9. Astronomy


9.1.           Astronomy deals with large-scale pressure systems in spherical space (the Universe). Pressure systems have a fractal character. Large (superior) pressure systems are composed of smaller and smaller (subordinate) pressure systems. At the same time, subordinate pressure systems form superior pressure systems. Particles (simple bodies) together form composite bodies. Simple and composite bodies follow the same rules of fractal spherical geometry of space. On (Fig. 9.1.) is an attempt to display the sequence of fractal pressure systems that make up the Universe.



Fig. 9.1.


9.2.           The fractal fibrous structure of the basic space (plasma) fills the entire volume of the Universe continuously and completely (Fig. 9.1. a). The existence of the fractal fiber structure of space is a consequence (result) of the natural division of space, which is based on its physical properties. The fibrous structure of space is formed by the unity of high-pressure particles and low-pressure particles. Spatial fibers can be formed by low pressure (Fig. 9.1. a) [1] or high pressure (Fig. 2.1. b).

9.3.           Atoms (mass) are a continuous part of space. Mass makes up a small fraction of the volume of the Universe. Cold atoms of (sparse) gases are relatively „evenly“ distributed in space (Fig. 9.1. b). Large clusters of (dense) atoms are found mainly in the mass-cores of planets and stars.


9.4.           The planet is a subordinate low-pressure particle in a superior low-pressure particle of the star. The planet must always be understood as the entire low-pressure particle bounded by (MP) and not only its mass-core. The centripetal pressure from (MP) holds the planet's mass-core together, rotates with the mass-core, and causes high temperatures in the center of the mass-core. Planet mass-core = central planet + all its moons. The shell of the planet (MP) is a necessary condition of arise of mass-core of planet.

9.5.           The space density of the (TN) planets increases towards the center of low-pressure of the star. Space density of a planet = space density of its mass-core + space density under the shell (MP) of the planet. Moons reduce the spatial density of the planet's mass-core and thus the overall space density of the planet. On (Fig. 9.1. c) is indicated the low-pressure particle of the Earth-Moon, whose mass-core consists of two mass-bodies.

9.6.           The low-pressure particle of the planet moves in the superior low-pressure of the star and can also be viewed as a wave. The head of the wave, of the planet in the eye of which the mass-core is located, forms a pressure partition in the low-pressure particle of the star. In front of the front of the wave is the „tail“ of the next wave, forming the next denser planet (if there is one). Individual waves of the planets together form spirals of low pressure (N1) and (N2), between spirals (V1) and (V2) of high pressure (Fig. 9.3. d).  

9.7.           The star forms a superior low-pressure particle for the low-pressure particles of the individual planets. A star must always be understood as the entire low-pressure bounded by its shell (MH) and not just the center of its mass-core. Mass-core of a star = mass-core of the central star + all its planets. The individual planets (P1, P2 ... Pn) are the result of sedimentation between the two arms of high pressure (V1, V2) of the star (TN). The shell of the star (MH) is huge compared to the shell of the planet (Fig. 9.1. d). The centripetal pressure from (MH) rotates with the star and its planets and is the cause of the high temperature of the central star. (TN) of the star moves (along a fractal spiral) and can be considered as a wave.

9.8.           The local group (LG) forms the superior low-pressure particle for the stellar and planetary low-pressure particles (Fig. 9.1. e). Local groups (LG) are subordinate low-pressure particles (N11, N12...), which forms of the low pressure arms (N1, N2) of the galaxy (Fig. 9.1. f). (LG) move together with the arm of the galaxy and can be considered as waves. Super-dense spheres (SHS) can be found in the centers (LG), which form their sedimentation bottoms (SHS = so-called black hole).

9.9.           Galaxies are (mostly) low-pressure particles. [2] A galaxy must always be understood as the entire low-pressure particle under (MG) and not just its mass-core. Galaxies can be considered as low-pressure particles, which together form the low-pressure fibers of the fibrous structure of the Universe (Fig. 9.1. g). Among the low-pressure fibers formed by the low-pressures of galaxies, there are „mega-particles“ of space (MB), in which there is very high pressure (Fig. 4.2.). Galaxies move (on fractal spirals) and can also be thought of as waves. The fibrous structure of the Universe (Fig. 9.1. h) is a fractal (mega) analogy of the fibrous structure of the basic space (Fig. 9.1. a) and follows the same rules.


9.10. The basic space


9.10.        Basic space (plasma) continuously and completely fills the entire volume of the Universe. The basic space is unbounded (we cannot find its shell). The basic space differs only in its spatial density. The density of space and the inversely proportional pressure (temperature) derived from it is the only parameter that can be used to characterize the basic space. [3] The denser the space, the lower the pressure (temperature) in it. The sparser the space, the higher the pressure (temperature) in it. The extremes within which the density of the basic space moves are given by its physical properties.

9.11.        The maximum spatial density (minimum pressure) is reached at the temperature bottom („zero“ degrees Kelvin). Such spatial density is found in the nuclei of atoms, superdense spheres (SHS) and superdense megaspheres (SHMS) that form the low-pressure sedimentary floors of the Universe.

9.12.        The minimum spatial density (maximum pressure) occurs in the stratopauses of stars and in the „mega-particles“ of space (MB). Every „super-dense“ region (eg a particle G in the nucleus of an atom) has a shell of maximum pressure. The magnitude of the maximum temperature is probably not as „sharp“ a value as the temperature bottom. According to some measurements, it is somewhere around 5 million degrees Kelvin.

9.13.        At least some information about the physical properties of the prevailing form of basic space can be obtained from the so-called „relic radiation map“ (Cosmic microwave background). [4] The only thing that can be taken away from this „map“ is the measured temperature (pressure), which is practically the same in all directions and is around 2,73 degrees K. It has the greatest intensity at a wavelength of around 1.06 millimeters. We can consider these values ​​with a great deal of caution as an indication of the basic (predominant) density of the space and the temperature of the plasma that fills most of the space, as well as an indication of the frequency of pressure pulses that the rotating particles of the basic space act on.

9.14.        Some physical properties of „cold“ gas atoms (helium, hydrogen) are close to the temperatures at which they are „formed“ in the basic space. These mass-elements are a continuous part of the basic space, they approach it in their density and are scattered in it (Fig. 9.1. b).


9.15. The Planet


9.15.        A planet is a subordinate low-pressure particle in a superior low-pressure particle of a star. We must always look at the planet as the entire low-pressure particle, bounded (MP) and not just its mass-core. The mass-core of the planet = the central planet + all its moons. The planet is weightless, has no mechanical mass-weight, is not a source of „attraction“ or a magnetic field! [5] What is called the (centrifugal) „magnetic field“ of the planet is actually a centripetal pressure field originating from the (MP). The centripetal pressure from (MP) holds the planet's mass-core together, rotates with it, and is the cause of its hot center.

9.16.        At the center of the planet's vast low-pressure particle is a high-pressure channel (VT) which is part of the planet's shell. At the center of this channel is a cumulus (NT), in the center of which is a „small grain“ of the planet's mass-core. A channel of high pressure (V) passes through the poles of the mass-core of the planet, which is the cause of the high temperature in the center of the mass-core (Fig. 9.3. c). [6]

9.17.        The immediate source of centripetal pressure acting on the mass-core of the planet is the stratopause. Pressure from the stratopause originates in the centripetal pressure from (MP). The stratopause forms an intermediate phase between the pressure field below (MP) and the pressure field of the planet's mass-core (below the stratopause). [7] The centripetal pressure from the stratopause to the surface of the atoms of the mass-core below the stratopause is the cause of the phenomenon called gravity.

9.18.        The pressure field of the mass-core of the planet has five parts, like the pressure field of each particle (Fig. 9.2. right). [8] Below the stratopause are two hemispheres (northern and southern), separated from each other by the equatorial countercurrent. A channel (V) runs through the center of the planet's mass-core. All parts of the planet's pressure field are interconnected. Changing one of them will affect all the others.

9.19.        The planet is moving and cannot be placed on a „solid mechanical pad“. The mass-core of the planet is weightless and never has mechanical mass-weight. All density layers of the mass-core of the planet are in a weightless state and do not press on each other with their mechanical mass-weight (they have none), but only with the pressure resulting from the difference in their space densities. All the pressures between the density layers are equalized only in the interphases between them.

9.20.        Centripetal pressure from (MP) acts first on the atmosphere, then on the sea, the land and then on the individual density layers of magma. The density of space increases towards the center, the pressure in each layer of density decreases. Subordinate low-pressures in the individual density layers of the planet's mass-core rotate with different dynamics. Differences in the movement of individual density layers are equalized only in the interphases between them. [9] The speed and direction of rotation of the mass-core of the planet is determined by the sum of the rotations in the individual density layers of the planet.


9.21.        A planet arises from the shell, not from the center. The pressure from (MP) pushes the very cold (only a few degrees K) dense matter (in a spiral) towards the center where the planet's mass-core is formed. The continuos supply of pressure (heat) from the central channel (V) into this cluster of cold mass results in the initially very cold cluster of the planet's mass-core gradually melts from the center and sedimentation begins here. [10] Dense elements (iron, gold, uranium) are pushed toward the center, sparser matter (silicates, water, gases) away from the center.

9.22.        The space density of a planet is formed by a random process. The distance (MP) from the center of the low-pressure star, the amount and space density of matter (atoms) that are available under (MP) play a role here. The space density of a planet = the space density of planet's shell (MP) + the space density of the pressure field under the shell + the space density of the planet's mass-core. The space density of the planetary system must be considered as a single (composite) body.

9.23.        The spatial density of the planet is decisive for its position in the pressure field of the star. The greater the space density of a planet, the closer the planet is to the center (MH). The position of the planet in the pressure field of the star between the arms (V1, V2) affects the amount of heat (pressure) that flows into the planet from (MP).



Fig. 9.2.


9.24.        Example 9.1. On (Fig. 9.2. left) is a comparison of (TN) tornado [11] and (TN) planet. A tornado is atmospheric low-pressure system. A tornado is weightless and acts only by pressure and not by its own mechanical mass-weight. The shell of a tornado is made up of high-pressures that rotate with the tornado and push all the dense material (spiraling) toward the center. The density of space and the speed of movement increases towards the center. Around the central channel of the tornado is a layer of rain (similar to the ocean) and its center is made up of flying (dense) material debris (similar to the mass-core of the planet at its formation).

9.25.        The centripetal pressure from the shell of the tornado rotates with the central channel. The channel does not rotate with the shell! It is the same with the planet. Centripetal pressure from the planet's shell rotates with the planet's mass-core. A planet's mass core would not arrise or rotates if there wasn't (MP).

9.26.        As we approach the center of the tornado, we are pushed by the centripetal pressure field from the shell of the tornado into the center of the (rotating) channel. The channel is not attracting anything! Similarly, with a planet, we are pushed by the centripetal pressure field from (MP) towards the center of its mass-core! The planet does not attract anything! The mass-core of the planet is not the source of any „attractive forces“!


9.27.        Space density of a planetary system = (planet + its moons) is the sum of the density of its shell (MP) and what is below the shell. For a planet with moons, the surface area of ​​its shell and thus the volume under the shell increase. Moons reduce the density of a planet's space. The space density of a planet with moons is lower than the space density of a „comparable“ planet without moons. Moons of planets that have their own (subordinate) low-pressure rotate and may have hot center. The moons of planets that do not have their own low-pressure do not rotate, or may exhibit „strange“ rotations. [12]

9.28.        Planetary systems form flat disks in the equatorial countercurrents (RP) of stars. (RP) stars have a „north and south“ half. In the same way as the atmospheric low-pressure can be located above or below the Earth's equator, a planet can be located in the northern or southern part of the equatorial countercurrent of the star (Fig. 9.7.). This affects its topography.


9.29.        Example 9.2. (P1) = Venus has no moon. (P2) = (Earth + Moon) has, due to the Moon, a more voluminous mass-core and, as a result, a more voluminous shell (Fig. 9.3. d). The space density (P2) is lower than the space density (P1). This means that (P1) is closer to the center of (MH) and is in a higher pressure gradient between (V1, V2) than (P2). More pressure (heat) flows into (P1) than into (P2). This results in a much higher temperature of the mass-core of Venus. If Earth had no Moon, it would probably have a similar density of space to Venus, be closer to the center of the Solar System in a larger pressure gradient, and be hot like Venus. [13] (Just for example. Such speculations are pointless.)


9.30.        The driving force of the planet's motion is the pressure impulses of the surfaces of the particles of the interplanetary pressure field below (MH) on the surface of the particles of the shell of the planet (MP). The position of the surrounding planets affects the trajectory of the planet. A planet is a particle (NT) that moves and can be viewed as a (3D) wave. The head of the wave is directed towards the star, the tail of the wave is considerably elongated (Fig. 9.3. c). The planet moves in the direction of the forehead of its head and rotates around its „axis“. [14] When a planet is the center of a planetary system, its „axis“ rotates around some curve. Trajectory of the planet is fractal spiral. Planets do not move in closed orbits (ellipses)!



Fig. 9.3.


9.31.        Example 9.3. We can imagine the planet as an inflatable balloon, inside of which a thin rubber band is stretched between its „poles“. In the middle of the rubber band is a small paper ball (Fig. 7.7. e, f). The balloon represents the shell of the planet (MP). The paper ball represents the mass-core of the planet. The rubber band allows movement of the mass-core between the „poles“ of the balloon. Any change in the external pressure on the surface of the balloon affects the shape of the balloon and thus the position of the paper ball in the middle. The surface area of ​​the balloon is significantly larger than the surface area of ​​the paper ball. A balloon with a paper ball in the center has a similar density to the surrounding atmosphere, is weightless, and is carried by the wind, which exerts pressure on the large surface area of ​​the balloon.

9.32.        Similarly, the (TN) of the planet moves in the pressure field of the superior (TN) star. The surface area of ​​the planet's shell is many orders of magnitude higher than the surface area of ​​its mass-core. The centripetal pressure field of star exerts pressure pulses on the planet's shell and causes movement (TN) of the planet and its mass-core. [15]


9.33.        The planet is not a source of any pressure (heat). The mass-core of the planet receives heat from two sources. The main source is internal heat originating from the central channel (V), which heats the mass-core of planet away from the center. The closer to the center (MH) the planet is, the greater the pressure gradient between star's high-pressure arms (V1, V2) which acts on (MP) and the greater the supply of internal heat to the mass-core of the planet (Fig. 9.7.). The secondary source is surface heat (particles S, T) originating from the central star, which heats only the surface of the planet, towards the center. The closer to the center (MH) the planet is, the effective area of ​​the planet's mass-core to capture surface heat from the central star is slightly larger. Cloudiness reduces the effect of surface heat. Internal heat is an order of magnitude higher than surface heat. In terms of the ratio between internal and surface heat, the planets can be divided into four basic categories:

9.34.        a) The planet is not in centre of its own low-pressure particle and can have „strange“ rotations (Mercury). The amount of internal heat flowing into the mass-core is very small. The planet does not have volcanism and a no gaseous atmosphere. [16] The surface that is not exposed to surface heat from the central star is cold. Bodies without their own low-pressure particle are moons of other bodies and are part of their low-pressure. Their presence affects the size and shape (MP) and thus the density of the planetary system. Bodies without their own low-pressure particle are not considered a planet in this book.

9.35.        b) The planet has its own „weak“ low-pressure particle (Mars). Little internal heat (pressure) flows into the center of its mass-core from (V). The planet rotates. The planet does not have volcanism and does not have a gaseous atmosphere, or it has a very thin one. The surface that is not exposed to surface heat from the central star is cold.

9.36.        c) The planet has its own low-pressure particle and a „just right“ amount of internal heat flows into it. The internal heat reaches close to the surface of the mass-core and, together with the surface heat, forms the conditions for the existence of life (Earth). The planet rotates, has volcanism and, as a result, a gaseous atmosphere. „Weak“ nuclear fusion is taking place here.

9.37.        d) The planet has a „strong“ low-pressure particle. The planet rotates. The amount of internal heat flowing into the mass-core from (MP) is high and the surface of the planet is hot (soft). Such a planet does not „need“ volcanism, because the soft surface is able to balance the pressures from the center (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn). The planet has a gaseous atmosphere. „Weak“ nuclear fusion is taking place here.

9.38.        e) The star is a kind of „giant boiling planet“ with a huge intermediate phase (MH). The amount of centripetal pressure (heat) from (MH) flowing to the star's mass-core is enormous and has an effect on the temperature of the transformed particles (S, T) that the star subsequently emits (Fig. 9.10.). According to this, stars are distinguished from „blue“ to „brown“. Nuclear fusion takes place in the star's mass-core, which rather cools the star. The star has no volcanism and resembles a boiling cauldron. Due to the highly turbulent environment, it is likely that the surface temperature and the temperature at the center of the mass-core do not differ much. The star does not attract anything, star is not a nuclear reactor, star is not a tokamak and star is not a dynamo. The star is a pressure transformer.

9.39.        The high temperature in the center of the planet's mass-core is the cause of nuclear fusion, in which (sometimes) sparser atoms fuse into denser ones. [17] Denser atoms are subsequently pushed towards the center by the sedimentation process (Fig. 7.6.). The condition is that the center of the mass-core is in a liquid state. The planets (due to nuclear fusion) gradually become denser and move (on spiral) in the arms (N1, N2) of the superior low-pressure of the star closer to its center. In the case of a star system to the center (LG), in the case of (LG) to the center of the galaxy. The space density of the stars increases faster than the space density of the planets.


9.40. Planet Earth


9.40.        Planet Earth is a subordinate low-pressure particle inside the superior low-pressure particle of the Sun. The mass-core of the Earth contains one moon with which it forms one composite mass-body. The planet (Earth + Moon) must always be understood as an entire low-pressure particle, the shell of which is formed by (MP) and not only its mass-core.

9.41.        The subordinate low-pressure particle of the planet Earth [18] moves in the northern half of the equatorial countercurrent of the superior low-pressure particle Sun and has the character of a wave. The tail of the Earth wave starts (probably) before the Jupiter wave head. [19] The front of the head of the Earth wave is formed by „bumping“ into the tail of the Venus wave (Fig. 9.4.). The Earth is also moving with the entire Solar System with a high probability towards the south in the superior (LG). The southern hemisphere (Antarctica) forms the tip of the planet in the direction of this movement.

9.42.        The sum of the waves of the individual planets forms a low pressure spiral (N1s) in the northern part of the equatorial countercurrent of the Sun. The position of the planets on the spiral of low pressure (N1s) determines the inclination of their „axis“ with respect to the equatorial countercurrent of the star (Fig. 9.4. a). The tilting of the axes of rotation of the planets is not caused by any „planetary collisions“! The asymmetry of the Earth's pressure field is not caused by any „Solar Wind“.

9.43.        The low-pressure particle of planet Earth has two essential interphases. The outer shell of the planet (MP) is between two high-pressure spirals (V1, V2) of the Sun's pressure field (Fig. 9.7.). The centripetal pressure from (MP) decreases towards the Earth's mass-core in the individual turns of the spiral toroids. The centripetal pressure from (MP) holds the planet together and simultaneously rotates with the Earth's mass-core. The central channel (V) is the cause of the hot center of the Earth's mass-core.



Fig. 9.4.


9.44.        In the center of (MP) is Earth's mass-core. The Earth's mass-core is bounded by the stratopause, which is located about 60 - 80 km above the surface. The stratopause can be thought of as a „transmission lever“ of pressure from (MP) to the mass-core of the planet. The stratopause forms an interphase between the Earth's pressure field below the (MP) and the pressure field of the Earth's mass-core below stratopause. In other words. The stratopause separates the (sparse) environment of the Cosmos (only plasma) from the (much denser) environment of the Earth's mass-core (plasma + atoms). [20] Due to the size of the Earth's mass-core, the stratopause lies practically on the surface. For the planes and balloons, the stratopause is high, for satellites it is low. Measuring with current methods is not easy here. The importance of the stratopause is not recognized.  

9.45.        Above the stratopause is the internal pressure field of the Earth, formed practically only by plasma (Fig. 9.4. b). Below the stratopause, the atmosphere begins. [21] The centripetal pressure (OT) from the stratopause affects atmospheric weather, ocean currents, continental movements, and magma flows in the interior of the planet. The permanent centripetal pressure from the stratopause on the surface of the atoms of the mass-core is the cause of the phenomenon called gravity.


9.46.        The mass-core of the planet Earth has the shape of a so-called geoid (Fig. 9.5. d). [22] In the equatorial region, we observe the „swelling“ of the land, oceans and atmosphere (Fig. 9.5. a). The „swelling“ in the equatorial countercurrent region is not caused by mechanical „centrifugal force“ or by the Sun's „attraction“. The sun attracts nothing! [23]



Fig. 9.5.


9.47.        In the region of the North Pole, a central channel of high pressure (V) enters the mass-core of the Earth. (V) pushed a number of deep pools into the seabed (Fig. 9.5. b, red), the depth of which is about 4,000 m. At the South Pole the vortex (V) pushed the continent of Antarctica. Here we observe a spiral of low pressure, formed by mountains and volcanoes (Fig. 9.5. c, blue). The average altitude of Antarctica is 1958 m, the highest point is Vinson Massif (height 4900 m). Antarctica forms the „peak“ of the particle Earth in direction of the movement of the Solar System. Channel (V) leaves the Earth's mass-core at the South Pole and is the cause of the so-called „ozone hole“. The high pressure inside the chanell (V) is the cause of the desert-like weather at the poles.  

9.48.        The mass-core (Earth + Moon) together form one composite mass-body. An idea of ​​the pressure field between the Earth and the Moon is shown in (Fig. 9.6. a, b). There is a polar current and an equatorial current between the Earth and the Moon. The outgoing pressure (V) from the south pole of the Earth flows through the polar current to the south pole of the Moon and emerges at the north pole of the Moon (Fig. 9.6. a). From the north pole of the Moon, the pressure is directed back to the north pole of the Earth by the polar current (Fig. 4.6.). [24] A possible „entry“ of the equatorial current pressure into the Moon may be in the „Mare Orientale“ region (Fig. 9.6. c, blue).


Fig. 9.6.
S = north, J = south, polární proudìní = polar flow, rovníkové proudìní = equatorial flow


9.49.        The Earth has its tip at its south pole, the Moon at the north pole. The pressure vortex from the polar flow between the south pole of the Earth and the Moon has created a (spiral) structure of impact craters = (NT) at the south pole of the Moon, which has an „eye = (VT)“ without craters in the middle (Fig. 9.6. d). At the north pole of the Moon, there are extruded spirals of low pressure (Fig. 9.6. c).

9.50.        Topography makes it possible to get at least an approximate idea of ​​the Moon's pressure field. The topographical rule applies: Heights and areas with many craters = (NT). Lunar „sea“ = (VT). Falling bodies and dust are pushed by the pressure field into low pressure areas (fibres) on the Moon.

9.51.        The difference in the topography of the far side and the near side of the Moon is distinct and sharp. The near side of the Moon has many of so-called „seas“, i.e. high pressure areas (VT). Their darker color could be explained by the fact that there is little regolith and dust. Dust and regolith were pushed by high pressure (centripetally) to the edges of high pressure areas (seas) where they formed regolith „hills“. The hills represent the „fibres“ (areas of low pressure) that form the „shells“ of high pressures (seas). The lunar „seas“ are 2 - 4 km below the average height of the terrain („deep sea“ = high pressure).

9.52.        The tip of the mass-core of (only) planet Earth is Antarctica (Fig. 9.6. e). The tip of the Moon is its north pole. The tip of the composite body (Earth + Moon) is by the far side of the Moon where there is low pressure (NT). A substantial part of the far side is about 2 - 4 km above the average surface height. There is no „sea“ here and there are a lot of impact craters. [25] The topography of the Moon's surface suggests that the Moon formed at the same time as the Earth.

9.53.        The Moon is a permanent and continuous part of the internal pressure field of the planet (Earth + Moon) under (MP). The Moon does not have its own low-pressure particle, so it does not rotate and does not have a hot (liquid) mass-core. Measurements show that the denser part of the Moon is permanently tilted towards the Earth. The Moon's pressure field („Moon weather”) is „static” because the Moon does not rotate. On Earth, an area of low-pressure beneath the Moon rotates with the Earth's mass-core.

9.54.        There is low pressure in the „spiral cylinder“ between the Earth and the Moon. Thanks to the Earth's rotation, a spiral of low pressure under the Moon „travels“ from west to east and is the cause of tidal waves (Fig. 9.5. a). An area of ​​higher pressure moves on the far side of the Earth from the Moon. This means a lowering of the sea level and an outflow from the land. Tidal waves are not caused by any Lunar „attraction“. The Moon attracts nothing!

9.55.        The influence of the Moon can be called local. The influence of the Sun and neighboring planets affects the Earth's pressure field on a global scale. There is lower pressure on the side facing the Sun. The surface of the planet, the sea, and other density layers rotate beneath this low pressure area (higher sea level). The Sun, like the Moon, exerts a permanent effect on the Earth's pressure field. The surrounding planets temporarily deform the Earth's pressure field (Fig. 9.9.).

9.56.        The low-pressure particles of the individual planets influence each other. The surrounding planets (Venus, Jupiter) in the period when their pressure fields are closest to the Earth's pressure field can influence the Earth's low-pressure particle and thus the atmospheric weather. Venus is closest to earth at Christmas time and is always turned towards the Earth on the same (probably denser) side. In the same way that the Moon affects the height of the sea level, Venus can do the same (El Niño). The planet Jupiter also contributes to the dynamics of the mentioned phenomenon when it is close to the Earth.


9.57. Star, (Sun)


9.57.        The star is the superior low-pressure particle for the subordinate low-pressure particles of the planets. A star must always be understood as the entire low-pressure particle and not just the center of its mass-core. The mass-core of a star must always be understood including all (TN) planets (if it has them). The pressure field of a star has 5 basic parts as the pressure field of each particle (Fig. 9.3.). The shell (MH) of a star (its outer surface) is formed by high-pressure particles. Below the shell are two hemispheres separated from each other by an equatorial countercurrent. The central channel (V) passes through the center of the mass-core of the central star. A star is in a weightless, has no mechanical mass-weight and does not attract anything. All the density spheres of the star are weightless and have no mechanical mass-weight.

9.58.        Interphase of the star (MH = the shell of the star) separates the low-pressure particle of the star from the interstellar space. The interphase of the star is huge. [26] The centripetal pressure from the star's interphase holds the mass-core together and rotating with it. Through the central channel (V), high pressure from interstellar space flows into the star's mass-core, which is the main cause hot center of its mass-core. The pressure from the center tries to (centrifugally) „tear“ the star apart. Centripetal pressure is (order of magnitude) higher than centrifugal pressure. Both of these opposing pressures stabilize the star.

9.59.        The stratopause of a star represents a high surface pressure of the star's mass-core (Fig. 9.7.). What is below the stratopause is the mass-core of the central star itself, what is above the stratopause and below (MH) is the internal pressure field of the star (interplanetary space). The star's stratopause plays the same role as the planet's stratopause, but its temperature is higher. In the Sun, the temperature in the stratopause is about 5 million degrees, and the temperature of the upper spheres of the surface below the stratopause is about 5 thousand degrees.

9.60.        Physical bodies (stars) are not the source of any forces. The star is not the source of any „magnetic field“ and there are no „magnetic storms“ on it. What is called the (centrifugal) „magnetic field“ of the star is in fact the (centripetal) pressure field from (MH) which does not originate from the star, but is directed into the star. All the radiation that the star emits is a result of (transformed) pressure from (MH). A star is only a huge, red-hot planet. Pressure processes taking place in a star are much more intense (turbulent) than in a planet. [27]

9.61.        In order for sedimentation and nuclear fusion to take place in stars, there must be a mass atmosphere below the upper sphere of hot plasma, and below that a system of density layers composed of plasma and atoms in a liquid state, like in a planet. Due to the turbulent environment in the star, it is unlikely that there are any very high temperatures in the center of the star. It is likely that temperatures in the center are comparable to those at the surface. Too high a temperature in the center would lead to the destruction of the atoms there and to the „evaporation“ of their nuclei. This would be incompatible with the stability of the star. The temperature at the star's mass center must be an order of magnitude lower than it is in its stratopause.


9.62.        Example 9.4. We can imagine the star as a large bubbling pot in the middle of the stove, in which the jam is being boiled. The heat (pressure) that goes from the stove to the pot can be compared to the pressure (heat) from (MH) flowing into the mass-core of the star. Due to the turbulent environment, the temperature at the bottom of the pot does not differ much from the temperature at the surface. The steam that comes out of the pot can be compared to the light and heat (particles S, T) that the star subsequently emits. The contents of the pot (jam solution) will gradually thicken. Due to nuclear fusion, the star gradually thickens and moves towards the center (LG).

9.63.        The planet (Earth) can be compared to a small cup with a lid on the edge of the stove. The processes taking place here are much milder. The lid symbolizes the „solid“ surface of the planet. The steam that sometimes escapes from under the lid can be compared to volcanism, by which the planet gets rid of internal heat (pressure). In principle, a planet and a star are the same thing. The difference is only in their size and amount of internal heat (originating from MH). With a star, it makes no sense to talk about surface heat.


9.64. The star as transformer of pressure


9.64.        The pressure (heat) from the huge volume of space below the star's interphase (MH) is concentrated in the tiny mass-core. [28] During the transformation of „dense, cold (R)“ particles of space with a small volume into „hot, sparse (S, T)“ particles in a star, the following phenomenon occurs. On (Fig. 5.1.) there are two particles. (TV1) large sparse and (TV2) small dense. It would appear that a (higher) pressure from the large particle will spreads towards a (lower) pressure in the smaller particle when the interphase between them is disrupted. But that's not happening. The pressure spreads from the smaller particle (TV2) to the larger one (TV1).

9.65.        The particle (TV1, TV2) surrounds an environment with approximately the same pressure. The ratio of the particle's surface area to its volume changes with increasing particle diameter. The small particle (TV2) has a larger surface area per unit volume than a larger one (TV1). This means that the pressure exerted by the environment on the surface of a small particle (TV2) relative to a unit volume is greater than that of a large particle (TV1). A small (dense) particle (TV2) is pushed by the environment into the shell of a larger (sparse) particle (TV1). [29] The shell of a large particle is narrower and the pressure in it is lower (density is greater), the surface area of ​​the shell will increase. The volume of the large particle (TV1) increases, the pressure in it increases.

9.66.        This process leads to the formation of hot, sparse particles of heat and light (S, T) in the mass-cores of stars. The sparse particles (S, T) move towards from center against the centripetal flow of (dense) particles from the interphase of the star (Fig. 9.10.). This is the heat and light that subsequently heats the surface of the nearest planets (surface heat). All the radiation that the star emits is a result of (transformed) pressure from (MH).


9.67.        Nuclear fusion. The mass-core of a star is made up of a mixture of plasma and atoms. Plasma particles are open bodies that can continuously change their space density (Fig. 4.1. a). Atoms are closed bodies whose space density does not change within a certain range of external temperatures. Atoms are practically incompressible, but they can change their shape under external pressure.

9.68.        Atoms are „passive bodies“ that do not move on their own. All movement in space is caused by plasma. Due to the continuous supply of pressure to the mass-center of the star through the channel (V), there is a high temperature (pressure). Plasma particles act on the surface of atoms with strong pressure pulses. In the area of the pressure pulse, the surface area of ​​the atom (A) is flattened and a tip is formed on the opposite side (Fig. 7.2. a). The nucleus of the atom (A) moves towards its tip.

9.69.        If the pressure pulse is strong enough, atom (A) penetrates the surface of atom (B) with its tip. The nucleus of the atom (A) flies through the surfaces of both atoms and penetrates into the interior of the atom (B). The super-dense nuclei of both atoms form a compound nucleus. The volume of the compound nucleus is the sum of the volumes of the two original nuclei. The shells of both atoms will connect and form the surface of a new atom (C). Excess particles from the envelopes pass into the environment and increase the temperature there. [30]

9.70.        The sum of the surface areas of two small „spheres“ is greater than the area of ​​​​the sphere that is created by joining them. The surface area of ​​the new atom (C) is less than the sum of the surface areas of the atoms (A + B) of which it is composed. This means that the mechanical mass-weight of the new atom (C) is not the simple sum of the mechanical mass-weights of the atoms (A + B), but is smaller. The (mechanical) density of the element (C), calculated from the mechanical mass-weight, is higher.

9.71.        The size of the surface area of ​​the new atom (C) also depends on the temperature of the environment in which the fusion takes place. The higher temperature of environment is, the less bulky the envelope is needed to hold the ever-larger compound nucleus together. The shape of the nucleus affects the shape of the surface area of ​​the atom. The shape of the surface has an effect on the course of the pressure field on the surface of the atom and thus also on its physical and chemical properties.


9.72.        The transformation of a star. The mass-core of a star is born under the shell (MH) of very cold material. Thanks to sedimentation, the densest mass (only a few degrees K) is concentrated in the center (MH). The continuous supply of pressure from (MH) gradually heats up the star's mass-core. The fusion of atoms into elements with increasing density begins.  More and more denser atoms sediment into more and more denser layers.

9.73.        The critical element for the transformation of the star is (probably) iron with its pyramidal nucleus. The more voluminous the iron density layer, the more intense is the phenomenon described in (Fig. 8.2). The pyramidal nuclei of atoms are the reason that iron atoms have a distinct „tip“. There is a strong oriented pressure field between the poles of the iron atoms. The tips of atoms (NT) in the liquid state are oriented towards the center of the low-pressure particle of star. This creates an additional centripetal pressure to the pressure (OT) originating from (MH). The iron atoms „stretch“ more and more and the atomic nuclei move more and more to the „tip“ of the atom. This happens until the moment when the nuclei start to „fall out“ from the iron atoms. [31]

9.74.        The nucleus of an atom forms a „sedimentation anchor” for the envelope particles of the atom. The nucleus of an atom is formed by a cluster of super-dense particles (G). Each super-dense particle is bounded by a super-high pressure shell. This means that the nucleus dropped from the atom, which was held together due to the centripetal pressure of the particles of the envelope of the atom, „splits“ into individual super-dense particles (G), which exert a large pressure impulse on the envelopes of the surrounding atoms (Fig. 5.1., Fig. 5.2.). Particles (G) „fly“ through surrounding atoms and thus accelerate the decay of other nuclei, which again cause the same thing. A chain reaction begins. Matter transforms into plasma.

9.75.        Super-dense particles (G) [32] „dropped out“ from the nuclei of atoms are pushed through space into centers of low pressure. This means to the super-dense spheres (SHS), which are located in the centers of local groups of planetary and stellar systems (LG) and also to the center of the galaxy, where they gradually form (SHMS) a super-dense megasphere (Fig. 9.1. e, f ). Super-cold particles (G) move through (warmer) space and become condensation nuclei for warmer space particles. This is how atoms of „cold“ elements (helium, hydrogen...) are created in space. Plasma transforms into matter.

9.76.        Particles forming envelopes of atoms that have lost their „sedimentary anchor“ sharply increase the temperature of the environment and are pushed away from the center, in form of light (S), heat (T) and other „sparse radiation“. [33] Part of the super-dense particles (G) „evaporates“ in a hot environment and rapidly increases its volume. The resulting pressure wave leads to destruction of the pressure field of the low-pressure particle of the star, and the subordinate pressure low-pressure particles of planets. It is probably one of the few events in which massive pressure waves move the entire space around a supernova. [34]

9.77.        When the shock wave of supernova disrupts the interphase of the planets, the centripetal pressure that held the planets together ceases. Centrifugal pressure from the planet's hot center will prevail, and „tearing“ the planet apart. The planet transforms into asteroids. Bodies that do not have a hot core (e.g. the Moon) may not be destroyed by the explosion, but only „pushed away“. These bodies can reach considerable ages and become condensation nuclei, around which new planets and stars are subsequently formed.

9.78.        Supernovae „explode“ and „implode“ at the same time. This is a complex (chaotic) process, the result of which can be (but it doesn't have to either) the creation of a „pure“ super-dense sphere in the center of the supernova, formed only by super-dense plasma particles (G). Or is created a super-dense plasma sphere enveloped by a sort of „atmosphere“ and a „sea“ of very dense particles. The density of the sparser particles on the surface of the super-dense sphere affects the spectrum of radiation they emit. Super-dense spheres (SHS) are plasma. They are not mass. They have no mechanical mass-weight and do not attract anything! Super-dense spheres form the density and temperature floor of the Universe.


9.79. The star system

9.79.        Pressure systems have a fractal character. The low-pressure particle of the star forms the superior pressure system for the subordinate low-pressure particles of the planets and their systems. The shell of the low-pressure particle of the star creates (MH). The pressure field of the low-pressure particle of the star has two halves (northern and southern) separated from each other by the equatorial countercurrent (Fig. 9.7.). A channel (V) passes through the center (MH) and its mass-core, in which is the high pressure from interstellar space. [35] The space density of the star system = the space density of the shell (MH) + the density of the space below (MH) = the space density of interplanetary space + the space density of all mass-bodies forming the mass-core of the star (star + all planets). The density of space increases (in waves) towards the center.


Fig. 9.7.


9.80.        Between the arms of high pressure (V1, V2) of the low-pressure particle of the star are subordinate low-pressures particles of the individual planets (Fig. 9.7.). (P1) is the densest, (P3) the sparsest. Planets have the character of low-pressure particles with a mass core. The planets move and can be thought subordinate (fractal) waves in the superior wave of the star. The wave (P3) is pushed towards the center until it hits the tail (more dense) of the wave (P2) in front of it. The front of the wave (P3) turns into a spiral, forming the head of the wave and in its eye is the mass-core of the planet. Similarly (P2) and (P1). The heads of the waves of the planets represents pressure partitions in the pressure field of the star. The speed of movement (v) increases towards the center.

9.81.        The pressure field of the star system's mass-core is terminated by the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is mass that pressure from (V1, V2) was not able formed into a larger mass-body. This region can be called the „ tail“ of the star's mass-core. [36]

9.82.        The planetary system is the result of the process of sedimentation in the pressure field of the star. The space density of a planet determines its position in the star's pressure field. The higher the space density of a planet (planetary system), the closer it is to the center of the star pressure system. The mass-core of a planet contributes substantially to the total space density (TN) of the planet. The mass-cores of planets consist of atoms mixed with plasma. The space density of atoms is relatively stable within a certain range of temperatures. This means that the space density of the mass-cores of the planets and thus the total space density of the low-pressure particles of the planets is relatively stable. [37] This makes the orbits of the planets approximately stable.

9.83.        Almost nothing is known about the synoptic map of the Solar System and the individual planets. The subordinate low-pressure particles of the individual planets are located in the low-pressure regions of the equatorial countercurrent (RP) of the star system (Fig. 9.8.). Planets (as well as atmospheric low-pressures on the Earth) can be in the northern (RPS) or southern (RPJ) part of the star's equatorial countercurrent. The position of the planet in the (RP) of the star should be detectable by the topography of its surface.



Fig. 9.8.


9.84.        The pressure gradient in the star's equatorial countercurrent (RP) is very high. This means that even a small deviation of the planet's position in the „north-south (B)“ direction will cause a large deformation (MP) and a consequent has a large effect on the pressure field of the planet's mass-core. This also affects the planetary weather (Fig. 9.8. right). The planet is pushed in the spiral (NT) of the star's equatorial countercurrent into a region of lower pressure (ice age) or higher pressure (warming). Areas of low pressure in the equatorial countercurrent are „narrower“ than areas of high pressure.

9.85.        The rotation speeds (v1>v2 >v3) in the individual spiral turns (TN) of the star increase towards the center. The consequence is that the low-pressure particles of the planets meet in certain sections of their orbits. (Fig. 9.9.) schematically shows the situation when the planets meet. The low-pressure particles of the planets (P1) and (P2) lie on a low-pressure turn (z1N1), which extends between the high-pressure turns (z1V1 and z1V2) of the spiral toroid of the low-pressure particle of the star (Fig. 9.4. a). The low-pressure particle of the planet (P3) lies on the thread (z2N1). The movement speed of (P1) is (v1) and is higher than the movement speed of (P3) which is (v2). The path (P1) for one cycle is shorter than the path (P3).



Fig. 9.9.


9.86.        Between the shells of the planets (where there is high pressure) a low-pressure (N) is created when approaching. The size and shape of (N) change as the planets move relative to each other (Fig. 9.9.). This affects the shape of the planets' shells. The mass-cores of the planets (P1, P2, P3) move to lower pressure towards (N). [38] The consequence is a (global) pressure reduction in the atmosphere and other density layers of the planet's mass-core. For example, when all three planets are aligned in conjunction, (P4) weakens the influence of (P3) and this affects (P1). The situation is complex and never the same.


9.87. Galaxy


9.87.        The galaxy is the superior pressure system for the subordinate pressure systems of the stellar and planetary systems and their local groups (LG). Galaxies (Fig. 3.8.) can be low-pressure particles (spiral galaxies) or high-pressure particles (ring galaxies). There are many (sub)types of galaxies, and for all of them it should be possible to infer the shape of their interphase (MG) from the shape of their mass-core. Galaxies have no mechanical mass-weight and do not attract anything!

9.88.        The galaxy must be understood as the entire low-pressure particle bounded (MG) and not only its mass-core. The volume of the mass-core represents a fraction of the volume of the entire galaxy. Each galaxy has a shell (MG) that separates it from intergalactic space. Under the shell are two hemispheres (northern and southern), which are separated from each other by the equatorial countercurrent. Most of the mass-cores of galaxies consist of two flat spiral toroids located in both halves of the galactic equatorial countercurrent. [39] A channel (V) passes through the center of the galaxy, in which there is high pressure from intergalactic space.

9.89.        In (MG) the high pressure arms (V1, V2) of the galaxy have origin. Between them are low pressure arms (N1, N2), which are formed by local groups of stellar and planetary systems (LG). Superdense spheres (SHS) can be found in the centers (LG). At the center of the galaxy's mass-core is the super-dense megasphere (SHMS). Both (SHMS) and (SHS) are made of super-dense plasma (this is not mass). (SHMS and (SHS) form the density and temperature bottom of the galaxy (Fig. 9.1. e, f). The moving galaxy can be considered as a wave.

9.90.        When the (SHMS) is composed of several parts, it affects the shape of the mass-core of the galaxy, the shape of the surface area and thus also the course of the pressure field on the surface of the galaxy shell. [40] Similarly, as atoms combine into long molecules in places where there is the lowest pressure on their surface, galaxies also combine into long fibers in places where there is the lowest pressure on their surface (Fig. 9.1. g, h). These low-pressure fibres are unified interphases of the shells bounding mega-particles (MB) of extremely high pressure (Fig. 4.2.). The pressure (temperature) in the mega-particles (MB) is extremely high, the density extremely low. The measured temperature values ​​are comparable to the temperatures in the stratopause of stars. The continuous unity of low-pressure fibres and high-pressure mega-particles (MB) of space forms the „(mega)fibrous structure“ of the Universe (Fig. 9.10. left).

9.91.        The space creating the Universe is a fractal system of densities and pressures. The same physical patterns of relationships between high-pressure particles and low-pressures particles are constantly repeating in space, from the smallest structures to the mega-structures of the entire Universe. The largest and smallest structures of space are governed by the same physical rules of the fractal geometry of spherical space, and this is reflected in their similar appearance (Fig. 9.1. a, h).


9.92. The circulation (transformation) of matter


9.92.        Space has a strictly material form. The existence of matter is a consequence of the physical properties of space. Space is continuously and completely filled with matter. The so-called „empty space“ („vacuum“) does not exist! Matter cannot be created, matter cannot be destroyed. Matter exists and is constantly transforming. Matter exists in two forms:

9.93.        1) Plasma is not mass (by definition). Plasma forms the absolute predominant component of matter by volume. Plasma consists of a continuous unity of open high-pressure particles and low-pressure particles. Plasma continuously fills the entire space (Universe). Plasma is ubiquitous.

9.94.        2) Atoms are mass (by definition). Mass is always mixed with plasma. Although mass (atoms) make up a small volume part of the Universe, it participates significantly in the circulation (transformation) of matter. Atoms are closed bodies made up of open particles (Fig. 7.1.). Atoms influence the density of space in a given area by their presence. At high environmental temperatures, atoms break down into individual particles, and gradually become particles of the environment.

9.95.        Pressure systems have a fractal character. This means that both simple bodies (particles) and composite bodies of particles still follow the same rules at all size levels. This enables the folding of simple bodies into composite bodies, or the decomposition of composite bodies into simple bodies according to the same universal principles, and thus the unlimited transformation („recycling“) of matter. [41]

9.96.        There are several pressure transformers in the Universe that participate in the circulation (transformation) of matter. In the case of plasma-only bodies, these are super-dense mega-spheres (SHMS) and high-pressure mega-particles (MB). In the case of mass-bodies (composed of plasma and atoms), these are the mass centers of low-pressure particles of planets, stars and galaxies.


9.97.        We start the cycle of transformation of matter at the star. The mass-core of the star is in the center of the centripetal pressure from the interphase of the star (MH) and passes through it the central channel (V), in which there is a high pressure of the interstellar space. This results in the star's mass-core becoming hot. There are two processes going on here at the same time:

9.98.        Dense „micro-particles“ (R) of centripetal pressure from (MH) combine (transform) in the center into larger and sparser particles of light, heat and other „sparser“ radiation spectrum. These sparse particles (Fig. 9.10. S, T) are pushed against the centripetal flow of small (dense) particles into the interplanetary, interstellar, and finally into the intergalactic space. [42] Part of (T) particles gradually cools and transforms into the environment. The remaining hot particles of light (S) are pushed by the environment to the interphase of the galaxy (MG), possibly up to the mega-particles of space (MB).

9.99.        Galaxies are low-pressure particles, in whose interphases (MG) there is very high pressure. When a sparse particle of light (S) reaches (MG) the internal pressure in the particle equalizes with the pressure in the environment. The centripetal and centrifugal pressures that held the shell of particle (S) together balance out (Fig. 9.10). Particles of light break up (A). The interior of the disintegrated particles (B) is pushed into the individual density layers of (MB) by the sedimentation process.

9.100.     The dense matter that formed the shells of the light particles (Fig. 9.10. A, B) is pushed by the centrifugal pressure into the layers of low pressure in the interphase of the galaxy (MG). There the particles (G) form condensation nuclei around which are formed „cold“ atoms with the lowest melting point (D). A suitable place for the formation of atoms of helium, hydrogen and other gases.



Fig. 9.10.


9.101.     Helium and hydrogen atoms (E) gradually sediment into gaseous nebulae (F), which form the „tail“ of the low-pressure arm (N1) of the galaxy. In the regions of gas nebulae, the conditions for the formation of stars of the first generation are present. This means stars composed practically only of helium and hydrogen.

9.102.     In the mass-cores of stars of the first generation, atoms (He, H) combine into denser atoms (nuclear fusion). The spatial density of first generation stars increases. Layers of metal density gradually form in their center. Some stars become so dense that they transform into supernovae, „exploding“ and enriching the surrounding space with debris from their metallic cores. This dense matter cools and becomes a condensation core for the formation of planets and stars of higher generations with a higher density of the space.

9.103.     Stars of higher generations are pushed into the low pressure arms (N1, N2) of the galaxy. There, individual stellar and planetary systems form local groups of stellar and planetary systems (LG). The space density (LG) in the low pressure arms (N1, N2) of galaxies gradually increases and (LG1, LG2, ...) are pushed towards the center of the mass-core of the galaxy.

9.104.     Superdense particles (G) from the nuclei of atoms which „fallen out“ during supernova explosions sediment into (SHS) in the centers (LG). (SHS), enveloped by a „sea“ of dense particles forms the density floor (LG). Some of the superdense nuclei of atoms end up also in the centers of galaxies in (SHMS). Particles of light (S), heat (T) and other „sparse“ particles from stars in (LG) are pushed to the edges of galaxies into (MG) and into megaparticles (MB) and the cycle repeats.

9.105.     The density floor of the low-pressure particle of the galaxy is formed by the super-dense mega-sphere (SHMS). [43] Super-dense particles (gamma) from star implosions „fall“ into (SHMS), and probably also occasionally smaller super-dense spheres (SHS) during the extinction of local vortices of stellar and planetary (LG) systems during some „cosmic“ event near the center of the galaxy.

9.106.     In (SHMS) is the minimum pressure. Nevertheless, pressure processes take place here, as in the center of every low-pressure particle. A channel (V) runs through the center (SHMS) in which there is high (intergalactic) pressure, which heats the center (SHMS) similarly to the center of a star or planet. Superdense („frozen“) space in center (SHMS) „thaws“ and increases in volume. When the pressure at the center overcomes the surface pressure, the (SHMS) begins to emit „thawed“ particles into surrounding environment. (SHMS) temporarily changes to the so-called Kvasar (Fig. 9.10. right).

9.107.     The quasar ejects narrow streams of very cold particles into the surrounding (intergalactic) space through the polar flow. These particles become condensation nuclei for the warmer particles of intergalactic space. Clouds of atoms of all densities are formed, which form dust and gas nebulae. A cold environment makes it easier for atoms to combine into even relatively complex molecules, which would not be possible at „normal temperatures“.

9.108.     The cold plazma emission by the quasar lasts only as long as there is sufficient pressure in the (SHMS). When this pressure is gone, the process stops. (SHMS) will shrink. After a time, the process starts again when sufficient pressure is built up inside (SHMS). A similar process to a volcano when collapsing and refills its caldera.

9.109.     As the galaxy moves, it moves also (SHMS) at galaxy center. (SHMS) turns into a quasar from time to time. As result we observe in space a series of narrow jets of cold plasma, from which dust-gas nebulae are gradually formed (1, 2, 3, 4). These nebulae are wave-shaped (Fig. 9.10. right).

9.110.     In jets of cold particles from quasars, there are conditions for the formation of atoms of all elements, which subsequently sediment into stars, planets and their systems (H). In dust-gas nebulae, there is a much greater probability of the formation of planets and stars of higher generations (with metallic cores) than in gas-only nebulae (F). The resulting stars in dust nebulae again emit particles of light (S) and the entire spectrum of „sparse“ radiation into space. Stars thicken and gradually transform into superdense spheres, and the entire cycle of matter repeats. [44]


9.111. The planetary topography


9.111.     Topographic formations on the surface of the planet (lithosphere) are the result of centripetal pressure from (MP). Planets are located on low-pressure spirals (N1, N2) in the star's equatorial countercurrent and can be below the equator (RPS) or above the equator (RPJ). This affects the pressure field of the planets, the shape of their lithosphere and the rotations in the individual density spheres of the planets (Fig. 9.8).

9.112.     Planetary topography deals with the effects of pressure (OT) from the stratopause on the „solid“ surface of the planet (the lithosphere). The stratopause is the „transducer“ of pressure from the planet's interphase (MP) to its mass-core. The stratopause is located about 80 km above the lithosphere. The centripetal pressure from the stratopause on the surface of each atom of the planet's mass-core causes the atoms to move. Atoms, by their presence, influence the density of space and thus the pressure in the given density layer. The consequence is that pressure (OT) acts with different dynamics in each density layer of the planet. This affects the speed of movement in that sphere.

9.113.     All the density spheres of the planet are in a weightless state. The centripetal pressure from the stratopause (OT) acts on the individual density spheres of the planet „from above“. This means that (OT) first moves the atmosphere, then the sea and the solid crust (lithosphere), and then the molten rocks below the lithosphere. In the gaseous atmosphere, in liquid seas and magma, the pressure from (MP) manifests itself as a swirling movement (Fig. 9.11. a). [45]

9.114.     The thickness of the lithosphere usually ranges from 70 to 100 km. [46] The Earth's lithosphere is „broken“ into seven large and about 12 smaller so-called lithospheric plates, which are not completely fixed, they move and at the same time rotate. Two basic density layers can be roughly distinguished for lithospheric plates. The upper layer consist (sparse) land and below it is the (dense) sea floor and the layers below the floor up to the magma. An interphase separates these density layers from each other. In the interphase, the differences in pressure and movement between the two density layers are balanced. Lithospheric plates are moved by pressure from the stratopause (OT) and not by the magma below them. [47]

9.115.     In the lithosphere, the constant pressure from the stratopause (OT) on the surfaces of land atoms causes very slow motion. Pressure (OT) pushes sparse water (sea) above denser land (the process of sedimentation). At the same time, the dense land is pushed under the sparse sea (Fig. 9.11. b). The denser seabed (OT) pushes under the sparser land, and the sparser land is pushed above the denser seabed. In the oceans, cold (dense) water pushes (in spirals) under (sparse) warm water, and at the same time, warm water (in spirals) pushes above dense water (Fig. 7.6).

9.116.     The course of the pressure field (OT) acting on the mass-core of the planet is similar to that of a low-pressure particle, between whose two halves of the equatorial countercurrent is inserted the (Earth) sphere (Fig. 10.2.). The pressure field of the planet's mass-core has two halves separated from each other by an equatorial countercurrent. The northern half of the pressure field begins in the north side (RP) and spirals toward the North Pole, where is the north side of the „low-pressure eye“. The southern half of the pressure field begins on the south side (RP) and spirals toward the South Pole, where is the south side of the „of the low-pressure eye“.

9.117.     Channel (V) forms a link between the entrance to the „eye“ at the North Pole and the exit at the South Pole. There is consistently higher pressure in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. The direction of pressure flow in the channel (V) is from the North Pole to the South Pole. There is a high interplanetary pressure inside the channel (V). The channel (V) affects the topography of the surface and the seafloor in the polar region. We can get an idea of ​​the course and dynamics of the pressure field in the channel (V) by observing the auroras.

9.118.     The drivers of the pressure field (OT) are high-pressures vortices which are visible in the seas as so-called gyres. In the centers of the gyres there are volcanoes (Fig. 10.4.), which can be considered as (NT) central channels of gyres (cumulus). There are continents between the gyres (Fig. 9.11. a, c). Pressure (OT) causes the continents to move slowly. Moving continents have the character of waves. The tips of continents, subcontinents, and large islands (Fig. 9.11., black triangles) point towards the South Pole and can be considered as „tails of waves“. The heads of the continents point towards the North Pole. The continent (wave) moves „head“ forward (Fig. 9.11., yellow arrows). Most of the land (NT) is in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the seas (VT) are in the Southern Hemisphere.

9.119.     The effect of pressure (OT) on the surface of the atoms forming the seabed and continents is their movement. The mainland moves faster than the seabed. Differences in the speed of their movement are visible in the so-called Mid-Ocean Ridges. They are characterized by lava flows and a specific profile of seabed. In the Mid-Ocean Ridges, the seabed is „tearing“. Also in the sea pools at the North Pole, we can observe how the seabed has been „torn“ there due to the action of (V). [48]



Fig. 9.11.


9.120.     The Earth's lithosphere is located on a „sphere“ that rotates from west to east. The circumferential speed of rotation of the „solid“ lithosphere is highest at the equator and lowest at the poles. The pressure field (OT) moves slowest at the equator (tail) and fastest at the pole (eye). The speeds in the high-pressure arms (V1, V2) of the pressure field (OT) increase towards the poles.

9.121.     Pressure field (OT) brakes the Earth's lithosphere at the equator. The visible consequence of the „braking pressure“ is a „belly“ pushed out in the equatorial region on the western side of Africa and South America (against the Earth's rotation). Around the thirtieth parallel, the speed of movement in the high pressure spirals (V1, V2) of the pressure field (OT) begins to equalize with the speed of rotation of the lithosphere. The result is permanent areas of high pressure that appear as desert bands (Fig. 10.4). Above the thirtieth parallel, the speed of rotation of the pressure field (OT) begins to be higher than the speed of rotation of the lithosphere, and the pressure (OT) „drives“ the planet from west to east. [49]



Fig. 9.12.


9.122.     Simple rules can be found for some of the topographical consequences of the action of the centripetal pressure from (MP) on the mass-core of the planet. Top of wave (NT), bottom of wave (VT). Deep sea (VT). Shallow sea or land (NT). Deserts, lowlands, plains, valleys (VT). Mountain range (NT), mountain peak (NT). [50]

9.123.     Representation of sphere on planar maps always leads to errors. Mercant's planar maps give a distorted picture of the phenomena described here, especially in the region of the poles. It is best to study these phenomena on a globe. For the topographic formations of the mass-core of the planet, it is useful to observe the formations that are located in the opposite hemisphere.

9.124.     Opposite deep sea basins under the Arctic (VT) is pushed out the highest continent on Earth – Antarctica (Fig. 9.13. a). Opposite the (former) large depression of the Amazonien is the hotspot of Indonesia. Opposite the depressed Gulf of Mexico (VT) is high Tibetan Plateau. Opposite the depressed Hudson Bay (VT) is Verkhoyan Mountains and Kamchatka. Opposite the depression in the middle of Greenland is New Zealand, which has a similar shape to the depression. The shape of the deep Black Sea (VT) remarkably corresponds to the shape of Australia. Impressed formations (VT), into which the pressure „enters“ have a smaller area than the extruded formations from which the pressure „comes out“.


9.125.     On the planet Mars, opposite the Hellas Basin depression (VT), is the volcano Olympus Mons. Opposite the depression of Agryre Planitia (VT) is the volcano Elysium Mons (Fig. 9.13. b). The Earth has most of its oceans (VT) in the south. Mars has most of its (imaginary) oceans in the north. The (imaginary) land on Mars has two tips (tails) towards the north (black triangles). Similar to Earth, the tip of Mars is at the south pole (in the direction of movement of the Solar System). The topography of both poles of Mars shows spiral structures, caused by the pressure field in the central channel (V). The topography of Mars does not contain structures that would indicate that on Mars were similar features such as the Mid-Ocean Ridges. [51]



Fig. 9.13.


9.126.     The comparison between the Hawaii hotspot and the (extinct) Martian hotspot Tharsis Montes is interesting (Fig. 9.12. c). In Hawaii, the youngest volcano is in the south, and towards the north the volcanoes weather and disappear into the sea. The llitosphere moves over the hotspot in a south-north direction. On Mars, the youngest volcano (Ceraunius Thorus) is in the north, and towards the south the volcanoes are weathering. The greatest weathering can be observed at (Arsia Mons). The youngest volcano (Ceraunius Thorus) is small (volcanism has stopped). The lithosphere above the hotspot moved in a north-south direction. From the topography of Mars, it can be concluded that Mars is located in the southern half of the equatorial countercurrent of the Solar System.


9.127.     Note 9.1. There are a number of indications that the superior low-pressure particle of the Sun contained only three subordinate low-pressure particles of planets (Venus, Earth, Mars) in the past and was terminated by a „tail“ of asteroids (Fig. 9.7.). [52] The pressure field of the Sun may have been disturbed by the intrusion of a system of planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) under the shell of the low-pressure particle of the Sun. The penetration of the outer planets must have had an effect on the pressure field of the Earth and the other planets and on their position on some of the spirals of low pressure (Fig. 9.4. a).

9.128.     In the line of entry of the channel (V) into the Earth (Fig. 10.7. b) are the so-called Siberian Traps (Fig. 9.11., ST), which were probably the cause of the so-called „Permian extinction of species“. A large number of volcanoes have piled up layers of lava up to 500 meters thick over a huge area. The cause of the Traps could be the moovment of the central channel (V) over the northern Siberia. This led to the melting of the lithosphere and the penetration of liquid layers under the lithosphere to the surface. The consequence was a large amount of dust and volcanic gases in the atmosphere and a global ice age, which caused the extinction of a significant part of living organisms.

9.129.     It is possible that Greenland once formed the region of the North Pole and that the central channel of the Earth (V) ran through it. [53] After connecting the outer planets, the channel (V) moved over Siberia (Traps) and subsequently „settled“ in its present position (Fig. 10.7.). At present (V) is intensively cooled by seawater. The topography of Antarctica (without ice) looks like two lithospheric plates on top of each other (?). The lower one is sliding under the upper one (Fig. 9.12. b above). This would indicate a change in position (V).

9.130.     If there was volcanism on Mars and thus an atmosphere and liquid water (?), Mars must have had much more internal heat in the past than it does today. The only way the amount of internal heat flowing into the mass-core of Mars from the Sun (MH) could have decreased is that the planet moved further from the Sun, into a lower pressure gradient between the high pressure arms (V1j, V2j).

9.131.     The connection of the outer planets may have caused the asteroid belt to wobble, puncturing the Martian shell with two large asteroids that became the moons of Mars. Asteroids (Phobos, Deimos) probably did not have their own low-pressure particle and their surface area was small. If the asteroids received a powerful external pressure impulse during the connection of the outer planets, they could „break through“ the (weak) Martian shell and penetrate beneath it. [54] The volume of the mass-core and thus the volume of the shell of Mars has increased. The spatial density of low-pressure particle of the Mars decreased and Mars moved further from the Sun and closer to the asteroid belt.

9.132.     The amount of internal heat flowing into the mass-core of Mars from (MH) through channel (V) has decreased. The internal pressure (temperature) at the center of the mass-core has decreased. The internal heat did not reach the surface. The litospheric layer of the Mars has become thicker. The reduced internal pressure was unable to break through the more massive lithosphere. Volcanism ceased (Ceraunius Thorus). Without volcanism, the planet lost its atmosphere and water (?). The mass-core of the planet Mars transformed into the state we know today.

[1] The low pressure fibers in (Fig. 9.1. a) are shown continuously. They are actually made up of low-pressure particles that are separated from each other by their shells (VT). Similary like „beads (TN)“ forming a low pressure fiber (Fig. 9.1. g). 

[2] The so-called „Celestial bodies“ (planets, stars, galaxies) are mostly low-pressure particles that have a mass-core. Ring galaxies have the character of high-pressure particles (Fig. 3.8.).

[3] It is not mechanical density derived from mechanical mass-weight. Plasma never has mechanical mass-weight! Mechanical mass-weight does not exist in the frame of reference of the Universe!

Basic space consists of bodies (particles). A body is a spatial anomaly, bounded by a surface area (shell). The base space is not a body (basic space is not bounded by a shell). With pressure systems, we must remember that in areas of maximum pressure there is always a minimum pressure. Areas of high-pressure are always bounded by areas of low-pressure. And vice versa.

[4] This map does not contain „inhomogeneities“ and shows the so-called „relic electromagnetic radiation“ left after the so-called „Big Bang“. The „Big Bang“ is an absurd fiction in which an effect arose without a cause. It is a mess of nonsense where all the most basic rules of physics are broken.

[5] A planet never has mechanical mass-weight. A planet is not a (mechanical) „flywheel“. A planet is not a dynamo! The planet is not the source of any „forces“! A planet does not curve virtual (imaginary, unreal, theoretical) flat Euclidean space! This is a real spherical space that is the cause of the formation of planets and other „heavenly bodies”. 

[6] Constant alternation of areas (spiral surfaces) with high and low pressure (Fig. 3.3. a).

[7] Atoms influence the density of space by their presence. Density of space above stratopause = practically only plasma. Density of the space below the stratopause (planet's mass-core) = plasma + atoms. The density of the space below the stratopause is radically lower (the pressure drops). The stratopause forms a (mega)analogy of surface pressure of mass-bodies.

[8] Unlike a plasma particle, a planet particle has a mass-core which is an integral part of the internal pressure field under (MP). The question is whether or not to consider the mass-core of the planet as a sixth part of the planet particle or not. For its importance to man.

(MP) is considerably asymmetric (Fig. 9.9.). The mass core of the planet is drawn excessively large in (Fig. 9.3. c). In fact, relative to the size (MP), it is a tiny „grain“ in volume. In the chapter, these phenomena are shown from different (not entirely correct) points of view. For simplicity, (2D) „plane“ waves and not (3D) spatial waves are used (Fig. 9.3. d). It is up to the reader to get an idea of ​​what it looks like in real life. It is not possible to draw these phenomena in some „reasonable“ scale.

[9] E.g. the layer of the atmosphere is weightless and does not press on surface of the planet (lithosphere) with its mechanical mass-weight. This means that the atmosphere and surface of the planet interact, but the atmosphere does not rotate with the planet and the planet does not rotate with the atmosphere. The same can be applied to the other density spheres of the planet.

[10] We can imagine it by placing a frozen round meatball in a microwave. „Microwaves“ (micro-particles of pressure) are converted into heat particles (T) in the center of meatball and defrost the meatball away from the center (Fig. 9.10.). The motor rotates with the meatball. (MP) rotates with the planet and simuntaneously (permanently) heats its center.

[11] If we look at a tornado as a particle, we only see its highly distorted („northern“) half. This is because the pressure from the stratopause (OT) acts on the (TN) of the tornado from only one side (above). The pressure from the other side (from below) is „shadowed“ by the body of the planet. If we (hypothetically) removed the body of the planet and added the other („southern“) half of the tornado, the central channel of the tornado would have a „sphere“ shape similar to the planet.

[12] A planet is defined in this book as a low-pressure particle that has a mass-core and rotates. Moons and asteroids are mass-bodies without their own low-pressure. They do not rotate or they show „strange“ rotations. From this point of view, Mercury can be considered a „Moon of the Sun“ (Mercury is not a planet) and Pluto is a planet. Moon of a planet that has its own (subordinate) low-pressure = subplanet?

[13] Closer or further from the star, it is always necessary to understand as the position of the planets on the spirals of low pressure (N1, N2) and not some „linear“ distance between the planet and the star. It's similar to a car driving down a road that spirals uphill. The car must stick to the road. The planet must stick to the appropriate spiral (N) on which it lies. This means that the planet travels a considerable distance on the spiral (N), but the „linear“ distance to the star varies considerably less.

[14] The axis of the planet can be considered the central channel (V), which is not something precisely defined. On (Fig. 9.3.) is an attempt to show movement of planets in the star system. The mass-cores of planetary systems (planet + orbit) are shown excessively large. In fact, they are only „small grains“ relative to size (MP).

The planet moves along a fractal spiral in relation to the reference frame of the Universe (VSU). (MP) of the planet moves on spirals in the pressure field of the star. The (MH) of the star moves on spirals in the (LG) and along with the (LG) moves in the spiral arm of the galaxy. Together with the galaxy, planet moves in the thread of the fibrous structure of the Universe.

[15] The mass-cores of planets cannot collide. The planets are low-pressure particles and have a high-pressure shell. The high-pressure from the shells will not let the mass-cores of the planets together. Like rubber balloons, they don't allow paper balls to collide. A similar principle can be applied to star systems and galaxies. Small mass-bodies (meteorites), without their own low-pressure with a small surface area and a large pressure impulse, can penetrate through (MP) and „collide“ with the mass-core of the planet (Fig. 5.2.).

[16] Jupiter's moon Io does not rotate and has volcanism. Presumably, there may be a dependence in the amount of heat (pressure) that the moon exchanges with the planet through the equatorial and polar currents (Fig. 9.6. e).

[17] The high temperature in the center of the planet's (star's) mass-core is the cause of nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is not the cause of the high temperature in the center of the planet's (star's) mass-core.

[18] An approximate idea of the shape of the Earth's asymmetric pressure field can be given by the measured course of the so-called „Earth's magnetic field“, which is actually the Earth's pressure field which does not direct centrifugally from the mass-core of the planet, but centrpetally from (MP) to the planet mass-core. The fact that we measure that phenomenon using magnets does not mean that it is a magnetic field. Magnetism is a form of pressure (Fig. 8.2.).

[19] Assuming that (TN) of the planet Mars is located in the southern half of the Sun's equatorial countercurrent (RP).

From the fact that Venus (Polar star) is permanently observable in the region of the North Pole, it can be deduced that (the wave) of the Earth (Z) and (the wave) of Venus (Ve) are in the same thread of the spiral (z11s) of low-pressure spiral (N1s) in the northen part of the Sun's equatorial countercurrent. The Earth is moving North Pole ahead (wave front). The position of Venus in the Sun's equatorial countercurrent is „higher“ than the position of the Earth (Fig. 9.4. a).

[20] The stratopause can be compared to the water surface. The water surface forms a (narrow) interface between the sparse atmosphere and the much denser sea. Once we cross the water surface, we are in a different environment (in a different pressure field) with different physical properties. Similarly, when we cross the stratopause, we get from the environment of the mass-core of the Earth, where under certain conditions we have mechanical mass-weight, to the environment of the Cosmos, where we do not have mechanical mass-weight.

[21] I do not follow the established division of the atmosphere into individual layers. The boundary of the Earth's mass-core is the stratopause, which represents also the surface pressure of the Earth's mass-core. What is above the stratopause is part of the internal pressure field below (MP) the Earth. What is below the stratopause is the mass-core of the Earth.

[22] The mass-cores of planets and stars are, like all low-pressure particles, slightly flattened in the „north-south“ direction. The northern hemisphere of the Earth is flattened, and the southern hemisphere (Antarctica) forms the tip of the mass-core (Fig. 9.5. d). This is due to the higher pressure from (MH) on Earth's northern hemisphere. From a topographical point of view, the Northern Hemisphere has a larger volume than the Southern. Earth's equatorial diameter = 12,756.270 km. Earth's polar diameter = 12,713,500 km.

[23] There is consistently lower pressure on the side facing the star. The surface of the planet rotates and thus the area of ​​reduced pressure under the Sun and Moon also rotates. Low pressure = peak of the wave. This is due to the swelling of the sea level under the Sun. It is also necessary to take into account the influence of the Moon and surrounding planets (Fig. 9.9.).

[24] In the region of the south pole of the Moon is the lowest terrain (about 6 km below the average). At the north pole of the Moon, the terrain is about 6 km above average (Fig. 9.14 c). A similar topography of the poles can be found on Mercury, which may have a similar relationship to the Sun as the Moon has to Earth. The topography of the Moon suggests that both bodies (Earth + Moon) were formed at the same time. Data from the topographical map of the Moon according to data from the Clementine satellite.

[25] Falling bodies (meteors) fall mainly in the area of ​​low pressure, that is, where the composite mass-body (Earth + Moon) has a tip (the far side of the Moon). That's why there are so many impact craters. There are practically no craters in the Lunar „seas“ (VT). (Fig. 9.14 c) also provides an idea of ​​the topography of the Moon. Here (VT) blue, green, (NT) red.

[26] Just for a rough idea. The diameter of the shell (MH) of the Solar System will be in the order of light-year units (Fig. 9.3.). The diameter of the mass-core of the Solar System (the Sun + all the planets that rotate around it + thetailfrom the asteroid belt) is about one light day. The diameter of the mass-core of the central star itself (the Sun) is about one light second.

[27] By observing the pressure field of the highest density layers of the Sun, we can get a better idea of ​​some processes in the basic environment (much colder plasma) in the Earth's pressure field (Fig. 4.3. b).

[28] A certain analogy can be the example where we use a magnifying glass to concentrate scattered sunlight into a small focus area and increase the temperature there. The centripetal pressure field of a pressure star concentrates pressure pulses of „cold“ (R) particles from the huge volume of space below (MH) into a tiny „grain“ of the star's mass-core, where they are transformed into particles (S, T). The particles (S, T) then proceed centrifugally against the centripetal stream of particles (R) and heat the surface of the nearest planets (surface heat). (Fig. 9.10.).

A star can be compared to a transformer that transforms a low voltage with high current to a high voltage with low current. A large centripetal stream ofcold microparticles of space (R)“ flows into theprimary windingof the star from the source (MP) and a centrifugal stream ofhot particles of light and heat (S, T)“ exits. The so-calledelectricityis a form of pressure.

[29] This fact can be verified by a simple experiment with soap bubbles or water drops. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsihLmImO24.

[30] The condition for the process of nuclear fusion is that the atoms are in a liquid state, when they are relatively close to each other and at the same time have sufficient freedom of movement. This means that nuclear fusion cannot take place at some „crazy“ temperatures where the atoms are far apart and transform into plasma. The question is how much pressure (heat) is „used up“ for nuclear fusion to occur. It is likely that this process is „energetically“ negative and nuclear fusion rather cools the star. Fusion results in a denser = cooler star.

[31] It should be remembered that even iron merges again into denser elements. This means that iron increases on one side and decreases on the other. Atoms are asymmetrical. Most atoms have one or more „peaks“ on their surface. In today's terminology, all elements are more or less magnetic. This means that all elements participate to some extent in the said process.

[32] The term „gamma“ (G) here refers to all very dense particles occurring in the immediate vicinity of the nucleus of an atom. The temperature of these particles is close to the temperature bottom, the volume is minimal. Every particle is different.

[33] The sparse envelope holds the superdense nucleus of the atom together by centripetal pressure. The nucleus forms the sedimentary anchor for the envelope. This process can be compared to a hot air balloon. A hot air balloon represents a sparse envelope of an atom. The hanging basket represents the superdense nucleus of the atom. When we cut of the basket, the (super dense) nucleus is pushed towards the center the (sparse) envelope is pushed away from the center.

[34] For an idea, a similar phenomenon can be observed when a detonator explodes in water. In slow motion, we see a pulsating „plasma sphere“ in the middle of the water environment (Fig. 6.5. f - h).

[35] Just for a rough idea. The shell diameter (MH) of the Solar System can be in the order of several light years. The diameter of the mass core of the entire Solar System (the Sun + all the planets that rotate around it + the „tail“ of asteroids) is about one light day. The diameter of the central star itself (the Sun) is about one light second. The use of linear length units in spherical space is only informative.

[36] Similar to the „tail“ of an atmospheric hurricane. The solar system has two asteroid belts. First beyond Mars (probably the asteroid belt of the original Solar System) and the second beyond Pluto (after connecting the outer planets).

[37] Planets are getting denser and denser on the „cosmic time“ scale. The condition is that the mass-core of the planet must have a hot center.

[38] A „molecule“ is temporarily formed from the (particles of) the planets. For an illustration, see (Fig. 6.3.), the hydrogen molecule. See (Fig. 10.3. e) for a similar process in the Earth's atmosphere, when two atmospheric low-pressures meet.  

[39] E.g. in the Milky Way, the division into northern and southern parts can be seen as a dark (wavy) strip between the two „luminous“ halves. In fact, the „glowing“ halves indicate dense matter (NT) and the dark bar indicates high pressure. The rotation (north-south direction) in each half of (RP) is opposite like in all pressure particles.

[40] On (Fig. 9.9. b) is an example of the shape of the surface area of ​​ a galaxy that has two (SHMS) in the center. Compare with (Fig. 7.5. a).

[41] Bodies neither arise nor cease. They only transform. This physical rule does not describe the fact when, for example, two particles can transform (merge) into one and vice versa. His diction tells us that matter is here and is transforming into a different form at every moment. The whole, which was composed of individual parts, will never be decomposed into its original form.

[42] It resembles the situation when from small (dense) bubbles on the beer, large (sparse) bubbles emerge, which were formed by the connection of small bubbles. The (S, T) particles are the (surface) heat and light that warms the surface of planets close to the star. In the case of more distant planets, the effect of surface heat is small. Of course, light (S) „travels“ much further.

[43] (SHMS) form a cluster of atomic nuclei. (SHMS) forms the temperature and density floor of the Universe. (SHMS, SHS) nothing emit because they are always colder than the surrounding environment. (SHMS and SHS) are plasma (they are not mass), have no mechanical mass-weight and do not attract anything!

[44] The cycle of matter (plasma + mass) in the Universe can be compared to the cycle of water on Earth. If we substitute water for dense matter and water vapor for sparse matter, we get an approximate idea of ​​similar events in Universe. A river basin is a fibrous structure. The sea is the density floor of the system. The Arctic is (SHMS). The cloudiness of hurricanes is formed by the low-pressure particles (LG), which move on of low-pressure spiral arms (N1, N2) towards the (SHMS). Dense water turns (transforms) into sparse water wapor and sparse water wapor turns into dense water.

[45] The movement of the atmosphere and the sea is not a consequence of the rotation of the Earth.

[46] Considering the diameter of the Earth, the thickness of the lithosphere is about the same as the shell of an apple or the shell of an egg.

[47] This proces can be compared to a cracked crust on the surface of a soup, on which we blow on from above and thus move the individual „cracks“ on the surface. The soup is heated from below, the pressure on the individual „floes“ comes from above. On the surface of the soup, a fibrous structure is formed consisting of colder „cracks“ separated by „fibers“ of the hot soup (Fig. 2.1. b). At the layer of contact (interphase), both density layers interact.

[48] It is similar to tearing a paper and spreading the ends of the paper apart. The paper always tears where it was already torn.

[49] This does not happen in the other („liquid“) density layers (atmosphere, sea, magma). The resulting rotation of the Earth is the sum of the rotations in the individual density layers of the mass-core.

[50] Continuation of the area of ​​low pressure (NT) over the top of the mountain (Fig. 9.12. a).

[51] Mars - solid, compact lithosphere that once moved. Earth - moving lithosphere, broken into plates. Venus - plastic („semi-fluid“), moving lithosphere.

[52] The current low-pressure particle of the Sun has two asteroid belts and is too complex and vast to claim that it formed all at once in the form it has today. 

[53] This would correspond to the „hole“ in the center of the Greenland landmass, which corresponds to the shape of the pool (Fig. 9.5. b) pushed into the sea floor at the North Pole by the channel (V). Greenland has coal and oil. That means it must have been warm there before.

[54] Mars was the closest to the asteroid belt. (TN) of Mars has a very weak (centripetal) pressure field (the so-called „magnetic field“). In the southern half of the Sun's equatorial countercurrent, where Mars is probably located, the pressure is lower than in the northern half. Weak centripetal pressure = weak surface pressure of the planet Mars = weak stratopause.