8. Friction, magnetism, electricity

8.1.       Heat (pressure) and so-called „electricity“ have the same origin. Electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism) is a form of pressure. Electro-technical (mechanical) devices (generators, dynamos) convert mechanical movement into physical pressure and vice versa. Electro-technical devices also make it possible to „accumulate“ (high) pressure in capacitors or accumulators and create artificial channels (good pressure conductors) through which the pressure is brought from the source (high pressure) to the places of consumption (low pressure).



Fig. 8.1.


8.2.       There are high-pressure particles on the surface of mass-bodies. In (Fig. 8.1. a) there are two mass blocks which touch with their surface areas. The upper block presses on the lower block with pressure (P). When we move the upper block in relation to the lower block, the pressure impulse of surface particles increases. The greater the pressure (P) and the higher the speed of movement, the greater the pressure impulse exerted by the surface pressure particles.

8.3.       The nature of the particles changes. „Cold“ surface pressure particles are gradually transformed into (hot) particles (T), which act with a higher pressure impulse. Part of the particles (T) penetrates through the surface pressure of the mass block due to the large pressure momentum they now have. This means that particles penetrate between atoms, but not inside atoms. The body heats up from the friction surfaces towards its center. Part of the particles of heat and also light (T, S) is pushed away from the hot mass-body into the cold environment. The mass-body shines.


8.4.       Example 8.1. On (Fig. 8.1. b) there is a rotating disk with indicated surface pressure particles of the disk atoms. The disc is made of the bad pressure conductor. The rotational motion increases the pressure pulse that surface particles can exert. A "cloud" of high-pressure particles forms in the environment around the rotating disk. The particles of cloud originating from the surface atoms of the disk and the surrounding space (from the surfaces of air molecules). The disc forms a condensation core for the cloud of particles. A cloud of particles is a continuous part of the environment. If we stop rotating the disk, the high pressure from the cloud particles will gradually equalize with the pressure in the environment around the disk.

8.5.       We place a good pressure conductor near the particle cloud (VT). Pressure conductor is connected to the low pressure area ("pressure consumer" NT). The conditions in the pressure field of the environment will change (Fig. 8.1. c). A "spike" is formed on the surface of the particles in the direction of the low pressure. This leads to the transmission of pressure pulses between the particles in the direction from (VT) to (NT) and also to the movement of the particles (in the direction of their spike).

8.6.       A pressure channel is formed around the outer surface of the good conductor by which the pressure in space equalizes. The particles (VT) are pushed (in spirals) away from the disk towards the outer surface area of the low pressure channel (NT). [1] The speed of particle movement increases and the transformation of "cold" particles into "hot" (S, T) particles with a higher pressure impulse occurs. We observe flash and light.


8.7. Magnetism

8.7.       In (Fig. 8.2. a) there is a weakly polar atom between two metal plates in the natural pressure field of the Earth (blue arrows OT). When we connect a pressure source (accumulator) to the plates, an artificial pressure field is created between them (red arrows). The plasma particles of the environment between the plates react by changing their shape (Fig. 6.2. b) and act with increased oriented pressure pulses on the surface area of the atom. The particles of the shell of the atom also change their shape. This leads to a change in the shape of the entire atom.

8.8.       A large pressure gradient between the metal plates is manifested by the flattening of the "north" surface of the atom. A spike is formed on the "south" surface of the atom. The atom changes its shape from a "ball" to an "egg". A change in the shape of the outer surface of an atom also results in changes inside the atom. The nucleus moves towards the spike (Fig. 8.2. b). When the atom is not on a "solid" mass-pad, pressure on its surface is manifested by movement in the direction of the spike.

8.9.       There is high pressure on the "northern pole" of the atom and lower pressure is on the "southern pole". An oriented pressure field is created on the surface of the atom between its poles. The atom turns into a pressure dipole (Fig. 8.2. b). When we disconnect the external pressure field, the shape of the atom returns to its original state.

8.10.    The shape of the nucleus of an atom affects the shape of its surface area. The shape of the atom has an effect on the shape of pressure field on its surface area and in its immediate environment. When the nucleus of an atom has a "pyramid" shape, the atom has an "egg" shape even under normal conditions (Fig. 8.2. c). There is a (natural) strongly oriented pressure field (magnetic pressure field) on the surface of such an atom. This fact can be used to construct permanent magnets. [2]

8.11.    Pyramidal nuclei can be found in so-called "ferromagnetic" elements. When these substances are in their natural state (in rocks), the orientation of their atoms is mostly chaotic. We melt them and expose them to an external oriented pressure field (Fig. 8.2. c). In the liquid state, the atoms can rotate in the direction of the greatest pressure drop. Oriented pressure fields on their surfaces synchronize. After solidification, we obtain a mass-body (permanent magnet), which permanently deforms the pressure field in its environment even when the external source of the pressure drop is disconnected (Fig. 8.2. d). Permanent magnets can also be made from powdered ferromagnetic material whose synchronized surface pressure field is fixed with resin.  


Fig. 8.2.


8.12.    We must distinguish between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Permanent magnets are "mass-bodies" (spatial anomalies) that deform the pressure field of the basic environment by their presence. We do not supply "energy" to permanent magnets from an external source. Electromagnets are active bodies (machines) that obtain "energy" from an external source. Magnets neither attract nor repel themselves!  


8.13.    Example 8.2. On (Fig. 8.2. f) there is a stream of a wide river and a boat in it. The boat has an "egg" shape and is pushed by the river current in the direction of its tip. There is a gorge in the stream of the river. The boat is pushed by the river current (by pressing on its flat side) towards the gorge. The gorge does not attract the boat! Similarly, the pressure field of the basic environment (plasma) deformed by the magnet pushes (by pressing on flat side of atom) the ferromagnetic atom towards the magnet. A magnet does not attract an atom!

8.14.    As we approach the center of the low pressure (tornado), we are pushed by the centripetal pressure field towards the central channel of the tornado. Tornado channel does not attract anything! Similarly, we are pushed by the centripetal pressure field of the planet towards the center of its mass-core. The planet does not attract anything! The planet has the character of a low-pressure particle.



Fig. 8.3.


8.15.    Example 8.3. The pressure from the "permanent" pressure source spreads in the open spiral surfaces (Fig. 8.3. a). [3] The wire (V) is connected to a "permanent" pressure source (accumulator). The conductor (N) is connected to measuring instrument (to the pressure consumer). When we bring the conductor (N) closer to the conductor (V) we see induction (Fig. 8.3. b). A spiral pressure field is created around (V). High pressure particles from the source (V) transmit a pressure pulse through the environment to the consumer (N). This is a classic relationship between high pressure and low pressure.

8.16.    We make a thread from the wire and connect it to the high pressure source (Fig. 8.3. c). An oriented pressure field is created between the two opposite areas (V1) and (V2) of the conductor. If we connect several simple turns in a row, we get a coil (Fig. 8.3. d). The principle from (Fig. 8.3. c) is multiplied. A strong oriented pressure field is created in the middle of the coil. The areas of low pressure (N) that naturally occur between individual turns (V1, V2, ... Vn) are worth paying attention to.  

8.17.    By inserting a good pressure conductor (core) in the center of the coil, we can divert the oriented pressure field in the center of the coil in the required direction. On (Fig. 8.4. a) is an example of simple induction in space. In such a simple system, the pressure field of the coil (V) is closed through the surrounding environment. The pressure pulse can be strongly weakened by the environment. The induction efficiency in such an arrangement is low (e.g. air = bad pressure conductor).

8.18.    If we close core of the coil (a good pressure conductor) in a loop, we get the basic scheme of the transformer (Fig. 8.4. b). Oriented pressure pulses propagate only through the outer surface of the core. Therefore transformer sheets are used for the core, because the area of interphase of core increases significantly and induction takes place with higher efficiency. 


8.19.    Note 8.1. The conductor cannot be compared to a pipe through which "free electrons" flow, but rather to a chisel, where on one side the hammer exerts pressure impulses and on the other side these pressure impulses are transmitted to the pressure consumer. Oriented pressure pulses are transmitted by the particles on the outside of the pressure interface of the conductor. The "last particle" transmits a pressure impulse to the consumer, which reacts, for example, by movement (see Newton's pendulum).

8.20.    The pressure (so-called "electricity") spreads along the outer (centrifugal) side of the surface area (interphase) of the conductor (Fig. 8.4. f). The surface area of the conductor has two sides. The inner (centripetal) side of the surface exerts pressure towards the center of the conductor. The conductor (dense metal wire = NT) can be considered as a form of central channel (cumulus) inside the high pressure on the surface of the conductor. In the center of the conductor (cumulus) there is an eye, where the pressure (temperature) is high. Heat spreads from the center of the conductor to the surface (against the external pressure field). This in turn causes an increase in temperature on the surface of the conductor.

8.21.    The temperature of the conductor affects the efficiency of the transmission of the pressure pulse. As the temperature increases, the asymmetry of the particles on the surface of the conductor (the pressure field between the surface of the conductor and the environment) increases and thus an additional chaotic pressure impulse is introduced into the pressure transmission. The efficiency of the transmission of the pressure pulse through the conductor decreases (the so-called electrical resistance increases). On the contrary, so-called superconductivity appears as the temperature decreases.



Fig. 8.4.


8.22.    The so-called "electricity" is the transmission of pressure impulses from an area of high pressure (source) to an area of low pressure (consumer). The propagation of pressure through a (good) conductor is influenced by the type of so-called "electrical current". The direct current pressure field has the character of a single pressure impulse. Plasma particles transmit a pressure impulse in only one direction and their pressure impulses gradually decrease. Long distance pressure transmission is inefficient. It can be compared to Newton's pendulum with a very long row of balls. Alternating current is transmitted with much higher efficiency over long distances. With alternating current, the tip of the plasma particles on the outer surface of the conductor and with it the orientation of the transmitted pressure pulse periodically change (Fig. 8.4. f).  

8.23.    When we fix the coil, the pressure of the surfaces of particles that form a oriented pressure field inside the coil acts on the surface of the atoms of the ferromagnetic core and causes movement of atoms in the direction of their tips. After reversing the polarity of the source, the opposite movement occurs (Fig. 8.4. c, d). Conversely, if we move a ferromagnetic core inside a stationary coil, the pressure field of the core will induce an alternating pressure ("electrical") field on the surface of the coil wires (Fig. 8.4. e).

[1] It resembles the situation when we pull out the drain plug in a sink full of water.

[2] The idea of the compound nucleus of an atom in the pyramidal shape is on the (Fig. 8.2. e). The core consists of four parts and has a distinct tip. This results in a tip on the surface area of the atom (Fig. 7.1. e).

[3] The so-called "electric field" of a single conductor (wire) is commonly depicted as closed curves. Closed curves (closed surfaces) do not allow induction. When we supply the wire (a good pressure conductor) with pressure from the outside (from a "permanent" source of pressure), the pressure from the conductor must spread in spiral surfaces (Fig. 8.3. a). A "permanent" source of pressure has the character of high pressure (centrifugal pressure is higher than centripetal pressure).