! Plasma never has weight!

7.86.    Centripetal pressure from the stratopause (OT) all the time acts on the surface area of every atom of the planet's mass core and, through the process of sedimentation, „tries“ to push atoms (molecules) into their density layers (Fig. 7.6). When a mass-pad in a solid state prevents a mass-body from centripetal movement into its density layer, then the pressure of the mechanical surface of the mass-body on the mechanical surface of the mass-pad is manifested as the illusion of mechanical weight.

7.87.    Atoms, by their presence, influence the density of the environment and thus also the centripetal pressure (OT) in the given environment. The centripetal pressure (OT) acting on surface of the atom is different in each density layer of the planet's mass core. The denser the planet's density layer, the lower the centripetal pressure (OT) in it. The weight of the mass-body must always be related to a certain frame of reference. A mass-body can have different mass-weights in different reference frames at the same time (Fig. 7.10. right).

7.88.    Centripetal pressure (OT) is dynamic (constantly changing). This means that the weight of the mass-body is also constantly changing. The mass-weight of a mass-body is different at every point in space and at every moment. The (false) illusion of mass-weight is not a physical, but only a mechanical parameter! [18] Mass-weight is an empirically established mechanical parameter of mass-bodies. The kilogram and all its derived units and relationships are approximate mechanical parameters. No „absolute weight” of a mass-body can be determined, nor can any „absolute weight standard” be constructed. The physics of space knows no mass-weight.

7.89.    In order to measure the mass-weight of a mass-body, the mass-body must have a surface in a solid state. Mass-weight is determined as the pressure of the solid mechanical surface of the mass-body on the solid mechanical surface of the scale. The mass-weight of a mass-body that does not have a solid mechanical surface, or that is not on a solid mass-pad, cannot be determined. [19] A mass-pad with solid surface can only be within the frame of reference of a planet's mass-core with a solid surface (lithosphere). Bodies that are in their density layer are weightless and have no mass-weight. There is no mass-weight in the reference frame of the Universe (VSU).


7.90.    Example 7.9. On (Fig. 7.8. a) there is a thin rubber balloon on the scale. The scale is on a solid mass-pad. The scale shows the minimum mass-weight. When we press the surface of the hand on the surface of the balloon, the scale will show a deflection, as if there was a heavy body, although the balloon still weighs almost nothing (Fig. 7.8. b). [20]

7.91.    If we remove the solid pad, the pressure of the surface of the hand on the surface of balloon will be manifested by movement. When the movement of the scale synchronizes with the movement of the balloon, the scale shows the minimum weight (Fig. 7.8. c). A moving atom (composite body of atoms) that is not on a solid pad is weightless and has no mechanical weight. However, its surface area can act as a pressure pulse upon impact.




Fig. 7.8.
Tlak = pressure, pohyb = movement


7.92.    (Fig. 7.8. d) shows an atom in the pressure field of a low-pressure particle of a planet. The density of the space of the mass core of the planet increases towards the center, the pressure decreases. The centripetal pressure from the stratopause (OT) on the northern hemisphere of the atom (red) is higher than on its southern hemisphere (blue). The consequence is that the surface area of the northern hemisphere flattens (the northern side of the surface increases). A peak will form in the southern hemisphere (the southern side of the surface will be smaller). The nucleus moves to the tip. (OT) acts on the northern hemisphere of the atom with higher pressure over a larger area. (OT) acts on the southern hemisphere of the atom with lower pressure over a smaller area. [21] The mechanical surface of the pad prevents mechanical surface of the atom from moving. The resulting (mechanical) pressure exerted by the mechanical surface of the southern hemisphere of the atom on the mechanical surface of the scale is equal to the deflection of the scale.

7.93.    The illusion of mass-weight of an atom is determined by the size of its surface area and the centripetal pressure from the stratopause in the given density sphere (density layer) of the planet. (Fig. 7.8. e) shows the difference in ilusion of mass-weight between a „large (heavy) atom“ with a large surface area and a „small (light) atom“ with a small surface area. [22] The size and shape of the surface area of an atom is influenced by the volume and shape of the nucleus and the melting point of the atom. The illusion of the mass-weight of a composite body made of atoms (a mass-body) is given by the sum of the illusions of the weight of the individual atoms forming the body.

7.94.    The resulting effect of pressure from stratopause  (OT) on the surface of atoms, which creates the illusion of mass-weight, is very weak. [23] Let's try to estimate the surface area of the atoms that make up a block of iron with an edge of 10 cm (Fig. 7.8. f above). These are only indicative numbers for a rough idea. The mechanical surface area of the cube is 600 cm2. The dimensions of an atom are estimated to be one ten-millionth of a millimeter. This means that the total physical surface area of the atoms that make up the iron cuboid is about 20 km2. Centripetal pressure from the stratopause acts on this physical surface of the cube and creates the illusion of a mass-weight of (only) 7.8 kg in the atmosphere. In an environment of (dense) water with a lower centripetal pressure, the illusion of mass-weight is 6.8 kg. In the environment (VSU), mass-weight does not exist.


7.95.    Note 7.2. All „heavenly mass-bodies“ have a stratopause on the surface of their mass-core. The stratopause represents an interphase between the sparse environment of the internal pressure field of the planet (under the MP) and the dense environment of its mass-core. The greater the difference in space density between two environments, the narrower and more turbulent the interphase between them. The difference between the space density of a planet's internal (interplanetary) pressure field and the space density of its material core is enormous.

7.96.    On the planet Earth, the stratopause is located at a height of about 60-80 kilometers above the surface of the mass-core and has a width of about 10-20 kilometers (Fig. 7.7. f). The centripetal physical pressure from the stratopause is a consequence of the centripetal physical pressure from the planet's shell (MP). The physical pressure below the stratopause is an order of magnitude higher than above the stratopause. [24] Centripetal physical pressure below the stratopause on the surface area of the atoms causes the illusion of mass-weight (Fig. 7.8.). The significance of the stratopause is not recognized.

7.97.    The mechanical surface area of the mass-body represents a certain analogy of the stratopause. The mechanical surface area of a mass-body separates the very sparse environment around the mass-body and the very dense environment inside the mass-body. The mechanical surface area of a mass-body has a volume and two sides. Centripetal (above the stratopause) and centripetal (below the stratopause). This means that a mass-body (its mechanical surface area) does not start there as we understand it today, but „a bit“ above its surface.


7.98.    Example 7.10. You can get an idea of the function of the stratopause on the surface of a mass-body from the following experiment. We create a small drop of water on a piece of glass. Remove a larger salt crystal from the salt shaker. Carefully move the salt crystal to the drop of water with a wooden toothpick. When the crystal is about 2-3 millimeters from the droplet, it will „fly“ into the center of the droplet. In fact, the (sparser) drop of water is pushed by the high centripetal pressure under the „stratopause“ of the (dense) crystal towards its surface. [25]

7.99.    Another insight into the function of the stratopause can be gained by observing the center of a hurricane. As we move between the interior of the eye of the hurricane and its center, we must cross a highly turbulent region called „the hurricane eyewall.“ This narrow surface separates the high pressure in the eye from the very low pressure in the center of the hurricane. The most destructive winds and precipation occur there.


7.100.     Example 7.11. Mass-bodies (bodies composed of atoms) can be viewed as physical bodies or mechanical bodies. On (Fig. 7.9.) is an attempt to explain the differences between a physical and mechanical body, a physical and mechanical surface, and a physical and mechanical pressure. (Fig. 7.9. a) shows a model of an „iron“ car. The car here is a physical body (it has no engine) and is in the frame of reference of planet's atmosphere (VS1). The car is subjected to the centripetal physical pressure (OT) from the stratopause, which is a consequence of the centripetal physical pressure from the interphase (shell) of the planet (MP).

7.101.     The centripetal physical pressure from the stratopause (in red) acts on the physical surface of the car (on the surface of all the atoms making up the car). Pressure on a surface causes movement. Physical pressure, through the process of sedimentation, „tries“ (movement) to push the iron car into its density sphere (layer). This means from the atmosphere density layer (VS1) to the iron density layer in the center of the planet.

7.102.     The car is on the scale and acts with its mechanical surface on the mechanical surface of the scale (blue). The centripetal movement (sedimentation) of the car is prevented by the human hand, which represents a „solid mass-pad“. Physical pressure manifests itself here as mechanical pressure. [26] The scale shows a deviation (2 kg). The scale presses with its mechanical surface on the mechanical surface of the hand. The centripetal mechanical pressure of the surface of the scale on the mechanical surface of the hand manifests itself as an illusion (sensory sensation) of mass-weight. In fact, it is only a stopped centripetal movement (stopped sedimentation).  

Fig. 7.9.


7.103.     When we remove the hand, (OT) will act on the atoms of iron car so long until they are pushed into density sphere (layer) of iron. There the centripetal motion stops, the iron car remains in this density layer and is weightless. There would be no centripetal pressure on the surface of the (virtual) hand in the iron density layer. The illusion of mass-weight would disappear.

7.104.     (Fig. 7.9. b) shows the car as a mechanical machine that has an internal source of mechanical power = an engine. [27] The car's engine causes a „horizontal“ movement, which is again prevented by the human hand. The car acts with its mechanical surface on the mechanical surface of the scale and thus also on the mechanical surface of the hand. Although it is the same (mechanical) pressure, we say in the case (Fig. 7.9. a) that the car is heavy, in the case (Fig. 7.9. b) we say that the car is pushing us.

7.105.     On (Fig. 7.9. b), permanent physical pressure (OT) acts on the surfaces of all atoms of the car which is on a „solid mass-pad“ and causes the illusion of weight for this mechanical body in (VS1). In the frame of reference (in the density sphere) of the atmosphere (VS1), the car exhibits the illusion of mass-weight. In the frame of reference (in the density sphere) of iron, the car has no mass-weight, it is weightless. In the reference frame of the Universe (VSU), mass-weight (the illusion of mass-weight) does not exist, because there is no „solid mass-pad“ and the pressure of the environment on the surface of the atoms manifests itself in their movement.  


7.106.     Note 7.3. The illusion of mass-weight is not a consequence of the Earth's gravitational „force“! Bodies are not the source of any „forces“! Bodies (both mechanical and physical) do not attract or repel each other. The illusion of mass-weight is a result of the centripetal pressure (OT) from the planetary stratopause on the surface area of the atoms.

7.107.     Mass-bodies (composed of atoms) exibit the illusion of mass-weight only on a planet with a „solid“ surface below the stratopause when they are one or more density layers higher than their density layer and are on a solid mass-pad that prevents them from centripetal motion into their density layer. The illusion of mass-weight of mass-body can be defined as the stopped centripetal motion of a mass-body by the mechanical surface of solid mass-pad into density layer of that mass-body. Or as the stopped sedimentation of a mass-body by a solid mechanical surface of a mass-pad.

7.108.     The illusion of mass-weight of the mass-body is different at each density layer of the planet and at each moment. A mass-body that is in its density layer is weightless and has no mass-weight. In the universal frame of reference of the Universe (VSU), mass-weight does not exist and no mechanical laws apply there.

7.109.     „Heavenly bodies“ have no mass-weight, attract nothing, and do not „curve“ (flat virtual Euclidean) space. It is a real spherical space that „creates“ spherical bodies (spatial anomalies) according to the rules of the fractal spherical geometry of space. The mass-cores of „heavenly bodies“ arise from the shell. They do not arise from the center.

7.110.     The Universe is not a mechanical system and does not follow the mechanical instructions based on the so-called „Newton's laws“. The Universe is a (fractal) system of densities and pressures and follows the rules of the fractal spherical geometry of space described in this book.


7.111. The frame of reference


7.111.     The properties of each body are different at each region in space and at each moment. The properties of the body (spatial anomalie) determine the space (environment) in which the body is currently located. The body has no effect on its properties. The properties of the body must always be related to a certain frame of reference. A body can simultaneously have different properties in different frames of reference. [28] Body properties cannot be transferred from one frame of reference to another frame of reference. In (dynamic) space there are no bodies with constant (static, unchanging) properties.


7.112.     Example 7.11. Some facts are unclear due to a misunderstanding of Archimedes' law and ignoring what is called the frame of reference. At (Fig. 7.8. f above) is a simple mechanical system represented by a lever. There is 7.8 kg of iron (one liter) on one side of the lever and 7.8 kg of water (7.8 liters) in the vessel on the other side. The lever is in the reference frame of the Earth's atmosphere (VS1), on a solid mass-pad and is in equilibrium. When we place this mechanical system in the density sphere of water (VS2), the balance changes radically (Fig. 7.8. f middle). The iron has a mass-weight of 6.8 kg in the density sphere of water (VS2), the water on the other side of the lever is in its density sphere, is weightless and has no mass-weight. In the Universe (VSU), this mechanical system has no meaning, because there is no mass-weight and the mechanics „does not work“ there (Fig. 7.8. f below). In the first example in (VS1) the mass-weight of the entire mechanical system is 7.8 + 7.8 = 15.6 kg, in the second example in (VS2) the mass-weight is 6.8 kg, in the third case in (VSU) it makes no sense to talk about the mass-weight.

7.113.     Iron cube (Fig. 7.8. f in the middle) is not „buoyed up“ by water! In the density sphere of water (VS2), it is simply 1 kg lighter (it has a different mass-weight). The fact that before in the environment of air (VS1) both iron cube and water had a certain mass-weight it already happened. They are now in the environment of water (VS2) and their (current) properties must be judged according to the environment (density sphere, frame of reference) in which they are currently in. [29]


7.114.     Example 7.12. On (Fig. 7.10.) a vessel with 1 liter of water is on a scale in an air environment (air environment = VS1 reference system). The scale stands on a „solid mass-pad“ [30] and shows the mass-weight of 1 kg. Next to it, the aquarium is also on a „solid mass-pad“, in an air environment (VS1), in which there are 10 liters of water. The mass-weight of the water in the aquarium is 10 kg. Place the scale with 1 liter of water in the aquarium. The space inside the aquarium (only there) represents the reference frame of water in the aquarium (VS2). 1 liter of water in the aquarium is now in water environment (VS2), has lost mass-weight and is weightless (scale shows = „0“ kg). There are now 11 liters of water in the aquarium, which is still in the air environment (VS1). The scale under the aquarium shows a weight of 11 kg.

7.115.     We put the aquarium (11 kg) into the sea. The water in the aquarium (11 liters) has lost its mass-weight in the density layer of the sea water (the scale shows „0“ kg). The sea forms the density layer of water on Earth (VS2). The water in the sea is in its density layer and cannot sink lower. A denser layer underneath won't allow it. The sea is weightless (mass-weight of the sea = „0“ Kg). If we wanted the sea to have mass-weight, we would have to „pick up“ the sea one density layer higher into the air environment (VS1) and place it on a „solid pad“.


Obr. 7.10.


7.116.     There is a belief that weightlessness is only above the stratopause in the Universe. It is a mistake. Weightlessness is the absolutely prevailing state of mass-bodies on the planet (Earth). Matter (= plasma + mass) in all density spheres of the planet is in a weightless state and has no mass-weight.  The atmosphere is the upper density sphere of the mass-core of the planet (Earth), it is weightless and has no mass-weight. The atmosphere does not press on the land and water with its mass-weight (it has none), but only with the pressure resulting from the difference in the density of the space of the atmosphere, the density of the space of the land, or the density of the space of the sea. [31] The pressures between the density spheres are equalized only at the interphases between them. Once we cross the interphase, we find ourselves in a different environment with different physical properties. In the sparser atmosphere, the centripetal pressure of the basic environment (OT) is significantly higher than in the (dense) sea.

7.117.     The sea is the density sphere (layer) below the atmosphere and above the land (litosphere). The water in the sea is weightless and does not exert its mass-weight on the shores or the bottom. It acts only by pressure, based on the difference in the density of space of the water and the density of space of the rock of the bottom and shore. Each molecule of water forming the sea is a separate body, „swiming“ in a plasma environment of approximately the same density of space. Molecule is in its density sphere it is weightless and has no mass-weight. Bodies composed of water molecules (eg sea eddies and currents) have no mass-weight, are weightless and behave like any (fractal) pressure system. Moving water (waves, currents, eddies) acts on shores and bodies in water environment with mechanical pressure impulses. The cause (driver) of the movement of water molecules is the plasma pressure (OT) on their surface area.


7.118. Hydrostatic pressure


7.118.     Water molecules get the illusion of mass-weight when they are one density layer higher than is density layer of water. That is, when they are in the atmosphere. Then they exert hydrostatic pressure on the walls and bottom of the vessel they must be in. Hydrostatic pressure is also encountered when a gas is pushed under a liquid (e.g. the bathysphere). Water molecules that are in density layer of the water have no mass-weight, are in a weightless state and do not exert hydrostatic pressure.


7.119.     Example 7.13. The mass-weight of bodies must always be related to a certain frame of reference. On (Fig. 7.11. a) there is a small vessel with water, on a „solid pad“, which is in the environment of atmosphere (VS1). Each water molecule has a mass-weight in the air density sphere (VS1). The water molecules press with their (mechanical) surfaces on the (mechanical) surfaces of the water molecules below them and also on the (mechanical) surface area of the vessel with mechanical pressure. The mass-weight of water in (VS1) increases towards the bottom of vessel. That means that hydrostatic (mechanical) pressure in the liquid increases towards the bottom.

7.120.     Hydrostatic (mechanical) pressure in a small vessel extends in all directions due to the free movement of liquid molecules and can only be „visible“ where the holes in the vessel allow it. The closer we are to the bottom of vessel, the further the water sprays into the air from the vessel holes (Fig. 7.11. a).

7.121.     We put the small vessel into the larger vessel with water environment (VS2), which is in the air environment (VS1). The water from the small vessel is now in the frame of reference of the water of the large vessel (VS2), is weightless and does not exert any hydrostatic pressure on the walls of the small vessel. No water flows from the holes of the small vessel (Fig. 7.11. b).The same water is also in the environment of air (VS1), where it has mass-weight and acts with hydrostatic pressure. From the larger vessel, water flows through the holes into the air environment, similar to (Fig. 7.11. a).

7.122.     A situation similar to (Fig. 7.11. a) can be done by pushing a cylindrical vessel connected to the air environment (VS1) into the sea (Fig. 7.11. c). This is an unnatural situation. In the low-pressure particle of the planet there must be (dense) water below (sparse) air. A vessel with air is a nested body with a substantially different density of space than density of the space of the liquid. With increasing depth, increasing hydrostatic pressure acts on its outer walls, as in (Fig. 7.11. a). [32] A similar situation occurs when a mining pit is dug into the earth's crust.

7.123.     We will replace the cylindrical vessel (Fig. 7.1. c) with a system of interconnected bathyspheres (Fig. 7.11. d). We get a situation similar to that of a cylinder with (sparse) air in an environment of (dense) water. Atmospheric pressure (PA) acts on the inner (mechanical) surface of the bathysphere. The closer the bathysphere is to the bottom of the sea, the greater the hydrostatic pressure exerts on its outer (mechanical) surface.

7.124.     The dense plasma in the water triesto push the sparse plasma in the bathysphere (and with it the bathysphere) in the (TN) of the planet away from the center. When we stop holding the bathysphere at the bottom of the sea (by mechanical pressure), the plasma pressure (VS2) will push the bathysphere centrifugally to the surface.

7.125.     Water molecules act with their mechanical surfaces on the outer mechanical surface of the bathysphere by hydrostatic (mechanical) pressure. As the bathysphere moves centrifugally towards sea level, the hydrostatic pressure on the outer surface of the bathysphere will decrease.

7.126.     If we fill the bathysphere with („warm“) water from sea level (H1, T1) and submerge it at the bottom where the temperature is lower (H2, T2), the pressure inside the barysphere (T1) will be higher than pressure in the aquatic environment (T2). The pressure difference is determined by the difference in water density at the surface (H1) and at the bottom of sea (H2) and is significantly smaller than the pressure difference between the atmosphere and the sea (Fig. 7.11. e). Comparing the pressure in such different environments with very different space density leads to wrong ideas.


 Obr. 7.11.


7.127.     Let's compare the environment at the sea surface and at on the sea bottom. The water temperature at the sea surface is 30 degrees C, at the sea bottom 4 degrees C. In the upper (warmer = thinner) density layer at the sea surface, the pressure of the basic environment (plasma) is higher than in the lower (colder = denser) layer at the sea bottom. The density difference is caused by the plasma between the water molecules. The plasma between the water molecules at the sea bottom is colder, (it has a smaller volume) the water molecules are closer to each other, the water has a higher spatial density. A denser (colder) plasma acts on the water molecules at the bottom with a smaller pressure pulse than a sparser (warmer) plasma near the surface. In the low-pressure particle of planet Earth, the pressure decreases towards the center (the density of space increases). There is lower pressure near the bottom of the sea than below the surface of the sea.

7.128.     We can find out what the pressure is at the bottom of the sea with a simple experiment. Just below the surface, we collect (there warm) water in a glass, color it and stopper it. Then we sink to the bottom of the sea (where there is cold water) with the bottle and uncork the bottle. The colored water will flow out of the bottle into the environment because there is a higher pressure (temperature) in the bottle. [33]

[1] It can be said that the warmer particles of the environment „freeze“ on the super-cold nucleus. The melting point is chosen because a liquid has the advantage over a solid that we can easily penetrate it and take some measurements there. It is not an exact temperature.

[2] The size (volume) of the atomic nucleus has no direct effect on the possible illusion of the mechanical weight of the atom. Gold has a 3 times less bulky nucleus than uranium. However, gold has a greater mechanical weight than uranium. This is because uranium atom has a smaller surface area than gold atom. Gold is heavier, uranium is denser. See note on radioactivity.

[3] The text uses (incorrectly) the division of atoms according to their melting point intocoldandhot“. Atoms with a melting point below freezing (belowzerodegrees Celsius) are (incorrectly) referred to in the book as „cold“ (they are gases). Atoms with a melting point above freezing are referred to as „hot“ (metals).

[4] In general, an atom iscoldorhotrelative to the environment in which it is currently located. E.g. oxygen atoms (melting point 50 K) are „hotrelative to the ambient temperature (5 K) and at this temperature they are „frozenand are in a solid state. Compared to the temperature of the environment (100 K), they are „cold“, they form condensation nuclei for the particles of the environment and are in a gaseous state.

[5] Centripetal pressure = the pressure of the environment on the outer surface area of the particles that make up the shell of the atom. Centrifugal pressure = the pressure of the shells of the superdense nucleus particles on the inner surface of the shell particles.

[6] The pressure field must always be viewed from the perspective of the environment. From an environment around atom point of view, thepeak“ on the surface of the atom represents a low pressure (NT). When viewed from the environment of the interior of the atom, there is a „valleyopposite thepeak“, which represents high pressure (VT). The higher the pressure on one side of the surface, the lower the pressure must be on the opposite side of the surface (Fig. 7.1. e). And vice versa.

[7] Just for an idea. Inert gases have „small round nucleus“, small volum and a small surface area (small surface area of an atom = small mechanical weight). Composite nuclei from a small number of simple nuclei have different shapes and this is also reflected in the shape of the surface area of the atom and the pressure field derived from it. The properties of such elements and their isotopes vary widely. For elements with a large (compound) nucleus, the properties of the isotopes do not differ so much. If we add another „ice ball“ to one „ice ball“, the shape of the resulting composite body changes radically. If we add one „ice ball“ to twenty „ice balls“, the resulting shape of such a cluster will not change that much.

[8] This is not mechanical „inertial“ motion resulting from the „mass weight“ of the atoms particles. The particles that make up an atom have no mass weight.  

[9] The sum of the areas of the two small spheres is greater than the area of the resulting sphere, which is formed by joining them. This also applies to the shells of atoms. The sum of the surface areas of the twosmallatoms before fusion is greater than the surface area of the resultinglarge“ atom that is formed after fusion. The excess high-pressure particles from the surface areas of thesmallatoms are the heat (T) that results from fusion.

[10] E.g. the atmosphere at the Earth's surface consists of 998 litres of plasma and two litres of atoms and molecules.

[11] An atom without a „frozen“ plasma can be thought of as a ship with its sails down. An atom with a „frozen“ plasma can be imagined as a ship with sails spread. In the case of an atom withfrozen“ plasma, the environmental pressure (TP) acts on a significantly larger area.

[12] Similarly, as a particle on (Fig. 6.2. b)

[13] A composite body made of atoms can be imagined as a cluster of tenis balls (atoms) in a closed fish net. Each ball (atom) has its own (rubber) surface area. The fish net is a shell of composite body and holds the composite body together. The fish net represents a high pressure on the surface of the mass-body (surface pressure). The basic environment (plasma) is then something like air that can penetrate the fish net, flow between the balls and exert pressure on the surface of each ball. Another cluster of balls in another fish net (another mass-body) can only act on the outer surface of the first cluster. First fish net act by pressure impulses on surface of the second fish net.

For mass-bodies, it is necessary to distinguish between a mechanical surface and a physical surface. Mechanical surface = fish net surface. Physical surface = surface of all balls (atoms) in the fish net. Mechanical surface = the surface of all atoms that make up the surface of a mass-body. Physical surface = the surface of all atoms forming the mass-body (including those inside of the mass-body).

[14] The surface of each atom consists of high-pressure particles that create a pressure field on its surface (Fig. 7.1). The sum of these pressures forms the (centrifugal) surface pressure of a mass-body. The area of a (physical) mass-body begins where its surface pressure ends. This means „a bit“ above the surface as it is perceived today in mechanics. It can be stated that every mass-body has something like stratopause on its surface. Don't confuse physical surface pressure with mechanical surface tension!

[15] It cools down, which means that the plasma between the atoms will significantly reduce its volume. Atoms are close together, their shells are „wedged“ into each other. The plasma between atoms inside mass-body is a continuous part of the environment. But inside a mass-body (in the mass-body reference system) plasma has a different density of space than is density of the space in environment arround body. The pressure difference between the inside of the body and the environment is equalized in the shell of the body.

[16] The centripetal pressure (OT) from the Earth's stratopause pushes the (dense) water molecules below the (more sparse) molecules of atmosphere. The pressure in the subordinate frame of reference of the (denseer) water pushes the (sparse) tennis ball against the pressure (OT). (OT) exerts a weaker pressure on the physical surface of the tennis ball molecules than the pressure field in the water. The body of the tennis ball moves in the direction from which the least pressure is exerted on its physical surface (Fig. 4.5. b).

An iceberg floating on the surface of the sea is in its density layer and has no mechanical mass-weight (is weightless). The glacier is not on solid earth surface and its mechanical mass-weight cannot be measured. An iceberg on land (in the atmosphere environment) is one density layer higher than its density layer. Such iceberg has mechanical mass-weight. The iceberg is on a solid earth surface and its mechanical mass-weight can be measured.

[17] The planet has the character of low-pressure particle. The planet moves in the internal pressure field of the star and has the character of a wave. The stratopause forms an inter-phase between the very high pressure of the inner pressure field of planet (MP) and the considerably lower pressure in the pressure field of the planet's mass core. The centripetal pressure of the stratopause (OT) originates from the oriented centripetal pressure from the planet's shell (MP). The dynamic centripetal pressure below the stratopause (so-called „gravity“) is an order of magnitude higher than above the stratopause (so-called „microgravity“). (MP) = shell of the planet.

[18] The mechanics works with three false illusions. The false illusion of mass-weight, the false illusion of linearity and the false illusion of time. None of these false illusions have a counterpart in real (physical) space.

[19] In the environment of liquids and gases, a solid mechanical surface does not exist. In order to find out the possible weight of liquids or gases, we have to put them in a vessel with solid walls.

[20] A mechanical weight-scale can be defined as a „flexible pad“. The deflection of scale corresponds to the mass-weight of the mass-body lying on it. The scale must be on a solid pad. It is completely natural to push the surface of the balloon from above (centripetally) and thus create the illusion of mass-weight. It is impossible to imagine some mysteriousattractive forcethat acts on the surface of the mass-body from the center and causes the body's centripetal movement. It defies common sense.

Physical pressure (OT) deforms the particles that make up the atom, and this is reflected in the deformation of the entire atom. In the example (Fig. 7.8. d), the illusion of mechanical weight is caused by physical pressure. In the example (Fig. 7.8. b) the illusion of mechanical weight is caused by mechanical pressure.  

[21] An oriented pressure field is created on the surface of the atom. The atom „tries“ to move in the direction of its tip, but the solid pad prevents it from doing so. The stopped motion manifests itself as a mechanical pressure of the south surface of the atom on the mechanical surface of the pad and causes the illusion of weight.

[22] From this point of view, the so-called „mass point“ is one of the worst fallacies ever invented. A „point“ has no surface area, cannot have mechanical mass, and cannot move.

[23] In fact, it is the difference in pressure (OT) on the surface of the northern hemisphere (red) and southern hemisphere (blue) of the atom (Fig. 7.8. d). Given the dimensions of the atom (the distance between its north and south poles), the pressure fall it exerts (OT) must be considerable.

[24] When traveling into Universe, we see the fact that at a height of approximately 80 km above the surface of the planet, the effect of so-called „gravity“ decreases dramatically. At these heights is the stratopause. The centripetal pressure below the stratopause (causing the illusion of weight) is an order of magnitude higher than above the stratopause. Centripetal pressure below the stratopause = „gravity“. Centripetal pressure above the stratopause = „microgravity“.

[25] Liquid water is „glued“ to the glass by the high pressure of the environment. A solid crystal has more freedom of movement. This process creates raindrops on condensation nuclei in the atmosphere. The diameter of raindrops usually does not exceed 6 millimeters. The area under which a (sparse) water droplet is pressed onto a (dense) condensation nucleus defines the so-called „sedimentation catchment area“ around the condensation nucleus. Crystal does not attract anything!

[26] Mechanical pressure = pressure exerted by one (solid) mechanical surface on another (solid) mechanical surface. Physical pressure = the pressure exerted by the particles of space (plasma) with their surfaces on the surfaces of all the atoms forming the body.

[27] The mechanical force in an explosive engine is created by the pressure caused by the fuel explosions acting on the mechanical surface of the piston and causing it to move, which is then transmitted to the wheels. Pressure is before force. Nevertheless, in mechanics, „force“ is placed before pressure.

[28] A „water molecule“ in a sea wave (Fig. 7.10. right), rises above the sea level into the air frame of reference (VS1), and get mass-weith there. At the same time, the same water molecule in the water frame of reference (VS2) has no mass-weight. A sea wave rising above the sea level acquires mass-weight and is pushed towards the center by process of sedimentation. Sea waves are a visible consequence of dynamic centripetal pressure (OT) from the stratopause (Fig. 6.4.). Top of the wave = (NT), bottom of the wave = (VT).

[29] Planet Earth is a low-pressure particle. The density of the space towards the center of its mass core increases, the pressure decreases. In the (denser) water density sphere, a lower centripetal physical pressure from the stratopause (OT) acts on the surface area of iron atoms than in the (sparser) air density sphere. Lower centripetal pressure (OT) on iron atoms = lower illusion of mass-weight of the iron cube in water.

[30] In the Example (Fig. 7.10.) the scale and vessel are neglected.

[31] There can be no aerostatic pressure in the atmosphere. The atmosphere cannot be lifted up one density sphere to gain mass-weight. The atmosphere is made up of the unity of atmospheric low pressures and atmospheric high pressures. The atmosphere is weightless, has no mass-weight and no inertial mechanical (Coriolis) forces act in it. Mechanical units of atmospheric pressure, which contain the unit kilogram, are of doubtful value.

[32] Atoms influence the density of the space by their presence. The dense plasma in the (dense) liquid displaces the sparse plasma in the (sparse) air in the vessel away from the center of the planet. Plasma of the water environment exerts centrifugal pressure impulses on the surface of plasma of the air environment and pushes it and with it air molecules away from the center. The plasma in the water has the same spatial density as the water molecules and does not push the water molecules either from the center or into the center. Water molecules are in their density sphere and are weightless. So it is not that the water displaces the air. Water molecules and air molecules are mass-bodies nested in plasma (of different spatial density) and react to the pressure of the surfaces of the plasma particles on their surfaces by movement.

[33] It is similar with the physical pressure in the atmosphere. The pressure (in the denser atmosphere) at the surface is lower than the pressure (in the sparser atmosphere) at altitude. If there was a higher pressure at the surface, it would push the atmosphere into space. This is clearly not happening. The atmosphere is weightless and there is no aerostatic pressure inside. Measuring atmospheric pressure by mechanical methods gives false ideas and dubious results.